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Toby led the way to the car. His black matted Chevrolet was seated in his driveway with the sun casting golden rays on it. He unlocked the car with his keys and got in. How stupid of me to have just been standing there looking into the car all through.

"Aren't you gonna get in?" Toby asked, looking up at me and squinting his eyes because of the sun. So I did.

His car smelt of cologne and it was cleaner than any car I'd ever seen. Toby had this car when I was in 10th grade and so I was wondering why it was still looking brand new. He started the car and before I knew it, we were on the road. I terribly wanted to make a move and start a conversation but instead, I just sat there and fiddled with my seatbelt. His driving was perfect. I imagined him giving me driving lessons and kissing me whenever I parked right. I was a dreamer though. The guy I was dreaming of was sitting right beside me and I kept mute. How shameful. What could I possibly say to him? I thought about so many conversation starters. I thought about asking him what his favorite food is, his favorite movie, music genre..

"So what's your name?" Toby asked. Once again, my heart sank. A part of me wondered whether he was really talking to me. Maybe he was on the phone because I found it hard to believe that the question was directed at me.

"Were you talking to me?" I asked, looking at him. He frowned.

"No, I was referring to the stranger at the backseat," he answered. Foolishly, I looked back and saw that there was no one there. That was when I realized Toby was being sarcastic. Oh God. He's sarcastic too? Shoot me.

"Mikayla. Mikayla Hart," I said. He smiled.

"How old are you?"

"I'm 16."

He turned to me and said, "cool."

Then he asked the worst and most painful question; "what school are you in?"

I didn't know whether to slap him or answer him. How didn't he know I was in his school for crying out loud? Am I that invisible?

"I go to your school."

"Oh. Manley High? I suppose you're in the 11th grade?"


I was kind of hurt that he didn't think not knowing I go to his school offended me. I was expecting an apology from him but then, I realized he wasn't obliged to know me. We had never really talked except when I was told to inform him that he was wanted in the principal's office. Also, his girlfriend and I had shared a history textbook one time. I must have been stupid to think she would talk about me to him since we shared textbooks.

The conversation died after a while and he made a stop.

"I need to pick up something. Do you mind?" He asked me.

"Nope," I told him and he was out of the car within seconds.

I sat there and reflected on the fact that Toby McGivins did not give a damn about me. To him, this ride was just a favor he was doing for his mum and he didn't even care that I attended his school. I decided I was going to try not to care about him. It was going to be hard but I agreed with myself to have the same mindset he was having of me; it was all just a favor.

Toby was back and he got into the car with a brown paper bag. I wondered what was inside but it didn't take long before I found out they were cigarettes. He took one out and lit it.

"Care for a cigarette?" He asked me. Change of plans. Toby did care about me. If he didn't, he would not be bothered about whether I cared for cigarettes or not. I was tempted to go ahead and smoke a cigarette but there was a problem. I do not smoke.

"That is equivalent to asking me if I would love some cancer," I told him and he laughed. He didn't stop laughing. God. He looked so adorable when he laughed. His forehead was on the steering now. I smiled. It felt like the greatest accomplishment ever; getting Toby McGivin to laugh so hard.

"Hart, you are funny," he told me and this time, he was looking into my eyes again. Then, he turned away and smoked his cigarette while driving. I couldn't believe he called me 'Hart'. Calling a person by their last name? Who does that? Toby McGivin does.

Finally, we got to staples and I picked up the duct tape and pins. I got 3 extra duct tapes just in case one of them finished.

On our way back to his house, Toby played the Arctic Monkeys through his car stereo. I wasn't a great fan but I liked the song that was playing; 'do I wanna know'. I think he noticed that I was hitting my hand against my left thigh in an attempt to recreate the beat of the song on my leg.

"For a girl that doesn't smoke, I'm surprised you're liking a song as sexual as this one," he said. Sexual? I didn't even realize the song was sexual. I didn't know what to say.

"It is not that sexual," I finally said. He nodded.

"I agree. To be honest, Alex Turner can never be as sexual as Miguel."

"I do not listen to Miguel."

We were in his driveway now but I didn't want to get out of the car. Neither did Toby because, believe it or not, he sat there and continued the conversation.

"You should listen to vixen," Toby said, leaning towards me.

"Is that another singer?"

"Uhm, no; that's a song by Miguel."


"Yeah. Will you?"

"Sure," I nodded. 'Anything for you' I thought. Relax, I didn't say that out loud. So, I sat there, staring at Toby and waiting for him to introduce me to more songs.

"Bye Hart," he said and unlocked the car doors.

"Thank you," I told him and finally got out of the car, heading towards the front door which was opened by Matilda. Toby didn't come in with me. He went out again and I assumed he was going to spend time with Madeleine. I started to wonder whether his spending time with her would cause him to forget the good time we had on our way to staples and back. Either way, I knew I wasn't going to forget about it. It was the best 30 minutes of my life. I handed the pins and tapes to Jac and then I was given my breakfast which, certainly, was not going to taste as good as the boring fun I had in the car with Toby McGivin.

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