Chapter 11

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Then the teacher walked in. We got partnered up. I looked over to see that I was partnered with Nex.

"Looks like fate wanted it to happen." I heard behind me. I turned around to see Nex.

"Looks like it. But don't go easy on me. Because I am going to kick your butt." I told him.

"Oh please. You fight with the boys. You know I am not going to go easy." He told me.

Then we got to our space and we got into our stands. We were fighting. We were blocking each other throws. Not one of us got each other down yet. We been doing that for a bit. Then we both notice everyone stop their fights to which our fight.

"Come on Nex take her down." I heard one of the guys' yell.

"Oh please Layla will cream Nex butt. You got this Layla." I heard. I know that was Musa.

*Musa's POV*

So we were fight practicing with a partners. Everyone stopped to watch Layla and Nex were blocking each other throws. No one has took each other down.

"Come on Nex take her down." I heard next to me. I looked over to see it was Riven.

"Oh please Layla will cream Nex butt. You got this Layla." I said to her.

"You got to kidding me. Nex will win this fight." Riven said.

"Really. Do you to put your words where belong?" I asked him.

"If you talking about a bet. Then you are on." Riven said.

"Okay. If Layla wins you have to do what I say for a week. If Nex wins I will have to do what you say for a week." I said to him.

"Deal." He said shacking my hand. Then we watched Layla and Nex fight again.

*Nex's POV*

We were fighting and I heard Riven make a bet with Musa. I really hope I win this fight. If I don't Riven won't let me live it down.

"Scared?" I asked him.

"Never." She said.

"Come on. Let's make this easy for all." I said joking with her.

"Not going to happen." She said.

I then tried to grab her arm. But she turned and grabbed my arm instead. She then....

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