The final show down! The fight for the girls!

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As I watch the negotiation happen in front of me all I can do is stand by. The boy in blue is making a deal with Blade.

"Blade you can walk away or we can fight you it's your choice," the boy in blue states.

'Is this boy mad? He'll get ripped to shreds!'

"Don't make me laugh boy! I'll strike a deal and we can decide from there shall we?" Blade says.

'What are you planning Blade?'

I move to another roof getting a better angle and watch closely as a boy with red hair steps forward, "okay Blade what is it?"

"Quite simple you leave the girls lives and I leave Townsville."

My jaw drops, 'he can't be serious! Just like that! After five years!'

I look at the boys and they look at each other than nod to the red which I guess he's the leader they call Brick.

"Okay deal!" He said it like it was going to kill him and I froze. They can't just leave like that! They can't just leave my sisters again!

And that was it Blade was gone and just like that the boys left again and so did my memory.

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