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Dear Shawn;

Hi Shawn, it's me again.

Maybe it's a bit pathetic what I'm doing, maybe I did not send this letter like the other one, but I really have not had the courage to do it, it does not matter, doing this makes me feel less alone.

Yesterday I was in a park near my apartment, tried to read a little but I was distracted by an elderly couple, they were just enjoying the afternoon, exchanged glances full of brightness, those eyes that are full of love and flood a place of happiness.

I remember that sunset where we were enjoying the beautiful landscape of the city and the hearts of both they beat strongly, you told me that we would be together forever, that we would be together until we were some old with wrinkled skin and still we would continue to keep company, of the other.

But do you know what I feel?

Disappointment that right now you are not here, by my side.

Playing one of your beautiful songs or telling one of your bad jokes.

It's funny to think that we would reach that age together and it is painful,

it is painful to try to forget you or convince myself that I do not feel anything for you because no matter how hard I try, I can not.

It's a struggle between my heart and my brain, to be honest I'm in a very low emotional state and every time I close my eyes I can not think anything more about what we live together, and what it would have been like to go further, but dear you've leaving my life taking the spring with you and leaving me the cold winter.

| With all my love, Alaia |


"You have to be an imbecile to want to cut off the wings of someone."

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