The peeling wallpaper.

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After Killua walked out the door, a couple of minutes later I heard the door rattle and than get locked. "Hello? Is somebody there?...." With no answer back I guessed that I wasn't going to leave this room anytime soon.

Walking over to the bed I through myself onto I sat up beginning to think about the current situation.

I wonder why he was so angry. Almost acting like a bipolar person. Which could be the case but not necessarily, I mean isn't it weird that I haven't seen the rest of his family yet.

Because as I can remember non of his family liked me. Especially his mother. To which he hated of course.

Why does this make me feel so uncomfortable with him around me.  It's almost like he's running out of patience and hope that living is worth a try. Almost like he feels trapped and alone just like before.

I love him. I really do, but there's something he's not telling me. Shaking my head I realized that I was just staring off into space. Lost in my thoughts. I got up walking over to the closet deciding that leaving wasn't the best decision at this moment in life.

Clearly there has to be a reason I'm here. I just need a little more time to figure this out.

I have to go to dinner with him. So maybe I can ask than. Turning on the light I saw the closet light up. Oh, and where's my bag? Weird...huh, oh well. I'll ask later I guess.

I ran my hand down a fuzzy sweater deciding to change my two day old clothes. I took off my shirt and shorts and put on jean shorts and the dark fuzzy green sweater. "Wow, aren't you just the cutest little thing..." I jumped and quickly turned around. Oh thank the gods, that it was just Illumi.

I could smell a iron stench coming from him. Just like the smell of dry blood. Not exactly my taste. "Oh, umm. Hi Illumi I was just putting on my outfit for tonight. Whatcha doing here? You need something?" A quick look at my eyes and than a frown plastered onto his face told me that something wasn't right. I could feel it.

"Nah, just wondering why he chose you after our family tragedy a couple of years ago. Instead of his own flesh and blood.... That's all. " I kept my eyes on him. He kept looking straight at me and watching my every movement. "Oh well umm, that's nice." But to look casual I just picked up my clothes that were lying on the floor. And walked towards the door. But before I could reach it his arm was placed on the door frame stopping me in my tracks.

"Gon I came to warn you to stay away from killua. He's not the same person you once knew..... He's damaged and can't be fixed. If you couldn't tell already. Doesn't the house look different to you in anyway. Just keep that in mind." And with a simple blink of my eyes. He was gone. Almost like he was never here to begin with.

I kept walking out of the room and sat onto the bed. Since I don't know where my suitcase is. I guess I literally have nothing to do. And it's so freaking quiet in here I think I might go insane.

Why's it so gloomy in here anyways. Like who puts a chandelier in a bedroom. Like no one. I mean even the wallpapers peeling a little. I bet the bathrooms not any better. I simply stood up wondering over to the left side of the room into a dark bathroom. I moved my hand across the wall and turned on the light.

Well isn't that just wonderful. It's like they redid the sink, floors, shower and bathtub. But decided to keep the same old nasty green wallpaper. You know what?! I bet he wouldn't mind if I tore it off on the bottom part of the bathtub. So I could take a bath after dinner later. 

 Possessively cruel. ~Killugon~Where stories live. Discover now