Beach beauty {Part 3}

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"Yeah hyung is right go talk to her" kookie said
"Umm..Should i?" I said , and they all nood.
well there is no problem from trying
"Okey i'm going , but what if she ignored me!? I mean she is so pretty and-"
"Oh come on don't make a big deal of it!" Yoongi said "just be yourself , if she is pretty then you are prettier then her.. I mean handsome"
"Again do you like her?" Jin said
"Well.. I think i do , yes" again i couldn't help my self from smiling when i thought of her pretty face , how could i like this girl from just one look? I just met her and we didn't even talked, yet my heart feels funny , is it like what namjoon said ? What was it again?..Oh 'love from first sight' haha, yea right, it can't be.
"Okey okey"
I said as we all swim out of water and head to our umbrella.
I dried my self a little as i heard namjoon say
"We will be here watching you okey don't worry"
"Yeah,ok omma!"
I took a deep breath.
"Why are you nervous?" Tae spoke with a big stupid teasing grin on his face
"Pff i'm not nervous!"
"You are , look at your hands, all sweaty"
"They are not!" He is messing around ,  he surely like to tease me a lot! espicaly when it comes to girls
"Why are you blushing?"
"Okey stop it Tae , not funny" i said crossing my arms against my chest , he just laugh with the others.
"I'm going now" i said
As I started to walk i heard Tae say "If everything went well with her, make sure not to do That in public!"
"Yeah oke- wait WHAT?!" I turned my head wide-eyed they all were burst out laughing
"The hell hyung!! We are not doing that!" I shootout, little embarrassed and continued my way.
I searched for her with my eyes at the bar hoping she still there , i find her sitting drinking lemon juice.
Okey here we go
Be cool Jimin like what yoongi said ,why making it a big deal
I talk to bunch of girls daily....okey just few...weekly...  but i'm sure it's not different from this one.

{Your POV}

I sat down and ordred lemon juice , after a while it came and i took a long sip from it.
"Oh that's good , that what i just need"
I was just staring at the glass cup, thinking , and let's guess about who! Yeah that bloondie!
Suddenly i heard voice came from the chair next to me on my right
"Can i have strawberry juice"
I didn't bother to look to who was talking.
It's him!
I gulped. And for my bad luck our chairs were so close that our shoulders are inches away.
I could see his blonde hair from the corner of my eyes and i could hear my heart beats.
Yup! i think i like this hottie guy right here i mean how i couldn't! someone with his sexyness and handsomeness can't be ignored! I'm sure thousands of girls are after him ,i wonder if he has a girlfriend? I hope not , i-it's not like I want to be his girluhmi'm sure he is a playful boy who like to teas the girls thinking he is perfect ... Whish he is! Oooh..

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