Death Awaken in Two People

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Yang: *up in flames*........Jaune-kun and...... Pyrrha-san? *Yandere grin* somebody is going to die tonight

Wade: Yang catch *throws axe to yang*

Yang: *catches the axe* Nyehehehehe~

Steven: what have you done wade

Wade: idk

Hunter: PYRRHA RUN!!!

Yin: *grabs yang so she cant kill*

Hunter: yin? how?

Yin: what

Hunter: where did you come from

Yin: I'm magic

Hunter: Dont use it on me

Yin: Lol

Yang: -turns and looks at Hunter-

Hunter: What

Yin: *holds yang*

Yang: -escapes grasp-

Yin: Hmmmmmmmmm

Yang: SHE........MUST........DIE!!!!!~

Yin: *holds yang* calm down

Steven: No yang, she must not

Yang: B-but.....Jaune-kun ~ Q.Q

Yin: Im sorry

Steven: Jaune will come back to you

Hunter: I got him

Brandon: Hello

Hunter: Yang you had the wrong person he's right here

Brandon: Yang why are you holding an axe

Hunter: she killed Pyrrha

Brandon: -goes over and heals pyrrha- yang you must not let your feeling control you you should know I won't do that to you

Steven: *tries to hold yang back* yang.... just calm down.... if you hit pyrrha with that axe you might hurt jaune as well and you dont want to hurt him.. do you?

Hunter: "____", -gets out improved handguns-

Brandon: ok thats enough with the violence let yang go

Steven: alright.... *releases yang*

Hunter: dont kill anyone or ill shoot

Brandon: -hugs yang and takes her away-

Hunter: Brandon please your gonna die due to her

Brandon: she loves me to much to do thst -carries her-

Hunter: okay !____!, -puts down handgund-

Brandon: -smiles-

Hunter: -tries to smile-, the stories over she got what she wanted we're done now yin you can go, -lays down in sorrow- at least pyrrha isn't dead

Brandon: yeah I revived her but why are you sad

Hunter: she

Killed 3 times

Killed Pyrrha

Almost killed you and yin

why else

Yang: I dont kill for freaking fun!!

Brandon: Calm down sweetie

Hunter: two of the times was by falling

and by blake

Yang: you want me to kill me? fine. yangdere kills everyone

everyone yells no

Brandon: -distracts yang with a kiss-

Hunter: I wasn't blaming you

Steven: Yang no killing

Hunter: -defends yin and pyrrha-

Yang: this is what ya'll wanted right -,-

Hunter: 《__》 no

Steven: I dont want that

Hunter: -pull out handguns again- No killing Brandons your Jaune

Yang: Hmph

-pyrrha grabs hunters arm-

Hunter: will you harm anyone yang, will you

Yang: yeah ill harm anyone

Steven: O____O

Hunter: -backs up and aims at yang- dont move or ill shoot, dont harm anyone and it'll end here

-ruby walk in-

Yang: Shoot me.......... if you have the guts that is

Hunter:................................... -shoots straight at yang- No More

Ruby: Q.Q

Hunter: -kills Brandon-

Ruby: Q.Q

Hunter: -points guns at each other-

Ruby: Q.Q

Hunter: -shoots headshots at both self and yang- -both fall bloody on the ground-

Yang: you've noticed

Hunter: what

Yang: you've noticed me.... Senpai

-both die on the stained floor-

Yangdere has fallen


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2014 ⏰

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