Chapter 3

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"With being able to Combine all together into one Ultra 'bot, we have a huge advantage against Steeljaw," Bumblebee announced greatly to the others who were wide awake in front of him. "But we don't have Drift, so how are we going to become the Ultra Bee combiner without him?" Sideswipe intervened with Bumblebee's 'great' news. The smile of the former scout's faceplate shown his joy had faltered as he had forgotten that their samurai wasn't present with them.

"Well since Steeljaw is-" Bumblebee was cut if by a sudden clang if metal as if someone pushed something. Or someone. "Personal space, Strongarm!" Sideswipe growled as she pushed her to the side. She showed him back, optics flaring with sudden anger. "I wasn't even In your space!" She shot back narrowing her optics.

"Sideswipe. Strongarm. Not the time," Bumblebee interjected into the conversation, knowing that his verbal actions weren't going to take place in their encounters. "Five. Foot. Radius, Strongarm," Sideswipe rumbled, folding his arms.

"Five foot radius, strongarm," She mocked quietly, folding her arms as well as she looked the opposite direction. Grimlock looked back and forth between the two, scratching his helm before looking up at Bumblebee who shrugged.

"Anyway, We'll be separating up into teams. Since I can't pull you two away," Bumblebee referred to Strongarm and Sideswipe. "You will be a scouting team. Take Grimlock with you just in case." Strongarm huffed, stubbornly refusing to look Sideswipe in the optic.

"Fixit, keep your com-link open to the rest of us. Without any equipment, we're scouting blindly," The Lieutenant muttered, tapping his audio receptor that led to his com system to assure its functioning.

Denny held Russell close, looking up at the gang of Autobots. "Would you need any assistance, Bee?" Denny asked, arching a brow. "I mean chores or anything that-" The former scout Rose a servo and shook his helm. "We can't risk you going out into the cave and having a Decepticon possibly skipping by," He said.

"You and Russell just try and get comfortable, we are most likely going to be here for awhile until we can find a new Base," Bee continued, wincing before a forced sigh became him. "I swear to Primus I will stab you with a pen!" The cadet yelled threateningly dragging the sports car to the ground roughly by his arm.

"Shut up with your pathetic threats!" Sideswipe screamed angrily and pushed Strongarm away. "Ew, shut yo with your pathetic threats," Strongarm mocked again, this time Sideswipe actually catching onto the words she said. "Oh. My. Primus. Stop mocking me!" The mech shouted angrily.

"Just when I thought they had matured," The Lieutenant muttered. "C'mon, we can patrol previous marks where we have encountered Steeljaw's gang," He announced, blinking before his facial expression turned into a look of failure.

"Let's hope we don't dismantle each other..." Bumblebee mumbled. "Let's rev up and roll out!"  By that, Bumblebee advanced out of the cave, Grimlock following close behind. Strongarm punched Sideswipe stomping forward before transforming and speeding out. Sideswipe huffed and wiped his arm off like if dust were in his arm, transforming and speeding after her reluctantly.

"Sideswipe, Strongarm. Grim and I will be staying close by to the base. Please defeat the 'Cons and not each other," The former scout briefly repeated the plot before separating from Sideswipe and Strongarm with Grimlock into the trees that surrounded the caves.

Strongarm had ranked up her speed a little, avoiding the towering trees carefully and quickly. "We should check the wooded area, it would provide more cover from humans and for Decepticons," She muttered over the com-unit.

"No duh," Sideswipe responded, tilting his side mirrors in a nod, swerving slightly as they neared a densely wooded area that would claim the title as the forest. The two had driven up some more, the grounds clear, no commotion. Just silence.

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