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Arguing. Something Bumblebee was very used to hearing in drowsy mornings. He rubbed his baggy eyes, trudging into the diner as he ran a hand through his messy blonde hair. He exhaled forcefully, blinking at the beige smoking cup of coffee placed on a coaster upon the marble counters of the diner. Quite a few cups in fact.

He scratched his head, shifting his grey shirt sleeve back onto his shoulder. "Huh," He quietly said to himself, his finger slipping onto a taped price of paper on the counter.

Russell and I went out for a few earrings, we'll be back!

Bee sighed and licked up the steaming hot cup of coffee and flipped the piece of paper back down. The sharp voices of two familiar teens had dialed down, Bumblebee's suspicions starting to balance out.

He groaned to himself, silence was a far too precious item to savor in the midst of arguing. He grumbled something about growing up before trusting over to the action where the two were at.

An unconscious Sideswipe laid on the ground next to a crouching down Strongarm. Bumblebee closed his eyes for a brief moment before opening them and tilting his head to the side with a look of disbelief. "What happened?" He groaned as he drug a hand down the side of his face.

"Well... It's pretty simple, Sir," She stammered as she gave an uppercut motion towards her hand, giving off a 'knack' sound. "I uh understand the two of you fight on a daily basis, but violence is not gonna help," The Lieutenant reasoned and received a slow nod from the woman.

Sideswipe slowly gained consciousness, groaning as his fingers curled. "Strongarm... come... here..," He rasped, his eyes slowly cracking open. She bent down and titled her head as she narrowed her blue eyes. Bumblebee narrowed his eyes, familiar with the stunt Sideswipe was going to pull. "I.." He stammered before grabbing Strongarm's leg with a massive grin and causing her to slip and fall.

She growled and kicked his arm, receiving a faltered maniac laugh from the young man. "I find it hard to think the two of you are actually in your twenties," Bumblebee muttered bitterly to himself as he headed to his makeshift quarters.

Fixit sat at the Diner, quietly sipping his cup of coffee hesitantly. Strongarm pushed Sideswipe face-flat into the ground and walked off. "Hey! You can't just leave me!" He shouted, slipping as he gotten up and chased after the woman.

"Good m-m-morning, Lieutenant," Fixit coughed out as he gave a light tap to his chest. "Morning, Fixit,* Bumblebee greeted, suddenly acknowledging the cup if coffee he was holding and took a sip. "The others...?" Bumblebee started, arching a brow in suspicion.

"I seen Sideswipe and Strongarm out early, they have been hanging out frequently, Grimlock is still seeping-keeping- sleeping! And I am unsure about Drift and his students," The little man muttered, fixing his glasses.

"Mm," The blonde man hummed to himself, turning on the television and flipping through the channels until the news broke out in an unexpected manner of excitement startling the former scout.

"Good morning Crown City, today.." The news blasted, the man behind the camera straightening his papers.

The alarm of the command center rung loudly, assembling the present team. Fixit looked at the command tablet that was on the desk next to him, quickly picking it up and transferring the information to it.

He squinted his eyes, zooming in on the image. "It's a human femme," He bluntly reported as he looked up at the Bee Team. Bumblebee seemed slightly unconvinced, Fixit showing him the tablet and started to frown more.

"Drift and the minis, come with me to prepare the weapons. Sideswipe, Strongarm investigate with caution, Fixit keep an eye on the monitor," Bee instructed, as Drift took a headstart to the weapons. Sideswipe narrowed his eyes and stared at the weapon on the coffee table and then at the woman making her way down to the front gate with her gun in the back holster.

"Maybe we should try to see what's wrong, it's not everyday someone comes to visit the scrapyard," Sideswipe softly suggested as Strongarm observed the pad on the gate. Behind the gate the sound of sobbing could be heard.

Sideswipe furrowed his brow, the gate sliding open slowly to reveal a woman with dark brown hair and hazel eyes and a ruffled light blue dress with flats. She held a child, young about the age of three with dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes like the woman who held her and a little red dress with blue flowers embroidered on it.

The woman had dried tears stained on her face and a portrayed look of horror. "Take her, please!" She begged as she set the child down and gently pushed her forward. The child immediately shuffled back as she trembled. "I apologize, but what is wrong?" Strongarm asked as she placed the gun back in her holster.

Sideswipe stepped forward and crouched down to be eye level with the child. "I... can't... please take her!" She pleaded, as she kissed the child's forehead once and pushed her forward again. "

The little girl stood there in between the bunch of people quietly hugging her navy blue and grey blanket in her tiny hands. "Ma'am what happened?" Strongarm prodded as she knelt down near the woman who sobbed and pushed her away. "I can't... he threatened me," She shakily responded as she stepped back. "Keep her safe, please!"

Strongarm looked at the trembling child, tears threatening in her eyes. "I want her to see the world when she grows up.. she wouldn't... be able to.. with me, please.." She begged one last time, her eyes averting to the shaking child.

"I need mo-" The woman stepped away and shook her head as she stared at the officer who seemed startled by the approach. The officer took a glimpse at the trembling girl and the man beside her trying to coax the girl over.

By the time she looked up, the woman had vanished as if she were turned into thin air. "She's gone," She whispered quietly to herself and crouched down next to the child and Sideswipe.

"She left us the responsibility of the girl too," Sideswipe added as he brushed a hand through his hair. The girl stepped back, dirt matting the bottom of her tiny grey socks as she tripped over a rock and landed with a thump.

Sideswipe snorted a little as he came over and picked up the girl by her hands to where she was sitting up.the girl sniffed a little, rubbing her small nose and hitting her blanket close to her chest.

Strongarm watched Sideswipe hesitantly, tilting her head as he observed the girl the poked the trembling girl. He hummed to himself in dissatisfaction before poking the girl's forehead with a grin.

"What.. are you doing?" The woman beside him asked quietly as she looked at the girl who's mouth slightly twitched upwards. "Sh, I'm making her happy, you're not helping," He briskly waved her off, Strongarm frowning at this and moving his hand away.

Sideswipe poked the girl's forehead again, then the arm, then the stomach before the girl started giggling quietly.  Once he stopped, the young child went back to a small frown. Strongarm smiled slightly and gently grabbed the girl's hand and stood her up.

"At least we should bring her inside, then we can solve this madness," She said as the girl held her hand and brushed the strand if hair from her face. Sideswipe grinned as he  closed the gate and walked beside the girl.

"Dibs on naming her!"

"Shut up, Sideswipe."



First chapter of.. I don't know. I seriously have no names for this story?? Mind helping an Author out?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2017 ⏰

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