11: Alone Together.

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  Alt: The King Loves Fan Fiction: Wang Rin+Lady San/Romance.  

(*note*video above is optional ambiance for the chapter.)

 As the pouring rain brutally beat the moss-covered shingles outside, both Rin and San carefully searched the warped and rotten inner rooms for anything of use. There wasn't much left behind left behind from the past occupants. Moldy housewares, tools, and some tattered clothes; both male and female. That was about it.

Strangely, he found himself wondering about the masters of the cabin and why they would pick such a secluded place for their home? Many reasons came to mind. Fugitives, recluses...or just a couple seeking freedom from the constraints of the king.

However, their choice was not an easy way of life... There was very little nearby and no market to get goods from.  Did they do all of the gathering, farming and hunting themselves?

 So much toiling for a life forged by their own laws and rules. Would it be worth it though?

But after a moment of contemplation, he decided to push his curiosity aside and continued on, all the while keeping a stealthy eye on the lady.  His gaze would often wander to her even when he was trying to focus on something else and he would have to wrench it back almost painfully to his task.

 It was frustrating, to say the least, and not to mention the fact his thoughts were completely caught up in spending another night alone with her...

 One more night.... He had to admit the idea excited him more than he would like. His body was already responding, fulling accepting the fantasy his overly eager and foolish brain was conjuring up.

 He had to take pause and ease his breathing.

 Stop this... Scolding himself sharply. It can never be...so stop tormenting yourself.

Amidst his fevered blundering, he managed to collect a few good sturdy branches for the fire pit located in the center of the largest room.  Still fairly functional surprisingly with the years of neglect and weathering. It seems that they be fortunate once again. 

Slowly Rin crossed the groaning boards to his destination. A square sitting-eating area of sorts adorned sparsely with two faded cushions surrounding the charred stone bowl, a lonely table that leaned slightly to the left and a handful of wet tomes stacked beneath it.

 As he knelt down before the crudely carved fireplace, his eyes scanned the dimly lit dwelling.  Even with it being afternoon, and having been crafted with four decent sized windows, barely any light came inside, though the rain didn't help the matter any.

 Off to the side of the main setting, was a smaller room with a splintered door dangling precariously from well beyond rusty hinges. Perhaps a bedroom or storage? San had mentioned earlier two rolled up futons tucked neatly back in a closet while exploring.

Very humble indeed but it also held an odd charm  Rin was slightly envious. To live a free quiet life with a loved one...there would be nothing better than that.  

"San?' He asked as he arranged the small branches into a peaked pile and looked over to where the lady was rummaging in the corner. "Do we still have the tinderbox?"

After finishing her shuffling through a grimy pile of frayed cloth and old boxes, San pivoted to him and made her reply. 

" Yes...there's not much left, however." She admitted wiping her palms off on the end of her soil-colored robes, then she wandered causally to his side crouching down. "This trip...is taking a bit longer than expected."

She pulled the small metal container from her inner chest pocket and offered it to him.

" I'm sorry...about that." He apologized with a nod, then gently took the tin. " I should have been better prepared."

San crooked a nervous smile at the edge of her lips." I wasn't blaming you, Master Rin. I was simply stating that things have not gone as planned. It seems that fate has another path in store for us."

 Of this, he was well aware. From the minute they left the palace grounds it had been one incident after another slowly stalling them out or taking them off course.  Indeed it was if something was keeping them from reaching her uncle's estate.

 And silently he was thankful for it... whatever mischievous spirit it was.

"Maybe..." He replied softly, flipping open the lid of the box and taking out the items required to ignite a flame. He had to be extremely careful, only a few tiny scraps of tinder remained in the tin. If the wood didn't catch, they would have to do without a fire for the night. 

 She sighed and eased down on the threadbare pillow at his side. " After the rain eases, we should go on a  search for something to put in our bellies. It's been almost two days."

 As Rin was about respond, his empty stomach immediately felt compelled to voice its opinion.

  The two tired and weary companions stared at each other for a short startled moment then burst out in laughter.  

"Ooh..." He muttered awkwardly, rubbing a palm over the rumbling. " That's embarrassing."

 "You are human after all..." San said through a loud nose snort, then proceed to attempt to muffle it with her hand. " I was beginning to wonder."

" What does that mean?" He asked becoming more sober. "Of course  I'm human..."

The young lady smiled shyly behind her fingers but said nothing more. She turned her attention to the stone basin in front of her and began to nitpick at the way the sticks were arranged. 

 What did that mean...not human? Did she think he was a troll or a wicked sprite?  Rin had always done his best to be polite and kind to most of the people he met along his way. It would seem however it had all been a waste of time.People will see you how they want to see you regardless of how you treat them.

Sometimes figuring out how others see you, was more difficult than trying to step on the same piece of water twice.   And even so Impossibly futile.


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