We were all in Abe's basement, the boys playing video games, Taylor and I trying to figure out what I should draw. The boys came up with a few suggestions here and there, but they were, in all honesty, stupid and boy related. No thanks.
"Thanks for trying, guys," I said. "But I might just pull out of Art."
"Aw come on, Jules!" Ian groaned.
I sighed. "I gotta get home, my parents are gonna want me for dinner. I'll see you guys later." I hugged everyone goodbye and left the house, walking down the sidewalk home until I heard someone yell my name. I turned.
"Your house is pretty far from Abe's, right?" Clay asked. "Let me walk you."
I swallowed.
"So," I began as I walked Juliette home.
I saw her tighten her jaw.
"How come you were limping today? You weren't yesterday. You don't pull things off very well, y'know."
"How about you just stay out of my business?" she demanded. "I don't even know who the hell you are."
"Yet, I know more than your friends do." I retorted. I knew she was being abused, it was so obvious. But by how much everyone said how nice her father George was, I knew it couldn't be him. They had nothing to say about her mother or brother, though. And her brother was a big guy. Not fat, but extremely muscular. He was a senior, but looked like he was in his mid-twenties.
My head jerked to the right at the thought of him hurting her, my ear hitting my shoulder.
I looked at Juliette when she wouldn't respond, and I saw her glaring at her shoes. I wanted her to talk to me, I wanted to help her, but she wouldn't let me. She wouldn't let anyone. I watched her chew her scarred, torn lips, and even though I had only met her yesterday, I just wanted to kiss them better. I wanted to make her happy.
We reached her house and stood on her porch. She began to walk in when I grabbed her arm. She looked at me and her beautiful eyes stared at me in sorrow. I wanted to cry for her, because even though her eyes were puffy, she seemed so strong. The front door suddenly opened and her brother glared at us.
"Get your ass inside," he ordered.
She looked at him, then at me, and I felt her fingertips dig into my arm.
"Why don't you back off and give us a minute." I ordered.
He slowly glared at me. "And who are you, shrimp? You her boyfriend?"
"Sean, stop it," she whispered.
"What'd you say?"
I glared at him.
"Leave, Clay." Juliette said to me.
"J - " I began.
Her eyes shot at mine and begged me to just go. I swallowed hard and squeezed her hand, walking off, but not far enough to hear, "Get in the basement. Now."
Oh God.
I was in my room after receiving a few blows to the body from Sean. I finished the rest of my homework and looked at a picture of my mother my grandmother gave me before she died. I sighed softly, but before I could sleep my pain away, I got a call. I looked at it and groaned, answering it.
"What?" I asked, my throat sore, my teeth nibbling at my scabby lip.
"Are you okay?" Clay asked.
"I'm fine."
"Juliette, I - I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to get you in trouble, but - "
"I said I'm fine, Clay!" I yelled, my throat thick with tears.
There was a pause and I muted myself so I could sniffle the tears away.
"Okay... " he said softly. "I - I'll, uh... I'll see you tomorrow."
I closed my eyes, my lips trembling, and after a few moments of silence, I mustered out in a shaky voice, "Don't go."
A pause. A choked sob.
"Okay," he whispered.
I let out a sigh of relief and a sniffle.
After talking to Clay for five hours straight, I was tired and sore and just wanted to sleep my pain away.
"You sound sleepy," Clay murmured.
"Yeah," I sighed.
"Do you wanna stop talking?"
I shrugged. "Yes and no."
He chuckled. "Get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Goodnight, Juliette."
"Goodnight, Clay."
He chuckled softly and the call ended. I sighed and plugged my phone into its charger, turning some music on and sighing heavily, my eyelids droopy. But before I fell asleep, my phone dinged. I groaned and looked at it.
Goodnight, gorgeous :), Clay said.
I smiled huge and bit my lip. I couldn't remember the last time I had a large, genuine smile.
Goodnight, handsome :)

Crânio Borboleta (COMPLETED)
Teen Fiction"What do you think it feels like to die, Clay?" I whispered. "Don't you dare, Juliette," he said, grabbing my arms. "Don't you dare think like that. Ever." I didn't say anything. "Why won't you tell anyone? Why won't you tell anyone, we can help you...