I know many aren't reading this, but for those who are, thank you.
So, for starters, I just want to thank everyone who read this story. This story means much to me on a personal level, but not just me. For others. I wrote this story because of the people who have to go through things like this every day.
And if there's anyone who's reading this that does go through this every day, I envy you. I wish to be you because you are so strong. You are stuck in your own personal hell, and yet you still push and you're still so strong. I wouldn't be able to do that, I don't think.
Juliette is one of many characters I deeply love. She's depressed, but she tries to not let anyone know because she doesn't want anyone to worry. I'm depressed, all in all. And I'm like that too, I don't want people to worry, I don't want them to know. I've read so many books and I've written so many books about people being abused or raped or bullied, because I think that the people who go through that every day in real life deserve to be heard, though it's not from themselves.
My heart aches for everyone who is in pain all of the time. Who cry all of the time when they're alone, but in public they're loud and obnoxious and crazy and fun to be around. Because that's a damaged person, but also a hopeful person.
I love all of you. And I hope that all of you who are going what Juliette went through will express to someone what's happening to you because I do not want you to have to go through what she did. No one deserves that.
Thank you all so much for reading "Crânio Borboleta", and I hope that this story helped enlighten others who are hurting, or who are the ones that are causing the pain.
I love you all.
- Maddi

Crânio Borboleta (COMPLETED)
Teen Fiction"What do you think it feels like to die, Clay?" I whispered. "Don't you dare, Juliette," he said, grabbing my arms. "Don't you dare think like that. Ever." I didn't say anything. "Why won't you tell anyone? Why won't you tell anyone, we can help you...