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After I spent the night in Volterra, I was feeling awful inside mainly because I had broken a promise to my parents that I would never associate with the Volturi for any reason. But as I was now awake from sleeping I was waiting anxiously to see the Ancients, to see if I could go back home to visit my parents and hopefull stay there.

Also, Alec wasn't so joyful when Aro told him and Jane to watch over me for the night. But even so I couldn't deny the fact that he was the boy from my dreams, as they share so many resemblances. Then I heard Jane walk down the hall and opened my door forcefully but didn't break it apart.

'Emma, they would like to see you know' Jane told me and I sighed then stood up, not shaking anymore than I had before. Though as I got to the throne room door my heart was beating hard 'Emma, don't freak out now, you've grown up all around Vampires and Shapeshifters, nothing will happen' Jane told me trying to sooth me and I nodded at her then she opened the door for me.

I saw Alec leaning against the wall casually, then when he laid his eyes on me, he went all stiff again I was so confused at how this boy always acts. 'Ah Emma, you look more like Rosalie than you did last night beautiful' Aro announced proudly as he kept me here and away from my mother and father who'd possibly be searching everywhere for me.

 'Now, I such big plans for you, but as you are just a little human and one who needs their family, I'm allowing you to go back to the Cullens' Aro told me and my heart beat settled down 'Aro, we need Carlisle to suffer, Rosalie and Emmett have done the wrong thing, by adopting this mere and coward human!' Caius roared making me jump in surprise.

'Peace my dear brother, Emma will be no threat to us if we let her go back to Carlisle' Aro admitted, but I wasn't smiling happily as I much as I want to of course. 'Aro, do you want her to be apart of the Olympic Coven, or a part of the Volturi make up your mind!' Cauis ordered him then he had a second thought about letting me go back to Forks with my mother.

'Maybe, she'll be able to lure in Alice, if she is with her family' Aro admitted and Cauis smiled. Suddenly Alec was beside Aro 'Yes Alec' Aro answered him 'If you are allowing Emma, to go back to the Cullens, would you allow me to accompany her, just so she won't forget your agrement?' Alec asked and Cauis was more than pleased with his quick thinking.

'Fantastic thinking Alec, you are allowed to go with Emma' Aro congratulated him after he had read his thoughts on why he actually wanted to come back home with me. As we were walking out of the Castle and back to the hotel, I could feel Alec's cold gaze on my back as I was in front of me. Finally I got back to the Hotel where my parents were looking down at my baby pictures.

I cleared my throat making both of them snap their heads up to look at me, I saw that mom was very pissed off at me 'Emma Lillian Hale' she growled and I immediately ran towards her and slammed my body against hers and hugged her soothing her anger towards me, 'I'm sorry mommy' I apologized to her and she shushed me while stroking my hair affectionately again.

'Oh, it's alright honey, you're with mommy and daddy now' mom told me to calm me down and I just breathed in her scent which was of Roses. Suddenly dad smelled something other than himself, me and mom 'What is that scent?' he asked confused and I remembered that Alec was with me. He steppped out of the shadows and dad growled.

'What are you doing here VOLTURI?' dad asked him and he sighed 'Aro has told me to accompany Emma' Alec started when dad held the door 'Good, well bye' dad said sutting the door in his face, until Alec slammed his hand so hard on the door that it nearly gave way 'Not so fast Emmett, I'm supposed to accompany her back to Forks and to stay with her' Alec finished making my father hiss and mom held me closer to her protecting me form Alec.

'Well, if it's just for Emma, Alec can accompany us back home I guess' mom agreed with him and I smiled happily. We decided to go home a week early because my parents told the others back home that I was missing something that I didn't mind but it was annoying.

Also as we got to the Airport, every women we passed kept on staring and adoring Alec's Vampire looks plus he had black eyes which helped him become less noticable. Finally we got back to Forks and as I got out of the car in front of the Cullen house Alice confronted me 'Emma Lillian Hale, don't you ever do that to us or Rosalie or Emmett ever again!' Alice yelled at me and I nodded and hugged my favourite Aunt of all time.

