19. He's Mine

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Jimin's POV

"Will you be my boyfriend?" 

My heart began to race as Jungkook finished those words. Imaginary butterflies were born in my stomach and floated around like it was their home. I could feel tiny droplets of water form at the corner of my eyes. My mind kept replaying those exact words and all I wanted to do at that very moment is jumped into his arms and accept. His eyes glistened more than ever that I got captivated by them.

I carefully brought my hand up to Jungkook's face and leaned my face closer to his. He also leaned forward, connecting our lips for a quick second. I was the one to break the kiss because I wanted to savor the sweet taste of his lips before diving into a long and passionate one.

"Yes, I'd be happy to be your boyfriend," I smiled before kissing him again, but this time, more passionately. The second kiss was obviously longer than the first and it felt overwhelming.

I can't believe he's mine.

Jungkook and I took our phones out to take pictures of the bridge. We also took a couple of them with us in the pictures.

"Let's go home, we've seen the beautiful bridge for long enough," Jungkook said. He took hold of my hand and led me to the car. We both got inside the vehicle and Jungkook started driving.

A few minutes into the car ride, I connected my phone to the car and played my music. I turned the volume up and started singing along. Jungkook joined in and we sang happily together.

These are the best car rides.


Once Jungkook parked the car, we got out and locked it.

"Get on my back, I'll give you a piggyback ride until we reach the apartment," Jungkook stated.

I couldn't say no, so I just did as he told me. I jumped onto his back and he stood straight up. I rested my head on his shoulder and he began walking.

As we arrived to the front door of our home, Jungkook carefully dropped me from the previous position we were in. He unlocked the door, giving us access to walk inside. Before running into my room, I told Kookie to go shower.

I closed and locked my bedroom door when I entered. I took out my journal and started writing.


Dear Jungkook,

Today was absolutely amazing. Even though we spent the first couple hours of New Years on a bad start, the day kept becoming better as time passed. You asked me on a date today when we got home. Honestly, it was the best first date I've ever been on.

We first visited a very good restaurant that apparently Namjoon, Jin, and Yoongi work at. I thought it was quite mysterious how we ended up going to a place where they lived. Did you have anything to do with that?

Next, you took me to the Banpo Bridge. I've always loved that place, but what you did made that place very memorable. I still can't believe you asked to be your boyfriend. I still think it was all a dream.

You don't know how wide my smile is while writing this. Thank you Jungkook, for this wonderful night. You truly are an amazing person, and my wonderful boyfriend. I still can't get over how I get to call you that now!



I slowly closed my journal and place it back into it's original spot. I walked over to grab some comfy clothes and went into my bathroom to take a relaxing shower.


Finishing up my shower, I turned off the water and walked out of the stall. I quickly put on my outfit that I had just picked out.

As I walked out of the bathroom, I was about to go to Jungkook's room until I remembered something. I bought him a gift a long time ago and I never gave it to him. I walked over to my night stand and opened one of the drawers. There they were laying on the wood, untouched. I grabbed both of them and my journal and headed to Jungkook's room. Might as well let him read the entries since they are all for him.

Before entering his room, I placed all the items behind my back. I saw a shirtless Jungkook laying in his bed watching the TV screen. He quickly noticed my presence and sat up.

"What you got there behind your back Jiminie," Jungkook questioned.

Instead of speaking, I climbed onto the bed and sat in front of him. I revealed the items behind my back, my journal being in one hand and two matching bracelets in the other.

"Don't touch the journal, we'll get to that after," I said as I placed the journal to the side of me.

"I bought these bracelets a long time ago, I just never gave one to you," I continued. Jungkook just stared at the bracelets in awe.

"Which one do you want?" I asked. He chose the black one and so I put the white one on top of my journal. I gently grabbed my boyfriend's wrist and placed the bracelet on him. I raised his wrist in front of my face so I could see the shining infinity symbol displayed.

"It looks beautiful on you Kookie," I said before meeting his gaze.

"Let me put the other one on you," He said, and so he did. His smiled widen after he placed the white bracelet on my wrist.

 His smiled widen after he placed the white bracelet on my wrist

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(What the bracelets look like)

"Now, this journal is very important to me. I've put my experiences and feelings into this one book," I said as I picked up the journal and handed it to him,"Everything I've written was dedicated to you and so that's why I want you to read this."

Before opening the book, he gave me worried look. As he was reading, I could see tears form at the corner of his eyes. After finishing, he closed the book with tears running down his face.

"I'm so sorry for hurting you Jiminie! I never knew you were hurting this much because of a stupid person like me," He sobbed, while hugging me tightly.

I wrapped my arms around him and rubbed his back with one of my arms, trying to calm him.

"Kookie, don't ever say you're a stupid person ever again. I was hurt in the past, you're making me the happiest person alive as of right now," I said. Soon enough, we were laying down and cuddling.

"I love you," Jungkook whispered.

"I love you too babe,"




and yes, it's true, this is the end. Yesterday I was looking at the beginning chapters of this story and all I want to say is that, I'm so sorry for the horrible writing and grammar. THOSE CHAPTERS WERE HORRIBLE! And I hope to go back in my free time to revise them and add more detail.

Thank you guys for reading this ugly story :)
I have another story idea, but I won't be posting it in a looooooooong time. That means, I'm taking a huge break from writing.

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