Chapter 7

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On the floor, with a moron flipping cards and swiping it all around .. A card game where he is the best in it, another good thing to that he brings good vibes no matter what is the condition. Bluff. A card game where you equal the deck to every person playing, a person replaces any card with flipping it downwards, with mentioning what it is .. You could bluff about the card number or you could say the truth .. You have the right to check whether if the card is right or wrong .. If it was a bluff, the person who replaced it takes it, and if the person was true about it, you take that card. And the games on until a player runs out of cards and claim himself as a winner .. With these kind of games, with the way of playing. You could know who would be an expert in this .. Compliments on Jack perhaps ?

" I got 2 cards left chicken and you got ... " as he checks on how many cards left for me

" got 8 .. " as he shook his head

" Will you try at least winning me once ? I mean 10 wins streak on you fool .. This is crazy mate I tell you .. Crazy !! " as he says

" Will you just play moron and let's see who wins, come on ? " as I pointed to his cards to point out that he should complete the game

With the thirst to win on this guy, after shouts & laughs .. At the end, no cards with Jack .. I got 3 .. And I see that grimly face on him as he gave me the middle finger

" Take that mofo .. Hahahaha .. 11 in a row biatch !!! " as he continued laughing

" Yeah yeah yeah .. Take this one back fucker" as I gave him back that finger "Disgrace .. A liar so what do you expect from a type of that guy .. Indeed a win "

" All .. I .. Do .. Is .. Win .. And you can't do anything about it chicken .. Buck buck buck ! " as he did a chicken posture of what he used to do when I get humiliated in front of him since being kids

" Shut up mate " as I pushed him aside as he drops to the floor with laughter more & more " moron, do you want something from the supermarket .. I got to grab some stuff as you see Jen is not here today .. So yeah .. Anything ? " as I said

" Changing topics .. I see .. Poor mate " " I'm joking, well thanks mate, I could help myself here in this crib of yours .. Don't worry .. Everything is safe " as Jack approached to the couch flipping channels on TV

" Fine that would do it then .. See you later in minutes .. And please, home at your safety "

" Alright .. I said don't worry .. About a thing .. Cause every little thing .. Is gonna be alright " as he sings the classic bob Marley's three little birds

" Cheers mate .. Alright .. See you " as I stepped out of the door and closing it with half regret half pleasure .. Regret for leaving the house to a moron to take the responsibility, he could do anything wrong .. Pleased for having a friend like him in my life though he messes around too much .. That's what defines him and he couldn't care less about anyone judging him .. That's a strong aspect in him that just makes him himself.

As I stepped inside the car and turned on the engine .. I turned on the radio and started to accelerate towards the market .. Shorter distance then the distance to the office

Flipped the radio to 99.6 .. Spanish classics .. I don't feel for that now .. Flipped to 100.5 .. News and weather report .. Couldn't bother much towards both, as I got many issues on myself, I mean the bibs, ball & the song played on the radio that day .. Trying to forget about the nonsense of all of this .. It might be just a bare coincidence and nothing much to think off , let it be .. That's what is in my head for the time being .. Something reasonable to be in my mind a bit. As I remembered earlier the song being played previously in the week, Katy's show !! Maybe I could listen to an apology of being played by mistake or it's just a mistake from the workers there .. As well I could catch up with new issues with her on air. I can't deny listening to her. Flipped to 101.6. As I hear her already starting a talk with someone on phone .. I might be lucky much to at least to hear her voice in the day.

" Yes mr. .. I know it feels wrong to be sidelined and being on the bench, rather then playing and do something quietly, but it's for the purpose of the club, in it ?

" Yes Katy .. You are right in that .. But he's our star ,, he's our saviour for the time being .. Just for a foolish tiny mistake in his last match you could bench him .. That's wrong .. I could just sack the manager rather then seeing him benched "

From that part I could catch up & know what it is all about .. Atletico madrid fan complaint about the coach about him benching Villa for the rest of the season because of a harsh tackle on someone on the field. Yes I caught up with Katy .. It's even a great topic to listen.

As I grabbed some things from the market .. Doing a U-turn .. Back to my home, and see what this idiot did with the shelter of mine. The talk was still on with much group of participatory from most people in the country as they see it a very big decision.

Miles away and I'm there .. Home .. In a new route I took which is shorter perhaps .. No .. Or I mean to hear my sis talking till the end waiting maybe for an apology .. That would just clear my mind and trash out those bad thoughts away.

" Well folks here we end this." Yes finally it's it " as always, you make our show greater by listening and participating , so don't think twice and regret for calling us in anything .. As I got a second to end the show, I hope everyone could stay safe .. Stay out of trouble & enjoy your day with care .. Toddles " as those words where the end.

No sorry from them .. No apologies whatsoever .. Nothing wrong was happened that day .. Oh Lord this is creepy with all this .. Could ever someone help me with this crap head of mine ? .. As then, realized that I'm being ungrateful for having a light where I'm in dark .. Got to give a call and just ask her for much info and help.

As I reached the phone .. Dialed her number .. And the rings came in as I waited .. Which after time, the phone hang up in a meaning of her being busy or she's somewhere where the phone isn't in her reach.

After that gesture, minutes later.

" The wheels on the bus go round and round .. Go round and round .. "

As then it stops, after it being played twice .. And the adverts came in.

" No no no no .. Hell no .. What the fuck is this ? " as I kicked the steering wheel with anger and rotated it on the side so I could park and breath some fresh air while the inside me is not at all.

" Bibs .. Ball .. 2 nursery rhymes songs being played ?!!! " " it's not connected it at all arghhhhh !! " as I slammed the window with anger.

" Come on think fast .. Come on .. Think more, help anyone .. Nonsense " as I breathed as being choked myself

Reached the phone again .. Shaking like a leaf .. More .. I couldn't even dial the number very well as I gave up. And just placed my forehead on the honk area of the steering wheel with regret and shame.

As I couldn't even move a muscle .. That ring of the phone popped up, as I see Jack's number .. Mind is crushed to bits as I couldn't think of a reason for him calling at this shape of me, I even did forget that he has the house in his hands.

Pressed the green button and suddenly it cuts .. He called again, same thing happened for five times in a row. As I panicked more, no more disasters coming up towards me as I want peace .. Five calls is much to make me accelerate towards home to see what Jack is being doing .. But the way of driving was different, drunky drive .. As I try my very best to plan and thing of a connection with all this .. Nothing happened as I reached back home

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