Then I hugged the rest of my family. Suddenly Edward smelled something else the others did as well 'What's that flowery scent?' Jake asked confused then they saw Alec from behind dad. They all hissed and put me in the protection of Embry and Esme.

'What is that Witch Twin doing here and where is his pain of a sister?' Jake asked and Edward sighed 'Apparently, he was sent by Aro to watch over Emma and to keep her company' Edward announced the reason he was here 'Why she has her family?' Bella asked her husband who shrugged 'Aro thinks that if Emma is surrounded by a guard member that she can trust, things will be more comfortable for her in the world of Magic so to speak!' Edward answered her and she sighed.

'Well, if he is only here to keep Emma calm in the magical world, you're welcomed into the family for the time being Alec' Esme told him and he nodded then smiled at me I was confused at why he was doing that.

I went inside and got unpacked with Embry's help 'You know Emb, you don't have to help me' I reminded him and he shrugged 'I like to help you though Em' he admitted to me and I smiled happily. Then we finished unpacking and we headed downstairs and I told him all about my Italy experience and he seemed to be enjoying the story that I was telling him, it was a lot more safer than Alice's and Bella's trip to Italy when they had to go and save Edward for I don't know why.

Then Leah and Quil came inside 'Hey, lovebirds wanna come and play hide in seek with us?' Leah asked us and I nodded 'Sure' I replied and we all headed outside with Alec watching interested in what was happening.

We all made a circle and looked at one another 'Okay, here are the rules, the person who is 'It' needs to find the mystery wolf in less than twenty minutes otherwise GAME OVER and the 'It' looses, understood?' Jake asked us and we nodded and played 21 which landed on Renesmee who complained.

'Oh come on, why do I have to go first?' Nessie asked then Jake kissed her making her forget what she was complaining about. She found me first, as I wasn't in a very good hiding place, but the wolf that she had to find was Seth and she found him so she won 'Okay, since I found Emma first, it's her turn to find her mystery wolf which is' Nessie said taking a pause to figure out who I have to find.

'Embry!' Renesmee yelled and ran away with the others with her on that one. It took me a little while to find Embry as he was by the river in his wolf form 'Gotcha Emb' I announced and he looked at me with a smile over his furry muzzle, then he licked me from top to toe 'Ew Embry, here you can have it back' I said wiping his gunk all over him.

He phased back, changing as he did so 'Here why not give your best friend, one huge HUG!' Embry expolded and I ran away 'Ew, you are so gross' I complained making him smile happily that I had accepted his gross yet warm hug. Then I heard Alec clap on the hill side.

'Oh crap, was he watching this whole entire time?' I asked my best friend lowly who hugged me in front of Alec 'Don't worry Emma' Embry told me and I smiled. Then we walked up to the house 'Hey guys, Esme says that lunch is on!' Seth yelled from inside the house and we all headed up to the kitchen letting Embry wrestle Quil on the way in.

'You'd think they'd be more funny wouldn't ya Leah?' I asked her and she smiled even though I was the daughter of two Vamps which she hates but loves me for some odd reason. I thanked Esme for my food and sat next to Seth and Embry who were throwing food at each other 'Hey Seth Embry, food is for eating and not to be played with' Esme told them and they stopped and acted innocent 'Sorry Esme' they both apologized and she smiled then went inside the kitchen to clean up again.

After lunch the others continued to play hide in seek while Embry and I were watching Harry Potter, because we couldn't be bothered playing anymore. 'Emma, I was wondering if you would like to come and have a walk with me?' Alec asked me and it made me jump in my pants 'Um sure I guess' I accepted and stood up, Embry was worried so I hugged him 'Don't worry Embry, I won't be gone long' I rhymed again 'Shoot, why do I always have to rhyme!' I complained then went outside to walk with Alec.

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