8. Boyfriend

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Jungkook's POV

The next morning, I woke up in Tae's bed. I looked around,but I didn't see Taehyung anywhere. I slowly got off his bed and walked to his kitchen. 

And there he was, cooking breakfast for the both of us. The kitchen and living room got filled with the mouth-watering aroma of french toast, eggs, and sausage. I looked over to the table and saw it set up with clean white plates, shining silverware, and napkins on the side. 

I love these type of mornings.

I walked over to Taehyung and hugged him from the back, placing my head in the crook of his neck.

"Good morning babe," I mumbled against his skin.

"Babe?" Taehyung questioned,while blushing from the sudden nickname.

"Oh sorry, it suddenly just came out of my mouth," I said,"Did you set up the table?"

"No, a ghost did," He chuckled,"Of course I did it."

I let go of Taehyung and he walked over to the table with his pan. I watched him as he placed the breakfast onto each plate and walked back into the kitchen.

"Go sit, I need to ask you something," Taehyung said from the kitchen.

I walked over to the dining table and sat down. I rubbed my eyes from the tiredness still inside me which led me to yawn seconds later.

"Aw, is Kookie still sleepy?" Taehyung teased, while walking over to the table.

"I'm always sleepy," I replied in a quiet tone.

Taehyung sat down in front of me and we blankly stared at each other for a couple of seconds before beginning to eat. Those couple of seconds were intense. I could tell Taehyung was nervous,but I didn't know why.

"Okay, Jungkook I just wanted to tell you that you give me much more happiness than anyone. I made this breakfast specifically to return the favor since I know you love breakfast and food in general. I know we've only been friends for a little while,but I couldn't help myself and I eventually fell in love with you," Taehyung ranted.

I immediately stopped chewing my food, surprised by the last sentence he said. I almost choked.

"I love all the moments we spent together, and I'm really glad we met at that club. Yesterday was the best day I've had in forever! I know this is sudden, but I've been wanting to ask you this," He continued.

I finished digesting my food and looked up at Taehyung. My insides were boiling with excitement.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

I couldn't contain my happiness and I instantly jumped up from my seat, running towards Taehyung. He quickly stood up right before I crashed into him,engulfing him into a hug.

"Yes, I would love to be your boyfriend," I said, still clinging onto him like a koala bear. 

I released myself from hugging him after a minute and cupped his face, bringing him into a kiss.




I feel like I'm writing a vkook fanfic wtf. Uhhhhh sorry for more vkook lmao. At least I didn't take 10000 years to update :) I swear the next chapter is not a vkook chapter (I think). BTW for the ones wondering why they don't have a job or are not in school is because they recently graduated from college and now they are taking a break before getting a job cause you know that LAZY LIFEE. 

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