The locked drawer.

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Killua's p.o.v.

Gon only glared in my direction. "WHAT ABOUT YOU?!" I only gave him a loving smile before looking back at the black lanky figure standing in the corner of the room. It's black skinny figure was wedged in between two bookshelves. I could see it slowly slinking it's way towards me and before I knew it.

I was dodging it's rake like fingers and moved away from her area. "Don't Worry About Me. FIND ALLUKA. I love you..." The last look I saw was Gon's angry expression as I knocked him out with a simple whack to the stomach. "I'm counting on you Gon..." But before I could say anything else. The figure moved across the room towards us. The last thing I wanted was Gon getting killed. So what does a assassin husband do to his dearly beloved? Well, he throws him through a fifth story building of course!

And when our fingers fell away from each other. I felt like I already had lost to this lanky entity standing before me. My vision became pitch black as I could see the figure only a few steps away from me. Knowing where this was going to end up, I had only one option.

To trust Gon.

I quickly ran into the side wall to my left. My body clashed against it as I regained my composure. I began to chant a small verse and was swinging one arm in front of my body as I could  heard a heavy breath breathing on the side of my cheek. The feeling of death hit my nostrils and my guilt flooded through my brain. My chant was over in a matter of seconds. But there's always a price for what we want. And that's when my mind got clouded once more.

Is this really my mother? No, not anymore. Whatever it was isn't what it is now.

Good thing, no one will ever find her. That if someday I die. This whole thing will be resolved. Even though my body wasn't trembling. It felt like my heart was. If you can even believe I have one still. That thing that was now drooling on me was slowly dispersing as my vision was coming into affect again. But than I felt another sharp pain on my rib cage as one of my ribs started to turn into thin air. Knowing that this was the price I had to pay for such a peaceful life with Gon. This pain is nothing compared to what I felt alone without Gon here. 

I hope he stays away from me for awhile. I don't want to hurt his emotions again. I don't need help, I just want to feel his love again. Is that too much to ask for....?

Walking towards my desk I slid open a hidden drawer. The drawer contained three keys and one locket. To which I picked up the locket and opened it to reveal a picture of Illumi and Hisoka.
To think I would miss these two, made me a-bit flustered with myself.

To think that I could find you again makes me nervous, but at the same time....I just hope you don't lose hope in me ether.

Gon's p.o.v.

Opening my eyes, I instantly felt a sharp pain flood through to the back of my skull. Leaving me to groan and look at my surroundings. The soft grass that had softened the ground and some broken tree branches, and a sea of  glass sorrounded me as I looked towards the side of me to my right. Only to see a small engravement into the tree. Rising to my feet. My knees buckled and I fell to the soft ground again. Being closer though. I could see a medium sized heart outlined with the letters carved in it's stump engraved. H x I.

The moss on the tree looked as if it was growing around it. Which was kinda weird by itself, but I've seen weirder. Standing up again and gaining my balance I slowly outlined the engravement. "Wow, I thought that he had died a long time ago. Guess I know why his creepy letters stopped finding there way to me."

After having a small flashback to the creepy romance letters I had received from Hisoka. I decided to walk along the houses side. I thought that after learning to follow a river when younger I could easily use this skill and convert it towards an unknown building. All cards out on the table I guess.

Within minutes of following the houses walls I hit a weird metal door that dissended down into the ground. This caught my attention because why the hell, would anybody need a Bunker when you are trained to literally die in battle before giving defeat. So what did I do you ask?

I simply went down the stairs and slipped on a moss pile underneath my feet. Falling down the staircase was the first issue. But as soon as I gained a little bit of composer. I realised what I was looking at.

It was a door decorated with Hisoka's playing cards. His cards formed a symbol that I didn't recognize. But what was even more out of place was the handle and locks. The handle looked like a hand reaching out to you while it held an eye catching crystals on its skin.  It looked like vines with wrapped crystals on it.  The lock is what caught me off guard as I had never seen such a contraption before.

And after sitting down on the steps for so long I finally understood the locks holes.... The only way to unlock the door was to have three keys inserted into the finger tips of the hand. I wonder if Killua kept this from me too. Something isn't right. Remembering the last thing he said. I turned around heading up the stairs. But I froze once I had made eye contact with her.

Her name was 'Something' and Killua had only talked about her twice in my life. She was currently looking down at me with a look of disgust. I know that deep down Allukas in there. But the way I' m getting looked at right now, tells me that I' m not in the right favor. While staying silent I tried to hatch a plan.

Without looking away I tried to push myself up off of the ground. But something grabbed my arm and just before I was pulled into the doorway behind me. A crocked smile swept across 'Somethings' face as she waved my form a goodbye as I was swallowed into the pitch darkness.

 Possessively cruel. ~Killugon~Where stories live. Discover now