7. Hurricane.

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Another day driving to the safe house.
Jack was all but safe. He could explode at any time.
He tried to speak with Shade. He made the first step but she refused and had maintained a stubborn silence since.
He could see her red eyes, circled by black lines. She must have cried and faked to sleep as much as he had.
She nonetheless kept taking good care of Anna and had a few words with John.
But nothing with him. Not a word nor a glance. And it was killing him.
He had made his best to give attention to Anna those last two days but he had felt like he had done all wrong.

How could he switch into a father in such a short gap? What could he do or say to bond with this cutie little girl?

She had come to him a couple of times, asking for stories or play games but he had stayed mute and blankly, ignoring which behaviour could be more appropriate.

How could he a damn father?

He has seen disappointment and sadness in Anna's eyes each time he has failed to act like any normal human being would have done with a kid.
He could have ripped his own skin off, blaming himself to be such an idiot, he knew chatting with little ones, laughing at their jokes, tickling their chubby sides.
But he was too impressed by this tiny person, knee high to a grasshopper.
His daughter.

The night has fallen, Anna is asleep, her head resting on the pillow he took from their last room. If he was unable to interact with his child, he knew at least to have her safe and comfortable.

John is chitchatting with Shade, he asks for random things, she answers with yes, no or grumbles.

"He really hadn't sent you any news from Berlin? Any? "


"Jack you should have given news. At least a proof of life to Shade or your family."

"You know the rules John. Any contact with family is allowed. Safety measures."

"I know that. But there are ways to keep contact. I managed to stay in touch with Molly in my day."

"I kept contact with Lucy at the beginning." Jack barely admits.

"You... what?" Shade explodes.

"..." Jack finds nothing to answer.

"Jack, tell me you're kidding me." John whispers.

"Lucy was just back from her abduction! You know about it! You saved her!" He tries to explain.

"I know that! But you could have left a message for Shade."

"I was worried about my sis! I thought Shade would wait for me. I thought she loved me!"

"Fucker!" Shade bursts into tears of rage. "You kept in touch with your fucking sister and NOT WITH ME ?"

"Lucy had been abducted and almost killed by terrorists! I'm sorry to care about my family!"

"I was about to be your family! You wanted to fucking marry me ! " she cries.

"I would have asked you when I came back! But you were gone!"

"She was pregnant Jack." John says quietly, tryinĝ to calm everyone down before they wake Anna up. " You should have asked about her."

'And how the fuck was I supposed to know?" Jack's voice cracked in tears.

"By asking for me!!" Shade yelps between her cries.

"You're doing it all wrong Jack." John whispers.

"Fuck you John!" Jack violently hits the steering wheel.

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