8: Breathless...

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          Alt: The King Loves Fan Fiction: Wang Rin+Lady San/Romance. 


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" What did you say?" He asked.

"Don't go back to the prince...." She replied tenderly and with no doubt in her decision. " Just stay with me."

San's body wildly rushed with anticipation, hysteria, and fear.  What she had done, was not only utterly selfish but absolutely dangerous for both of them....   She knew full well what it meant for him to accept her request. He would have to leave behind his family, his friendships...become a loathed and hunted outcast all because of her overzealous want to have him close.  How could she ask him to do something like that? It was wicked....and wrong.


The longer she stood there gazing upon his strikingly handsome face, she became consumed by his rich, dark pools; her logic and nagging guilt began to sway.  How does he take her breath only by looking into her eyes?

Rins draw was almost impossible to ignore...  It was like large invisible hands reaching out and locking your body in place...strong, powerful hands. But gentle...

Once there...you had no choice but to meet his gaze and become intoxicated by it...

He can't be human. She had pondered it over and over until her head spun from going in circles. The young master was some kind of ethereal dream sent from the heavens to test our strength of heart. No mortal man could paralyze you just with one look...at least none she had encountered so far.

That...look... San sucked in a rough breath.

 His dark mysterious eyes fixing on you with heat and compassion. There was no way to fight him...The only option was...


"San..." He said forcibly. His thick brows furrowed intensely into a sharp-angled v. 

"Just..." She pleaded awkwardly, as her fingers curled in the fabric in her hands." Stay with me...even if it's for only one night."

This may be the last time she would ever see him. The long trip to the countryside had another purpose besides giving her peace of mind.   San had never planned on returning...

The suffering had been way too much to endure and witnessing two childhood friends being torn apart by her....caused her stomach to lurch. She needed to return the friendship that she had stolen and leave them to be happy once more....and she would....

After she made a beautiful memory to look back on when she needed to; when she needed him...

After she made a beautiful memory to look back on when she needed to; when she needed him

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"Wha...what are you saying?" Rin stammered in a dramatic exhale. 

A wave of tears suddenly pooled against her lashes. The thought of never seeing him again crushed the air out of her chest and though she had to do this...her heart was screaming.

 San couldn't deny it anymore.... She loved Rin. Ardently.

" I..." She stuttered through sobs. "I..."

 As her words failed her, her driven instincts didn't.

Gathering Rin's decorative collar in her fists she quickly lifted herself up on her toes and pressed her lips impatiently to his. Her eyes fluttered close releasing the stalled tears down her cheeks. It was both beautiful and tormenting all at the same time.

Please, just this...I just want this...

Immediately he froze, puffing hot air through his nose. His hands flailed a moment until they finally came to hesitantly rest on her shoulders. Then as swiftly as the kiss came, she ended it. Slowly, gently she eased away...removing the warmth between them.

Although she had no idea of his current expression, she could hear his heavy, labored breaths. Her eyes refuse to open. She panted, hanging onto the feeling as long as she could.

Somehow being dizzied and drunk from their embrace her courage returned.

" I love you..."  Her words clear and tender...an unmistakable confession.


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