B1 Pt9 Its time to fix it

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After she was fully healed, Mae decided to have Xiumin help her draw out her blood by using an IV.
She was able to produce two pints.
He bagged it and put it in the fridge.

"This should let you heal for a while. This should also last us a week which will give you plenty of time to let your body rest." Explained Xiumin.

She smiled.

"Good. I was scared I wasn't going to be able to provide for you guys but that's a good amount. It's nothing like how much you got from me that one time though." Her voice trailed off.

He blushed and they sat down to eat together. She was regretting how rude she was to Baekhyun. The two hadn't spoken or even seen each other since she was sick.

"Mae?" Asked Xiumin.
She came back to reality.
"Baekhyun is sorry for the way he acted. I spoke to him after you went to bed that day. You really should go see him." Said Xiumin.
"I'm sorry too....but what if he doesn't change? What if he stays the same and I get addicted to him again?"
"Listen, I think I was to hard on you. As long as you stay healthy, you should be able to have what you want, no matter what it is. Stay true to your heart. If you want something, just reach for it." He explained as he looked into her eyes.
She got up from the table and went upstairs to Baekhyuns room.
She could hear him throwing stuff around and yelling.
Suddenly Chen busted out of the room.
He was surprised to see Mae standing at the door but he still shut the door forcefully.
"Is he okay?" She asked softly.
"No. I wouldn't go in there. It's almost like he's in withdrawal." Said Chen
"From blood?!" She was concerned.
"No. Just from you." He said as he walked away.

She was about to knock on the door but instead her hand moved to the door knob and opened it.

"GET OUT!" he screamed as he threw a lamp across the room shattering it on a wall.
"It's me." She stuttered.
He turned around quickly.
"What are.....why........do you need anything?" His voice calmed.
"We need to talk about things. This isn't at all what I want for you." She said as she sat down on his bed.
"I don't want to hurt you Mae. I never did. It was just so hard to give you the benefit of the doubt when all the others had killed themselves so quickly. I spoke of you horribly. I'm so sorry." He cried as he fell to his knees.
"Stop. I understand. I miss you too Baek." She said.
She could see his body shaking.
She picked up a broken piece of glass from the floor and put a small cut in her hand.
"Is this what you need?" She asked.
He walked over to her and she was ready for his bite when he suddenly put a bandage on her fresh cut.
He pulled her close and hugged her tightly.
"No. This is what I need." He said with a smile.
She smiled back and laid with him for a while. His embrace tightened.
"Don't ever leave, Mae." He whispered.
"You can trust me. I will never go anywhere else." She insisted.

Weeks past and everything seemed fine. She slowly got to know everyone and what they liked. Xiumin continued to help her bag her blood so she wouldn't have to constantly get bit. She woke up one morning and looked at the calendar next to her bed.
It was December 24th. Christmas Eve. The sun wasn't up yet.
She went down stairs in her night gown. Everyone else was asleep but she was expecting Xiumin to be down there. She tip toed into the kitchen.
"Xiumin! Are you up?" She whispered into the dark kitchen.
Suddenly two cold hands touched her back and she turned around quickly. She screamed and let her arms flail.
"Ouch! What the fuck is wrong with you Mae?!" Yelled Chanyeol as he held his stomach. She had punched him.
She quickly flipped on the light and yelled back at him.
"Why would you sneak up on me like that?" She asked.
"I wasn't sneaking! You live in a house full of vampires. We aren't the loudest of all creatures." He explained.
"Sorry Chanyeol." She apologized.
She helped him up and sat him down at the table. Mae grabbed a juice and a small bag of blood. She set the bag down infront of him. He saluted her and dug his fangs into the bag and drank it all.
"You shouldn't drink that fast. Won't you get sick?" She asked.
"That's the last thing that we think about when we get our hands on blood this good. But I'm sure you know that already. Are the bruises from Xiumin healed yet?" Asked Chanyeol with a bit of sarcasm.
Mae rolled her eyes and went back upstairs.
"Why was he even up this early? I wonder if they even celebrate Christmas." She mumbled to herself.
"We used to."
She was startled again. She spun around only to see Sehun
"What is it with you guys this morning!?" She yelled.
"We did celebrate Christmas. We don't anymore." He said.
"That's sad. Why not?"
"Well we had three more brothers here. They left the house and things haven't been the same since. You know....stuff like family things are no longer celebrated." He explained.
That was sad. Maybe she could help. Would she even be able to convince everyone to celebrate again?

She walked into Xiumin's room. They were fairly close and had entered each others rooms all the time.
He was still asleep. She put her hand on him to wake him up.
"Wakey wakey." She sang.
"Good morning Mae." He said as he squinted his eyes open.
"Can you French braid my hair?" She asked.
He sat up and revealed his shirtless torso. She blushed a bit and sat down on the bed facing away from him. He ran his fingers through her hair and braided all the way down. When she turned around to thank him his face was so close to hers there noses were touching. Her heart began to beat fast.
"A-are you h-hungry?" Stuttered Mae.
"Mae. Can you grant me one wish?" He asked.
"Sure. What is it?" her voice trailed off.
"Don't move." He said.
Her breathing was heavy. He ran his hands down from the top of her head on to the back of her neck. Gently and slowly he pulled her lips to his and kissed her. Her eyes got as wide as possible but his were closed.
What was she feeling. She felt a tightness in her stomach. She felt butterflies all around. She felt so many things but did not move.
He finally pulled back and looked at her.
"I'm sorry. That won't ever happen again." He said as he got up from the bed and went into his bathroom shutting the door.
"Did he just kiss me? But Xiumin is so innocent. He's so much older. I find that so attractive. What is wrong with me. I have so many feelings rolling around in my mind." She thought to herself.

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