1. New Home

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Jimin's POV

"JIMIN, WAKE UP!" Jungkook hollered. 

I pulled the soft blanket over my head, trying to ignore Jungkook. I heard footsteps come my way right after I covered myself. Suddenly, I felt a heavy object on my belly. 

"If you don't wake up, you don't get to see the new house," He whispered into my ear.

I forgot that me and Jungkook were looking at our new apartment that we bought couple days ago. We currently lived in separate apartments and we decided that being roommates was the better choice for us. We chose to get a new apartment because we wanted more space and a fresh, cleaner apartment. 

I took the cozy blanket off my face revealing my bare face. At that moment, I saw Jungkook sitting on my belly, smiling.

"Good morning, handsome," Jungkook said getting off of me.

"What time is it?" I questioned getting out of bed and ruffling my messy hair.

"Time to get ready and see the new apartment," Jungkook replied while walking out of my bedroom.

I rolled my eyes and smiled at his goofiness. I walked to my closet and took out a pair of decent looking clothes. 

"I'm gonna take a shower," I yelled, so Jungkook could hear me. 

I walked to the bathroom and locked the door. 


After my nice shower, I put on some makeup, so I could cover my bare face. I headed into my living room to see Jungkook laying on the couch, on his phone.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Yea, sorry for taking a long time," I replied.

"Don't be sorry, it's okay," He said, "Let's go see the new apartment."


We drove for about 30- 45 mins until we finally reached the new place. The apartment building looked very nice and modern. I already loved it.

We parked our car in the huge parking lot and walked inside the tall building. We greeted the people at the front desk and asked them for the apartment keys. They told us some information and rules about the building then gave us the keys. We smiled and said our goodbyes then headed to the elevators. We got into one and Jungkook pressed the button with a 17 displayed on it. There was 20 levels in all including a pool on the 10th floor, a rooftop to hangout at, and a laundry area at the lobby.

The elevator doors opened and in view were doors along the long, connected hallways. 

"Our room number is 612," Jungkook said.

We walked to the end of the hallway and stopped in front of our new apartment. We've both saved up a lot of money for a corner apartment because we both love the view of the city.

"Once I open this door, this apartment is officially ours," Jungkook said showing his excitement through his adorable bunny smile. 

I nodded for him to open the door, a feeling of happiness filling my body. Once he opened the door, both of our jaws dropped. I swear my mouth was about to break. It was so gorgeous and modern. Luxurious was the only word I could describe this place. 

"I LOVE IT!" Jungkook yelled, his voice echoing through our hollow apartment.

"I do too" I said smiling brightly.


It's the next day and all the furniture was nicely placed in the apartment. Jungkook and I got so excited that we made the movers transfer out furniture immediately. We had separate rooms for the sake of each other's privacy. 

I was wide awake, but Jungkook was still sleeping in his room. I went to go check on him because I barely get to see a sleeping Jungkook. He's always the one to wake up before me. I opened his door very quietly to make sure I would wake him up. I saw Jungkook sleep with his mouth opened, shirt lifted so that you could see half of his defined abs, and hugging a body pillow. It was a great sight honestly. I wish I could see Jungkook sleeping more often.  

I closed the door to his room and went downstairs to make myself breakfast. 

After I made eggs, with toast and rice on the side, I went to sit at the dining table near the window that showed the beautiful city. When will I ever get use these mornings with this magnificent view, great breakfast, and a sleeping Jungkook.

May the adventure begin.



hey, i'm back with another story :) 

First of all, I don't know if I'll ever continue or complete "I'm Sorry". I feel like giving up on it because I have no ideas for it, please gimme some feedback on the story! Very much appreciated!

I've been very inactive...sorry. Actually, I'm not sorry because I'm never active, lmao.

I'm planning this story to be short ,but no promises :) I'm a BIGG Jikook shipper! And I randomly thought of this story idea, thought it would be a good story, so I'm making it one! 

Probably a cliche story though lmao.

Please comment any mistakes! I barely revise my chapters ,so tell me what I do wrong.

My best friend NeverCompleted , made the title of this book, so big credits to her! go follow her ;)

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