For the Love of Toby.

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Mum insisted that I go and help out Mrs. McGivins since she was refurnishing and still had tons of work to do. I was practically her assistant since I did everything for her every time.

"Why are you complaining, Kayla? It will be good for your college hunting," mum always said. It wasn't like I was complaining, no. I wasn't. I liked helping out Mrs. McGivins and she was indirectly helping me back. The problem was her son. Toby McGivins. Oh God. It was enough punishment that I saw him everyday at school and for some peculiar reason, he always forgot who I was. I was starting to feel like an intruder. I was having that little girl crush on Toby but he hadn't perceived anything. Not like I wanted him to. Toby had a girlfriend, Madeleine. He wasn't even in my year. He was a 12th grader. He dated younger girls though. Maybe he liked the thrill of innocence and in-exposure.

I asked mum if I could use her car to get to Mrs. McGivins' but she said the usual;

"Sweetie, you've not even perfected your driving yet! I had to buy a new dumpster for Mr. Mart since you ruined his last one when parking!" She said. I did not have to be reminded of my poor parking skills so I just decided to use my bicycle.

When I got to the house of the McGivins, I leaned my bicycle against their fence and started to walk in. I could smell the rich scents of their home from the front gate. I liked coming over. I enjoyed witnessing their luxurious lifestyle. Mrs. McGivins was a fashion icon. She was a designer and an events planner. Like that was not enough, she was a mega socialite who knew everyone that was anyone. Her husband on the other hand was a well-known architect and had his own real estate company. Their family was not the type to be staying in Washington. Sometimes, I wondered why they weren't in New York or LA or something.

I knocked three times and I heard some murmuring before the door was opened by Matilda, their housekeeper.

"Miss. Hart, Miss. McGivins be expecting you since," she said in her weird Puerto Rican accent. I smiled and found my way to Mrs. McGivins' home studio. There she was. I loved looking at her. She was so petite and she had the most golden hair ever which was usually in a messy bun. Her petite lips were always in a pouted manner and she was spotless, skin-wise. She hardly smiled but when she did, she had these small wrinkles at the corners of her eyes. She turned back to me. She strolled over and put her arms on my shoulders, taking me to another corner of the studio.

"Kayla darling, how is your mother?" She asked but she didn't give me time to answer.

"Jac, I do not want those throw pillows there! Oh my God. Give them to me," she spoke to her assistant who sadly ran over and gave them to her. Then, she turned to me, "what do you think of them? I designed them last week."

"They're lovely Mrs. McGivins," I told her. She put her right finger on my lips in an attempt to shush me.

"I have told you severally; call me Caroline."

"They're lovely.. Caroline," I said and she forced a smile. Then, we stood silent for several seconds and I started to wonder when I was going to help her. She snapped out of her silence moment.

"Oh dear, I suppose you have not had breakfast? It is only ten in the morning," she walked over to the intercom, "I will ask Ginger to prepare something for you."

"No it's fine Mrs. McGiv.. Caroline.. I had a milk shake," I mentioned. She smiled.

"A milkshake is not a balanced diet, my dear." She called Ginger and asked her to prepare breakfast. Then, she sank in her puffed up sofa and ran her fingers through her hair. I was still standing and waiting for when I was going to help her.

"Uhm.. Caroline, is there anything you want me to do for you?" I finally asked. She hit her forehead.

"Right! I wanted you to go through these designs," she said as she snapped her fingers at Jac who handed her an album. "Come over here Kayla". I did. She handed it to me. Then, she pulled me down to sit beside her.

"They are for fashion week. I wanted to go with a subtle collection. I am just not so sure about these," she said as she took the album from me and started going through it. Sometimes, I wonder how I am of help to Mrs. McGivins; she clearly helps herself.

"What do you think of this one?" She pointed at an outfit that looked very medieval-ish. Kind of like a modernized version of what the Lady Morgana from Merlin would wear. It was beautiful. Breathtaking. I wished it could be mine.

"It is perfect. I love it," I said and she laughed.

"It is just me and another designer that considered a medieval collection."

"Who's that?"

"Roberto Cavalli."

"Oh. That's great."

She smiled. Then, she closed the book.

Fatigued Jac ran over to Mrs. McGivins.

"Jac, what is it?"

"We are out of duct tape and pins," she said. Caroline sighed.

"Why didn't you confirm how much we had left before today?! You are driving me crazy Jac."

"I am sorry Caroline, I just.." Caroline cut her off.

"It's fine," she turned to me, "Kayla will get us some more."


"Breakfast will surely be waiting for you when you get back," she said. Then, she picked up her cell and started dialing.

"I'll just call my son to come and take you there."

My heart sank. By her son, she meant Toby. Toby McGivins. I took a moment to think it through. Toby and I riding in the same car, making small talk and being seen at the store by everyone that was anyone. I imagined his arm around me as we strolled in, looking like a couple. Then, after the store, we would stop somewhere to get soul food and ice cream or something. Then, we would exchange numbers and call each-other endlessly. Then, Toby will break up with Madeleine so he could be with me. Perfect. There was only one problem; It was never going to occur like that. So, to save myself from an awkward 30 minutes, I told Caroline I would use my bicycle.

"And suffer your poor legs? Heavens no. It is not a problem. Toby will give you a ride."

She spoke a few words to Toby on the phone and within minutes, I could hear and feel him coming. I had already started fidgeting. Oh God. I was going to urinate on myself, I could feel it. My bladder was going to rupture and I knew it. My systole and diastole had Already increased and my heart was attempting to escape from my chest. Toby walked in.

He was as beautiful as I remembered. His brunette hair was messy and his green eyes were breathtaking. He had Caroline's eyes and her lips as well but he did not have her petite feature. He was bloody tall. I was nowhere as tall as where his shoulders were. He was as adorable as I remembered.

"Toby, I need a huge favor from you; could you take dear Kayla here to Staples to get some things for me?" Caroline asked her son without looking at him. Toby turned to look at me. I was urged to stare at my feet but instead, I stared at him right back. He did not take his eyes off. They were focused on mine. Extremely awkward but how could I force myself to look away? No. I wanted to stare into his eyes and communicate. Then, he narrowed his eyes at me and within seconds, I was staring at my feet.

"Yeah let me get my keys," Toby said and walked away. I finally exhaled and I started to mentally thank my mum for making me come to Caroline's house. If she didn't, I probably would not be on my way to getting a ride from Toby McGivins. I felt honored for getting the opportunity to stare into his beautiful eyes. He probably did not feel the same way I felt about it. I was probably over-analyzing but whatever; Toby McGivins was still giving me a ride in his car to Staples. Could my day get any better?

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