"First day of school in two days," George signed with a smile as he and I got back from running. I sat on the counter as he made us protein shakes. "You excited?"
I chuckled. "It's school, Dad," I signed. "I think you're thinking of the wrong word. Maybe doomed?"
He let out a grunt with a wide smile. "Come on, Chubs. You're a sophomore this year, two years after this, you'll be out of here and heading to college. Just between me and you," He looked around, then leaned forward and signed, "I'm pretty sure you'll be my only kid even graduating high school."
I grinned and he handed me a protein shake, both of us going to the living room to watch our favorite show; Bones. We loved crime shows.
"So, are you and Taylor going to dress up all fancy tomorrow?" George signed during a commercial.
"If 'dressed up all fancy' means leggings or ripped jeans and baggy t-shirts, then yes, we will be the fairest of them all tomorrow." I signed back.
"What? This is your first day, Chubs, you got to dress nice! The day after you can dress as if you're going running."
I smirked and whistled for Vern, who rolled down the stairs and ran to George and I sitting at our feet and praising us, waiting for one of us to pet him. I buried my hand in his fur and scratched his scalp as I drank my shake. Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned, George smiling with much emotion in his eyes.
"I'm so proud of you, baby," he signed, his lips trembling.
I smiled and hugged him, then murmured aloud to myself, "Thanks, Dad."
George decided to take a nap since he was exhausted after his run, so I wrote him a note that I'd be going to my friend Taylor's house and that I'd be home later. When I got to Taylor's, I did my "special knock" and a beautiful blonde in a sweatshirt and shorts answered.
"My favorite person of all time!" Taylor cried.
I chuckled and she pulled me inside, both of us running to her room.
"So," Taylor said as she began painting her nails a blush color. "You excited for homecoming?"
I scoffed softly with a chuckle. "No. I don't wanna go."
"What?! Why?! Jules, this is homecoming! You skipped all of the dances last year, you gotta come to this one! Ditch conditioning just for one night. Please. Rumor has it, Vick Kramer wants to ask you."
"Yeah, but hint on the word 'rumor', Tay. Plus, he's kind of an asshole."
"Then just go as friends! Come on, Jules, you gotta come. It's gonna be amazing, there's gonna be food and a photo booth and a bunch of loud music. And we're not gonna even dance with our dates, we're all gonna be dancing together as our big group."
I shrugged. "I don't know. I'll think about it."
"Well, you better get an answer soon, it's in two weeks."
I wasn't going.
After hanging out at Taylor's for a few hours, I decided to go home and that's when I found Winona's and Sean's cars in the driveway. I groaned and walked to the door, hearing deep laughter inside, and I knew it was Sean's friends. Though Sean didn't like me, his friends did, but I think they liked me... too much. A few liked to touch me a lot when they got high or drunk. Two had even kissed me when Sean had to pee or get food.

Crânio Borboleta (COMPLETED)
Novela Juvenil"What do you think it feels like to die, Clay?" I whispered. "Don't you dare, Juliette," he said, grabbing my arms. "Don't you dare think like that. Ever." I didn't say anything. "Why won't you tell anyone? Why won't you tell anyone, we can help you...