Chapter 1

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Justins Pov

Scooter wanted me to go in today to meet Ariana. I already knew her though we dated in high school she probably doesn't want to do anything with me though. I mean i missed her a little but imma offer her to date me as a public stunt. Maybe ill be able to win her back that way.

I got out of my car and walked into Scooters office i saw him and Ariana sitting descussing her album.

"Hey." I said as i sat in the chair to Ariana. I saw her turn red and look down at her hands.

"Uhm hey Justin." She said quietly. Scooter introduced us then left us alone in his office. Ariana didn't even look at me all she did was look anywhere but towards me.

"Ariana .." I said trying to get her attention.

"What ? Look Justin i didn't want to re meet you it wasn't my idea." She said quickly.

"No i wanted to ask you will you be my girlfriend as a public stunt it wont be real just pretend because i need someone sweet next to me plus it will increase our fanbase." I said tryingg to sound persuasive.

"Look Justin i dont want anything to do with you what you did two years ago still hurts. You literally broke my heart burned it and threw it off a cliff. Im done with you maybe everyone else might love you but i cant be near you it all brings backs memorys and hurts so much." She said letting a tear escape her eye.

"Look i wanted to explain what happend but then i had to move. I know you probably hate me but its a public stunt just please? You need this as much as me for people to be getting ready for your album. Just for a couple months." I said feeling like i was about to cry also.

" look Justin i dont want to spend any time with you but your right i do need this i guess ill do it but strictly in public in personal were totally single." She said whipping away a tear.

"Okay but let me explain what happend back two years ago." I said i really wanted to explain. 2 years ago she was the girl of my dreams.

"No i dont want to hear it." She said getting up.

"Can i atleast get your number so i can text you details about when were meeting up?" I said.

"Yea hold on." She wrote her number down on a peice of paper & slipped it to me.

Arianas Pov

I walked out the studio, i dont know why i said yes to Justin after all hes hurt me. Nothing good had ever come from Justin all hes done is hurt me but im still falling for him. I have to admit i still wanted him but he probably still sees me as joke.

"Ariana wait." I heard Justin say run after me.

"What?" I said a little annoyed.

"Lets go to eat something." He said staring me in the eye knowing i wouldn't be able to resist like in high school.

"I already ate." I lied.

"No you didnt come on." He said seeing right thru my lie.

"Fine whatever." I said. We got in our cars and i followed him he drove me to a california pizza kitchen. The whole way i kept thinking about how much he hurt me in high school.

I heard a tapping at my car window. I looked up and saw Justin smiling down at me. I almost smiled back but instead i looked down and opened my car door.

Paparazi saw us and snapped a few pics so we interlocked our fingers i felt a small shock. It was so familiar to high school. We took our table and ordered our food.

"Ariana look im sorry for everything, i know you probably dont want to talk to me i wouldn't either but understand i didn't want all of those things to happen. We were young but you dont understand how much i regret it all." Justin spoke after a long silence.

"Look Justin you think with an apology everything is fixed. I have feelings that you didn't even consider so lets just stop talking about it." I said as i felt a sharp pain behind my eye. I was about to cry for the second time today.

"I just want to make things right." He said as our food came to the table.

"Look i dont care i just want to eat and get home." I said trying to stop the tears and focus on my food. I saw paprazis in the windows so i smiled and pretended to have a great time with justin.

Finally we were able to leave we dove our sperate ways. I quickly drove to my house i wanted to be alone tonight. I wanted to sit in the dark and let it all out.

I got home and went to the couch not minding i was still wearing my dress from today. I sat down and buried my face in a cushion and cried not caring if i messed up my make up or cusion. I tried to get up but i couldn't all the memorys of Justin breaking my heart rushed back to me. I even remembered when we were a happy couple. But he ruined it all.

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