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Thalia didn't go to school the next day. Skipping out was understandable given the circumstances, but it made for a lonely day. One Reyna wasn't looking forward too. The man who'd driven drunk was arrested but there was no erasing what actually happened. In truth Reyna felt horribly sorry. Were things this bad after I left? How could I just leave her there like this?

But as soon as these thoughts came,  Reyna was reminded of why she left. Why she was so eager to escape in the first place.

"Can't believe the psycho's daughter is back."

"Did you hear her sister is a fucking waitress and works some other low job. Like she can at least do better than that."

"Yeah I know. Johnny went to the restaurant last night. Said the service was complete crap. Bet the girl can hardly carry a tray."

And so on went the whispers that made Reyna's blood boil. What was worse were the rumors surrounding the disappearance of Silena. People had made up numerous things. That she staged the accident and ran away cause she was the reason Charles died in the fire.

"I swear she killed him. A girl that pretty has to be psycho." Or better yet, "She just looked like she could do something like that."

How would they know? None of theses idiots even know what actually happened. I sure as hell don't but I'm not saying stupid things like that. The insensitivity only grew worse with time. Reyna hadn't heard or paid attention much to the conversations that floated around campus and she was suddenly wishing she still wasn't paying attention.

"Bianca was just a wild child. I'd be the same after having to raise a brother." An honorable thing most people wouldn't do. Reyna couldn't help but respond softly in her head.

"Her dad is some sleeze ball. You see the creep? He looks like the type who drives a big old white van and kidnaps kids. Bet thats how he got Hazel. Just stole a black kid off the streets." Laughter like the sound of wild dogs followed suit. It only got worse at lunch. The gossip would reach a loud rumble. It was nearly overwhelming. Reyna attempted to distance herself from the mayhem to try and focus on things that actually mattered but it was useless.

A boy and girl next to her were watching Artemis weave her way through people towards her brother with a perpetually bored expression. As if life no longer held anything interesting.

"Can't believe she freaked out on Orion last year." The boy shook his head as if he were a disappointed parent.

"Are you kidding? Anyone would literally die trying to get laid by Orion. The man is a hot beast." The girl smiled earning a slightly annoyed look from the guy.

Reyna attempted to glance over her math homework from earlier in the morning but the words vibrated in her skull like angry flies.

"Apparently not everyone. You know if she just let it happen I bet she'd have liked it." The guy smirked. Reyna's hands shook slightly at the remarks.

"But no, the whole lesbian thing is just a joke. She's like the straightest person I've ever seen." That was it. Reyna was done.

"You two idiots have absolutely no idea what you're even talking about. Stop criticizing someone you don't know. People have a right to say no to things without it being frowned on by society. And as far as sexuality goes clearly you don't find a human being's worth in their personality or their treatment of others. " The two unfortunate victims of Reyna's wrath gave her appalled expressions but she had yet to finish. "Lastly, the people here who spread rumors about what's going on with the tragic events need to stop. We need to respect those who've been hurt by these things rather than pointing fingers and making things up. You're just a bunch of affluent kids who think you can do and say what you want but you can't. As for my sister, piss off! She's the most amazing person you will ever meet and you have no right, any of you, to insult her as a person."

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