Chapter 14

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Youngjae POV:
We made it to our new house with literally all of our stuff with us. And I mean all. But I really shouldn't complain, Jaebum hyung was pretty much carrying all of the heavy items.

"Ah boys you made it!" Jaebum's father or my father in law greeted us. "I have the movers here already so you boys don't really have to do much. Maybe just tell them where you want things while I already have your furniture covered. Unless you guys insist on moving certain items yourselves."

"I think I'll place my personal things. Thank you hyung." I told him.

"Really it's no problem Youngjae. And feel free to call me Appa. You are basically my son now." He winked. I only gave him a light chuckle and small smile while I could see Jaebum rolling his eyes off to the side.

"Now go on inside and see where you want to place things." He said. I nodded and took my carry on bag as I started walking up the spiral staircase. Until I realized, where am I going to sleep? Even though Jaebum and I have been sleeping in the same bed the last couple of days, I still don't know if he'd feel comfortable with sharing the same room as me.

"What are you thinking Youngjae?" He asked me as I hadn't realized I stopped at the top of the staircase, lost in thought.

"O-oh it's nothing much i-it's just that uhm do you want to take the master bedroom?" I asked him unaware of sleeping arrangements.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean Jae. Are you not comfortable with sleeping in the same room as me?" He asked slightly disappointed. I widened my eyes, shocked.

"I-I'm sorry I just thought with all these extra rooms you'd want to sleep alone." I said really unsure.

He chuckled making my cheeks heat up. "Of course not Jae. Now come on, let's put our stuff away."


After about two hours of organizing our stuff I was exhausted. Jaebum's dad had left in between when the movers were doing their thing. I guess he had already paid them as they didn't even ask for a tip.

"I'm so tired." I said flopping down on our new king sized bed. Yes king sized because Jaebum's dad couldn't get anymore extra.

"Yes we did get through a lot." He said laying on the other side of me. "You know this new life may not be so bad." He started.

"What do you mean hyung?"

"I mean, to be honest Jae I wasn't totally about the idea of having an arranged marriage. But if it weren't for all of this chaos, I wouldn't have met you and I'm really grateful for that." He said turning his body towards me. I could already feel my cheeks heating up. He's glad we met?

Before I could say something my stomach growled loudly, making me hold it down quickly and a laugh from Jaebum.

"You know what I'm pretty hungry too. Why don't we stop by that udon place a couple blocks from here. My treat."

"Thats a great idea hyung but you don't have to pay. You've done enough already." I said worried I've been spoiled too much by the Im family.

"Seriously don't worry about Jae. My dad gives me all this money and I have nothing to do with it besides pay for all my needs. Now come on I'm seriously starving " he said while pulling me up from the bed.

Time skip to the restaurant


I was really starting to open up to Youngjae. Sure he was quiet and awkward sometimes but his personality was really bright. The udon place I was taking him was actually me and jinyoungs favorite place to eat. It was always our thing so I don't really know why I wanted to take Youngjae.

Making it to the restaurant, we sat down and ordered drinks. I was recommending things to Youngjae as it was his first time here.

"Hello my name is Moonbin and I will be your waiter today! What can I get for you?" (Idk why I made moonbin the waiter, I was just thinking of how he was cooking in Baby music video lol)

"I'll have the tempura udon." I said which was my usual order here.

"Okay and for you." He said writing down my order and looking at Youngjae.

"Uhm I'll have the curry udon."

"Great, I'll have your dishes out in about 10 to 15 minutes." Moonbin said while collecting our menus.

We were sitting in a peaceful silence for a little until I spoke up to Youngjae. I wanted to at least make small talk until our food came.

"You know you should really come with me to the company one day. It will be a great chance for you to record in a studio and after hearing your voice, I could already picture your name on record labels." I said truthfully.

He blushed in embarrassment. "I don't know hyung. It's something I want but I don't know if it's a good idea."

"But what's holding you back Jae. Your always doubting yourself. You are honestly really talented, just give yourself a chance." I said, not realizing I grabbed onto his hands.

"O-okay hyung. I'll give it a shot." He said which made me smile.

For the remainder of the time until our food came, we talked about random things to our favorite clothing brand to if pineapple goes on pizza.

"Oh come on hyung! Of course pineapple goes on pizza!" He whined.

I shook my head. "Nope never tried it, never will. Fruit on pizza? Who on earth thought of that?"

"You haven't even tried it hyung. You can't just say it isn't good." He pouted making me smile.

"Okay here's your curry udon and your tempura. Please enjoy!" Our waiter came back with our bowls.

Watching Youngjae pick up his spoon and blowing softly on the soup and placing it in his mouth, I could see his eyes widen.

"Wah! This is delicious! Why haven't I tried this before?" He said as he started slurping his noodles.

I laughed. "Yah slow down Jae or you'll burn your tongue." I said while wiping some soup on the side of his mouth.

"Sorry hyung."


After we finished our bowls we waited a little.

"Ah I'm so full." Youngjae said rubbing his stomach.

"Well you did finish yours pretty fast."

"But it was yummy hyung! I couldn't help it!" He pouted.

As the check was set on the table, I quickly grabbed it before Youngjae could, placing my card in. We waited a little until our waiter took it and would return back with my card.

"Thank you hyung for dinner. It was great." Youngjae said shyly as we were walking out of the restaurant.

"It was really no problem Jae." I said looking at him.

We made eye contact and our hold stayed on each other. I had no idea what came over me that made me come closer to his face. We were only centimeters apart. Youngjae stayed frozen until my lips found his warm ones.

His lips were soft and still tasted of udon but I didn't care. They were like pillows fit for only my lips. I felt his breath until he relaxed and started to kiss back. His hands found my neck while mine found his lovely curved hips.

Our kiss went on for a little until I heard a gasp making me pull away.

And standing there that saw us was Jinyoung.



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