B1 Pt3 Projects

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Chanyeol got a couple of tools and went up to Mae's room. She was sitting on her bed reading a book. He knocked on the wall just inside her room.
"Hey sweet thing. I'm just gonna fix your door knob so feel free to flirt, strip, or do what ever you would like." he said as he took off his shirt. He had a gorgeous set of abs.
"Why did you have to do that?" She asked.
"It's hot in here. Are you jealous? You can join me if you want." He said with a smirk.

After a few minutes he had finished fixing the door knob and he closed the door and locked it. Made looked up.
"Thank you Chanyeol." She said. She continued to read and he left.

About an hour later Mae went downstairs and saw Xiumin carrying in a couple of bags. She walked over to him and helped him out.

"Thanks Mae!" He said smiling.

A couple of others were bringing in bags. Xiumin started coughing and he sat down.
"Are you okay?" Asked Mae. She was concerned. He was the only one that had really cared about how she felt.
He finally caught his breath and smiled again.
"I will be alright." He said.
The other boys finished putting things away and were in the living room.
Xiumin was cooking steak and spinach for Mae when she took out a knife. She pricked her finger and held it out to him. He looked down at her hand and then back up at her.
"You don't have to-" he said.
"Just do it. Don't bite deep." She replied.
"You know I can't feed from your finger. It had to be the neck, thigh, or wrist so lets just wait until you feel a bit more comfortable." He said.
She shoved her wrist into his mouth. The taste of her skin made him ravenous. He bit into her wrist and drank. She bit her lip and held in her whimper. She was dizzy but it didn't really hurt. It felt like a shot.

He took his teeth out and looked up at her.
"You don't have to stop I'm okay I promise." She said.
He laughed a sweet laugh.
"I am full Mae."he said.
She opened her eyes and looked back at him.
"Oh. That didn't take long." She said.
He sat her down and gave her a couple of crackers. She started to eat them.
She looked at him. He still had blood around his mouth. He quickly noticed she was looking and he wiped it off with a paper towel.
"Do you feel better?" She asked him.
"Much better. Thanks for that." He said.
He continued cooking.
"How do I taste?" She asked innocently.
He blushed. "Uhm do you really want to know that?" He giggled.
She nodded.
"Like a sweet metallic taste. It's very refreshing." He said.
She thought about it. He liked the way she tasted.

"Dinner." He said as he put a beautifully cooked steak infront of her with a side of steamed spinach and a glass of orange juice. She cut into it. Mae took a big bite and loved it. She smiled and ate the whole thing in a couple of minutes. She was so hungry.

She thanked him and went back upstairs. It was already bed time and she went into her room and put on her night gown. Suddenly someone opened the door. It was Baekhyun.
He came in and picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.
"What are you doing?!" He took her into his room and locked the door. He put her on the bed and kissed her. She pushed him a little and broke the kiss.
"Why are you-" she was cut off by him kissing her again and holding her hands. She closed her eyes and he moved a little lower to her neck.
"I got you food and got the door fixed. Now it's your turn."said Baekhyun
She stopped squirming.
"I know you're hungry but why didn't you just be your regular asshole self and just bite me."she said.
He pressed his body on hers.
"I need your blood really flowing." He said. He kissed her neck again. He hurried his fangs into the side of her neck and began to feed.
She whimpered a little. He was bitting deep and she could feel the fangs in her neck. She started to feel very dizzy and she closed her eyes. He finally finished and sat up. Blood had run down his chin and onto his shirt.
He once again had no expression on his face. Baekhyun stared at her.
"Wake up." He said emotionless.
She opened her eyes.
"Take these everyday." He tossed a pack of pills to her. As Mae inspected the meds she realized it was birth control. Why did she need that?
He got up from the bed and left closing the door behind him. As he stepped out into the hallway he saw Xiumin.

Xiumin was leaning up against the wall with his arms crossed.
"I guess you pinned her down just like you do all the others."said Xiumin.
"What does it matter?" Said Baekhyun.
"What ever man. Just don't mess with her too much. She's very sweet and is the fist girl you bought that really cares about our need for blood." Said Xiumin as he walked back into his room.
Baekhyun went into his office. He had always pinned girls down but he almost never kissed any of them and he wanted to keep doing it to Mae.

Mae finally got back in her room and went to the bathroom to wash up. She was showering and was thinking.

What was that feeling....did she actually enjoy the pain?
"There's no way I enjoyed that." She said to herself.
But she did. She loved the rush it gave her and no was no longer afraid. This of course didn't mean she was going to offer herself to every boy here but she definitely enjoyed Baekhyun.

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