The Prophecy Fulfilled

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Robert Clarke could no longer feel the coldness of the sea or taste the salty water. He was no longer panicked but was calm and relaxed.

A dim light flickered in the distance, catching Rob’s attention. He moved towards the light. A single flame glowed in the darkness. The flame was not orange like fire normally is but was silver. No heat came from the flame just a brilliant white light. Robert felt drawn to it.

He reached out to touch the silvery flame and a wave of pain ran through his body. Darkness suddenly returned and he was suffocating again. Robert Clarke was back in the murky depths of the sea. His body swelled with water and his mind lost consciousness.

If fate had not intervened when it did Robert Clarke would have died at the bottom of the sea. On that same night a fisherman, rowing his small dingy in the hectic sea saw the small boy disappear into the dark water.

The man rowed his dingy as fast as he could and dived into the water after the young boy. The fisherman yanked Rob from the sea’s grasp and battled the fast current.

The man swam with all his might and threw Robert Clarke into the small dingy, before clambering into the boat himself.

He picked up his two wooden oars and rowed to shore, bracing himself as wave after wave crashed against the side of the boat.

Exhausted, the man used the last of his strength and dragged the small dingy onto the shore and laid Robert on the beach, only to collapse next to him.

Watching from a distance, as he so often did, the red-eyed man smiled smugly to himself. He was right. He was always right.

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