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"Take the gun. The way things are now protection isn't a bad thing. We keep the data from the hard drive but we keep it secret. As for the party I say we go. See if we can't make better sense of everything. Besides, I'm curious about what Drew knows." Thalia watched as Reyna took the weapon and checked the barrel of the pistol.

It was loaded, with a sigh Reyna handed it to me. "Tuck it in your waist band. Your shirt and jacket should cover it."

"I've never shot a gun before." Thalia admitted taking it gingerly and turning it over in her hands.

"Then you better get some practice." Reyna opened the drawer of her father's desk and pulled out a box of bullets. "Let's go we have maybe an hour."

"Alright." Thalia nodded tucking the gun away and then the bullets. Reyna and Thalia made their way to a down town part of the area, where there was a small river that ran through the woods.

Reyna figured it was best if they were out of sight from public eye insisting they go a little ways in the treeline. Thalia obliged and after a bit of effort Reyna managed to collect some old junk to make a target. Nothing like an old tire to shoot at.

"Alright. Now to teach you how to shoot." Reyna breathed, dusting her hands off on her pants and making her way back to Thalia. Thalia handed her the weapon.

Reyna showed her how to hold it properly and warned her about the kickback that could occur. Once Reyna was certain Thalia was remotely prepared she turned the girl loose.

Sighing Thalia rolled her shoulders and raised the weapon making sure to hold it as Reyna had shown her. Grip firm her finger hovered just over the trigger. It felt odd to hold something so powerful. It could cause serious damage but it was in her hands of all people.

"Just breath. Don't think." Reyna instructed calmly seeming to sense Thalia's nerves.

"Got it." Reyna watched as Thalia's eyes narrowed into a rather fierce expression, pupils shrinking as she focused. Her finger pulled the trigger and she remained rooted to the spot as the gun kicked back. The barrel steamed from the friction and the thunk of the bullet hitting the tire echoed in the trees.

Reyna stood there for a moment in awe. Thalia had impeccable aim managing to hit the center of the O in the tire brand name. Throat dry Reyna shook her head collecting herself. "Seems like you didn't need much teaching,"

"Lucky shot." Thalia said staring at the gun with a mixture of emotions. It felt incredible, her heart hammered with adrenaline. Pulling back the hammer Thalia raised the weapon once again and just like before aimed for a letter. The crack of the gun was followed by the tearing of rubber as the bullet slammed into her target.

A slight smile tugged at the edges of Thalia's mouth. "Maybe it wasn't so lucky."

"Alright put the gun down. Don't get too trigger happy." Reyna joked uncrossing her arms and walking back to Thalia from her safe distance. Thalia nodded and tucked the gun back in the waist band of her jeans. "The real test is making it through this party."

"Well I'm a C and D average student so don't have high expectations about me passing tests." Thalia smirked lopsidedly at her little joke earning an eye roll from Reyna.

"Lucky for you I don't like failing tests. Now, we have a long walk so let's get going." Reyna tugged on Thalia's sleeves flattening out some of the wrinkles.

"Copy that captain." Thalia tried to tame her hair at least a tiny bit but it was hopeless as they made their way back from the secret spot. It indeed was a long walk but the weather was nice...ish.

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