Chapter 4

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Leslie's POV

"Wait, so you can just throw this thing and it blows up in the persons face!?" I exclaim as I hold up a bat-shaped boomerang.

"Yeah." Robin chuckles.

Robin was showing me all the gadgets and high tech gear The famous Dynamic Duo use.

"So what do you like to do in your free time?" I ask. "Besides being a vigilante."

"Well I am a gymnast." He explains.

"So am I. I learned from Harley believe it or not." I giggle.

"Leslie! Come with me." Batman yells as he gets up and walks away.

I run to catch up with him. He leads me towards what looks like an infirmary. The walls are lined with cots, there are sinks and cabinets, and medical tools are spread out all over the place. He leads me to a clean cot with a fresh pair of clothes on it.

"This is where you'll stay for tonight. I wouldn't get too comfy. I haven't decided what I'm going to do with you yet." He says as he walks away.

I sit down and sigh. Batman is an ass. Alfred walks in with a plate of tea and cookies.

"Sorry for him Mistress Leslie. I know it seems like he hates you but trust me, He is grown a liking on you. You wont be leaving anytime soon." Alfred smiles as he sets down the food and drinks.

"Thank you Alfred." I smile back.

Once he exits the room I slip on the extra clothes that are just a simple pair of shorts and a tank top, and plop down on my bed and fall fast asleep.

**Time Skip**

I wake up to complete silence. Weird. Usually Harley is in my face screaming at me to get up. Then I remembered: I'm in Batman's cave or whatever you want to call it.

I start to panic a little. I barley know him. Or Alfred. Or even Robin! What am I doing! Alright Leslie calm down. Remember they're the good guys. If they have any bad intentions  they would have shown by now.

Maybe they are outside the infirmary. I put back on my costume since it's the only other clothing item I own, and walk out the doors of the infirmary and back into the room with all the gadgets.

"Hello?" I manage to yell. My voice was still tired.

"Leslie? Oh! Hey! I didn't know you'd
Be up THIS early." Robin replies as he comes into view.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"5:30 in the morning." He chuckles. "Bats and I just got home from patrol."

"Oh. Cool." I reply.

We stare into each other's eyes for a moment in complete silence. He finally breaks the tension will a smile and a laugh that made the blood flow to my cheeks. I smile back.

"I have a...question." I say, breaking the stare as I look down at my feet.

"What's up?" He replies. Slight concern suddenly filled his voice.

"Are my parents in Arkham yet?" I say so quietly that I can barley hear myself.

"Yes." He reassures with a caring smile. "Do you...want them to be?" He says suspiciously.

"Of course! The things they do are wrong. I don't love them and they...they don't love me." I say the last part holding back tears.

It doesn't work. Suddenly I'm on the ground sobbing.

"Hey! Hey! It's okay! You're okay now I swear!" Robin says as he rushes to my side and collapses next to me. He rubs my back gently.

Then, something unexpected happens. He puts his arms around me protectively, in a hug. I had never had one of these before. It felt...nice. It felt like for once in my 14 years, someone cared about me.

I sit up from his grasp, sniffle, and wipe my tears. "Thank you." I smile as I wrap my arms around his waist.

"Anytime." I can hear the smile in his voice as he wraps his arms back around me.

Eventually, we both get up and he takes me to sit down in a chair.

"Is this what it feels like to have a friend?" I chuckle to myself.

"Yup. I'll always be here for you. I won't let bats kick ya out and I'll make sure your okay."  He laughs.

"What about your identities? I can't know them! I can't live in a cave for the rest of my life!" I exclaim.

"It's alright. I trust you, but you'll have to warm up to bats. Prove your trustworthiness! It might take a while, but if your gonna stay here, you'll find out soon." He says.

"Master Robin? Are you down here?" An English accent which could only belong to Alfred calls.

"Yup! Down here Alf!" He yells back.

"Oh good morning Mistress Leslie!  Have either of you seen Batman?" He asks.

"...He should be at the computer or working on the car." Robin explains as he points to an open doorway that  leads to the computer and vehicles.

"He's not." Alfred replies anxiously.

"Is the batmobile gone? Or the batbike even?" Robin suggests.

"I think the batbike is gone. So I think he went back out. But without telling us?" Alfred ponders.

"He probably just went back out on patrol." I finally speak.

"Perhaps miss Leslie." Alfred replies, still lost in thought. 

All of a sudden we hear sirens coming from the computer room. We all bolt to the computer. On the screen is an alert for a distress signal from the Batman himself.

"Bats is in trouble! I need to go after him!" Robin says anxiously as he runs towards his bike.

"No! Robin! Wait! I'm coming with you!" I shout.

"No. I can handle myself." He replies.

"But what if something happens? Batman wont be there to help you! You're used to working in a team. Let me help." I plead.

"...fine." He grunts. "Wait. No offense, but do you even know how to fight?" He asks.

"Yes. I can handle myself." I roll my eyes.

Since I'm already in costume, I grab a black utility belt and some extra gadgets and Robin and I speed off on his bike to the location of the signal.

Stay where you are Batman, help is on the way.

Words: 1164

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