Beach beauty {Part2}

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{Your POV}

What just happened ? WHAT.Just.Happened now!

I put my hands on my cheeks , they were burning , his smile still stuck in my head
He did that on purpose ! He was teasing me!
But he is so hot~ and..
"I saw that!"
"OH MY GOD!" I jumped in surprise at my sister's sudden appearing
"You scared me (S/N)" i said hitting slightly her forehead
"So who is he ?" She said grinning
"Who is who?"
"Oh play another one, I'm not pabo! i saw how you were looking at him"
"Common tell me"
"What? I have nothing to tell you"
"Is he your boyfriend~?"
"He is so hot, your lucky unnie"
"What! N-no , he is not , i don't even know hi-... Wait , hot? this is not your business you are a little kid you should not be talking about hot guys!"
"I might be a kid but my brain is older then you think" she finished with a wink as she pulled a strawberry milk from her pinky bag
"So he is your crush now huh?"
"W-what ! I !.. Ah~ what ever , I'm going to have something to drink" i stood up but befor i go i heard some noise like wolf whistling and cheering i took a quick look at the blondie boy , he is looking at me! With all of his friends! Are they talking about me??...Naah , probably they are whistling about some girls wearing bikinis , Ah , boys~

They suddenly turned their faces away when they noticed me looking at them , i felt my cheeks blush as i turn away and head to the beach minni bar.
I heard my sister yell behind me "I'll take your runing away as yes!"

{Jimin's POV}

I'm still giggling every time i remember that girl's face when i caught her staring at me and when i was teasing her by making myself look sexy, how her adorable face turned all red , hah, she was cute and beautif-
I was cut off of my thoughts when Taehyung splashed water on my face
"What the hell hyung!" I splashed back
"You were standing there smiling like an idiot!"
"I was? I mean.. I was just lost in thoughts" wow i didn't notice i was smiling , i'm sure that i DID looked like a stupid idiot.
"About what?" He said curiously
"You see that pretty girl over there? The one with the (F/C) swimsuit next to our umbrella" i said looking at the girl talking with i guess her little sister.
"Were? There?" He pointed at her , quickly i pulled his hand down
"Damn it hyung! I tried not to point out at her so she wouldn't notice we are talking about her!"
"Sorry, my bad, oh.." He looked at her
"Ahaa you are talking about the girl that i hit with the ball moments ago?"
"Yes i'm talking ab-... Waht?!" What did he do again?
"Yup,right at her head." He looked at me and smiled "but i said sorry"
"No you shouldn't apologize after throwing a ball at someone's head , espicaly a beautiful girl like her!"
"Hey it wasn't on purpose and why the sudden care?"
"W-what? Pff , No i don't care"
"What about her anyway?"
"Oh, well i was gonna say she is kinda cute" i smiled and continued "I'm sure she thinks i'm all hot and sexy , i was teasing her moments ago and you should've seen the adorable look on her face , she was blushing so hard i could've huged her that time if she was my girl , she couldn't even move her beautiful (E/C) eyes away from me an-"
"Jiminie~" he cut me off
"Your smiling like an idiot again!"
Again i didn't notice that lost in thoughts about her.
"Of cours , anyone who will see your hot muscled sexy body and handsome face will like you immediatel-"
"Shush! You make it sound awkward when it comes from you hyung!" I said taking one step away from him , Weirdo.
"Oi! I didn't mean it like that , you know i'm not gay! i was talking about girls, i'm sure that girl is in LOOVE~ with you right now" he said with a laugh
"You think so?" I said smiling , umm , is she?
"What the! Hey i was joking , i didn't meant.. Wait..that look on your face and you called her pretty and beautif-.. Oooh i see what's going on," he got a big grin on his face now "You like the girl!"
"What , no! I'.. " before i could finish he start calling the other hyungs
"Ooh you should guys hear this!"
The other men stope whatever they were doing and swim to us
"What?" Said yonngi boredly
"Jimine likes the girl that i hit with the ball!" He said between laughter
"Oooooh~" they all said out loud
"Aww that's beautiful!" Said jin clasping his hands together
"No i-it's not like that!"
"She is pretty girl tho jiminie" hoseok said putting his hand on my shoulder as jungkook and yoongi start to whistle
"Shhhh , keep it down guys!" I said whisper-yelling
"I don't like her .. I just .. Think she is beautiful and cute an-"
"And 'you should've seen the adorable look on her face , she was blushing so hard i could've huged her that time if she was my girl, she couldn't even move her beautiful (E/C) eyes away from me~' am i correct?" Taehyung teasingly said copying my words from earlier
They al bust in laugh.

"Oooh So it's like love from first sight?" Said namjoon after he recovered from the laughing fit because of Taehyung mimicking my voice
"First my voice doesn't seem like that , second I... I finde her attractive.."
"I think you do like her hyung , you said you want her to be your girl and hug her" jungkook told me
"No! I said IF she was my...girl!"
"Shh shhh , she is looking at us!" Yoongi said , I looked at her and yes she was standing there looking at us! I blushe a little then turn my face away
"Don't look at her!" I said.They all looked away and swim like there is nothing going on.
"Look at jimin , blushing" Hopie said teasingly
"Shut up!" I hit his shoulder , I couldn't help my self from smiling.
"She is gone , i think she went to the bar" said yoongi after he followed her with his gaze
"Go talk to her!" Jin slightly pushed me
Huh?! Is he crazy! Why i would do that!

Ayoo again
Did u enjoyed Part 2 ?
Sorry there is still no jiminxreader until now , but promis there will be in the next chapter ^,~
Plz leave your comments and requests
C U in the next chapter

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