The Yangdere Chronicles

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starts off as a photo on facebook

Hunter: -__-

Brandon -posts photo-

Hunter: possible true fact

Brandon: I mean look at her in the first slide and then it makes the picture I put more possible

Hunter: O_____o

Brandon: do you see what I'm talking about

Hunter: yes

Brandon: I mean that's a "its raping time" type smile

Hunter: ______________________________

Brandon: what? too creepy?

Hunter: no, I tried to jump into my computer

Brandon: ill tell you this much jaune doesn't have a chance of resistance against yang

Hunter: True

Brandon: at least he'll die happy

Hunter: Die?

Brandon: yep cause the other girls will be jealous and tub on his body parts you know his arms and legs arguing who he belongs to

Hunter: oh O_________O

Brandon: did I paint to well of a picture

Hunter: -_/-_/-▪, idk, does this help, -posts picture-

velvet: O////////O

Brandon: do you like my pic velvet?

Velvet: Yes

Brandon: I dont know about you but I can see yang doing that

Hunter: same

Yin: that would so happen if allowed

Hunter: -_____-

Yin: what

Hunter: really

Yin: what

Hunter: if allowed

Yin: u dont know if they would put that in the season

Hunter: Okay

Yang *lets cute evil laugh* I vill make it all possible because I am ze queen

Yin: *slowly backs away*

Hunter: O______o, I'm gonna run before I become a target

Yang: huehuehuehuehue~ *burlap sack in hand*

Yin: I can defend myself

Hunter: Welp bye *jumps out window*

Brandon: -stays there- well ill sacrifice myself for you guys -goes at her-

Hunter: "yells" IM SORRY

Brandon: its okay ill take this bullet -shows all faunus wings-

Hunter: she doesn't have a O__O oh wait.

Brandon: doesn't have a what?

Hunter: a gun

Brandon: I have a hammer


Yang: I have my guns of steel

Yin: hmmm

Brandon: ok yang take me and leave the others alone

Hunter: "_____" MOOOO

Yin: *runs away*

The Yangdere ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now