Valentine's Day {Part1}

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I changed the book's cover so plz don't get confused about how this book got in your library ^~^

"Oh come on (y/n)!" your frined (f/n) begged you
"We are just going to chocolate store to buy the stuff we need that's all, eh?"
"But why I should go with you? You are the one making chocolate not me" you said as you looked out of the window.
She pulled her chair in front of your desk and sat down, her face was too close to yours.
"What do you mean 'not me'! You are going to make some chocolate with me too, Valentine's day is tomorrow!"
You pushed her forehead away with your index finger and said
"Why I would? I have no one to give it to"
"That's not true!" a wide grin uppered on her face "What about Jimin?"
Your eyes widened and you felt your cheeks become a bit pink.
"Are you crazy! No, No way, Never!"
"Why not? (y/n) I think It's time for you to tell him, he is your crush anyway."
"I-I can't! What if he rejects me? Plus there is a lot of girls that I'm sure they are planning on giving him chocolate right now, and hellooo they are much prettier then me, I'm just gonna embarrass myself."

"Don't say that pabo! You are more beautiful then anyone of them!"

"I doubt! Besides, I don't want to ruin our friendship!"

Suddenly the classroom was filled with girls screams.

"He is here!"
"He looks so hot today!"
"Jimin is the best!"

Girls were fangirling about the one and only Park Jimin who entered your classroom with Taehyung.
He put on his usual dreamy smile as he brushed his hand through his soft black hair, making the girls go crazier.

(f/n) flashed you a smile as she went out of the classroom, yeah she is in different class.
Jimin sat down on his usual sit, behind you and Tae next to him.

You heard them talking

"So Jimin, wanna have a small bet?" Tae suggested.

"Bet? About what?" Jimin looked at him confused.

"You know, about who will get the biggest number of chocolate" he said with his boxy smile.

"Naah, you know me, I'm not into chocolate"

"WHAAAT!! Chocolate is LOVE!"

"I don't like it very much. But, if I would have some I would like it to come from a spcail person" said Jimin.
You felt a sudden tag on your hair.

"Ow!" You whipped your head to the person behind you.

"Hey (y/n) are you going to give some chocolate to your crush?" Jimin asked.

"W-what? Uhm, N-No, and who said that I have crush on someone!?" You said blushing a bit.

"No? Well, too bad.." He said placing his both hands behind his head while leaning back in his chair.

"Why? You wishe to receive my chocolate?" You teased.

"What, pfft, no. I didn't want to miss watching the boy getting poisoned by the chocolate you made" he laughed along with Taehyung.

"That's not tru!" You snapped

"C'mon (y/n), we both know how bad is your cooking" the black haired boy said.

"Yeah, remember when you caused Hoseok to throw up his birthday cake because there was much salt in it !" Tae added.

"W-well, I thought it was sugar! They look the same how am I supposed to know the different!"
You crossed your arms across your chest.
"What about you? Are you going to give a rose to a specific girl?"

"Why? You want to be that girl?" He teased with a smirk.

'YES! I want to!'
That's what you could've say, but you didn't, you didn't want him to win the fight.

"Ha! no thanks. Why I would want your rose anyway?" Says you.

"So you don't want a rose from Jimin?" Said Tae lifting an eyebrow

"I think I just answered that"

"Weird, all the girls in this school want be noticed by Jimin, dont you?"

"Well I'm not like the other girls!" You flecked your hair.

"Are you sure?, Jimin is hot and handsome" he said looking at Jimin.

"Says who!"

Where does he want to get to with these questions?
And why does he keep pushing?!
You thought.

"And every girl like him and want to be his girlfriend" he looked at you

"W-well I don't!"

'He start getting on my nervous! but I can't expose my feelings for Jimin! Not now'

"So what? You don't like him?"

"No! I don't!" You glared at him, annoyed by his questions

"You don't?! Why?"

"WELL I DON'T KNOW!! Stope pushing!! No! I don't like Jimin! I don't like him in ANY way!!!" You shouted at the boy.

The whole classroom got their attention on you.

It hit your head, and you just realized what you said. Taehyung looked at you surprised. You turned your head at Jimin's detection who wear an unreadable expression.
Something between flat, emotionless expression mixed with a bit sadness.

'N-NO!!! That's not what I ment! I didn't mean it like that!!'

You felt bad, SO bad, and yes you did hurt him and you knew it!

".......J-Jimin... I-"

"H-hahaha, Ya! Tae look what have you done over something stupid, Now little (y/n) is angry" he laugh it off after cutting your sentence.

You were about to say something when the teacher comes in.
"Alright class, open your books page 34"

You turn your head to your book in front of you.

Oh god, what I have done!

Long time no update, sorry ›_‹
Hope u like this chapter 😘

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2017 ⏰

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