Break In?

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Thalia felt bad remembering that Jason had left and she hadn't said goodbye. She felt guilty but at the same time they had tried to accomplish an important plan, but sadly it didn't work. However, as Thalia lay in bed staring at the dark ceiling she began to cook something up in her head. An idea that was nearly fool proof.

Even as she heard her mother stumble into the house she kept planning. She would have to see how Reyna felt about the idea after soccer practice tomorrow morning. Sighing, she rolled onto her side and forced herself to fall asleep.

Getting to practice wasn't hard. Thalia just slung on her practice clothes and tennis shoes, gathered her duffel bag, and set on her way at a quick run. She'd done it for years now, the run was just an extra long warm up. The cold air felt good against her skin and she occasionally spotted another person out and about.

A few others were already at the field kicking a ball around. Thalia wasn't late but she wasn't the earliest to arrive. Annabeth was expertly juggling the ball occasionally passing it over to Rachel.

Shafting off her jacket Thalia slung it over the fence and jogged onto the field snatching the ball away from Annabeth.

"Thalia Grace you suck." Annabeth jokingly flipped her off as she tossed the ball back to the blonde.

"I don't suck I'm amazing." Thalia countered ducking the ball as Annabeth threw it at her head.

"Sure you are." Thalia flinched at the light smack on the back of her head as Artemis, having newly arrived, passed the ball back over to Annabeth. "You feeling better after last night?"

"Yeah. Sorry about that." Thalia gave her an apologetic smile.

"It's fine." Artemis shrugged.

"What happened last night?" Rachel asked curiously.

"Hey guys!" Hazel bounded over excitedly followed by Reyna and a moment later coach Hermes.

"What's up Hazelnut?" Annabeth smiled ruffling the smaller girl's hair.

"Okay gals enough chit chat." Coach Hermes chuckled tucking his clip board under his arm. "You've all played before. Even the new faces, yes?"

Thalia felt a bit bad not talking to the newer additions to the varsity team but she also didn't care much. The group collectively nodded earning a pleased smile from Hermes.

"Great, let's get started with some passing drills shall we? If you guys kill it we can do a small skirmish at the end." He winked glancing down at his clip board while we each grabbed a partner.

"Let's see if you're rusty." Thalia smiled tossing a ball to Reyna.

"Likewise Grace." She said but her eyes studied Thalia's bandaged wrist worriedly.

"I'm fine." Thalia promised. "Mind if we talk after practice?"

"Yeah." She nodded setting the ball down and kicking it. The two girl's passes were quick and efficient with little mishaps. One touch and the ball was gone before coming back just as quick.

They worked well together like an oiled machine. Anything Hermes threw out they pounced on it eager to show off and better yet out do each other.

"Fight for the ball you two. Elbow up! That's it!" He encouraged as they tried to throw one another off the ball. In the end, Thalia stumbled due to a groove in the grass and Reyna claimed the goal.

"Better luck next time Grace." She smiled jogging back to the two single file lines as Rachel and Hazel faced off against one another. Sweat caused the back of her shirt to cling to the space between her shoulder blades. At least Thalia knew she was giving Reyna a run for her money.

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