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If you've noticed, my chapters are behind one another instead of following forward. That's because I keep having a bunch of ideas, writing them out and end up not finishing them. Like there will be a bunch behind this because I didn't finish and probably so on, it's an out of order one-shot book.

With this notice, I'm going to bring a character in. Here's her information and you'll probably end up loving her:

Name: Simone (Last Name Unavailable) Renee

Age: 3

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Relatives: Unknown

Guardian: Autobots, though personal and the ones that care for her most, Strongarm (Selene) and Sideswipe (Sebastian)

Race: White

Eye color: Hazel

Hair color: Dirty blonde

Personality given in 5 traits: Shy (can be talkative), Optimistic, an Autodidact (means she likes to learn), Can be temperamental and magnanimous (Cares about others)

Personal items: A navy blue and grey blanket, white headband, black socks and a little red and black dress

Likes: Simple things like trees, free running, and vehicles, Autobots (Bee Team)

Dislikes: Untidy places, being still for too long, enclosed spaces, fingernails scratching against paper, plastic and chalkboards or metal, and unable to identify things

Allergies: Bees (Not Bumblebee)

Memorable Quotes: "I'd tell you if you were right, but in this case, I have a full list of reason why you're wrong."

"HAHA, Wait till I get older, I'll be able to beat you next time!"

"Shimmy shimmy, come and get me!"

Side Notes: She's a mini Miko, but behaves better... I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You'll have to see her out into action first in the next short story within a book of one-shots and scrap about Strongswipe.

In real life image:

In real life image:(Younger)

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In real life image:

Again, this is a story within a story, a bunch of chapters but after that it'll be more one-shots if I finish the ones before this

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Again, this is a story within a story, a bunch of chapters but after that it'll be more one-shots if I finish the ones before this. So just keep track of these.

I'm hoping I'm not forgetting anything, if so, it should be pretty visible. Enjoy and Happy Kate Halloween, hope you guys spoiled yourselves :)

*Quietly has a Halloween special that won't be done until next*

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