The Science of Spying: Animus

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Penelope - shapeshifting (surface); changes her appearance into someone who once looked into her eyes

Clifford - imitates DNA configurations (fingerprint, retina, voice) of someone who once looked into his eyes

Jettrix - borrows sight of different animals

Naia - can know the history of inanimate objects (but not the living) by touching them

Nigel - creates clone within a certain distance and freely transfers his abilities and consciousness between his real body and his clone

Dale - can turn invisible, undetectable to any devices, for five seconds

Von – possesses night vision that amplifies the distance of his eyesight

Priam - borrows the power of someone in the vicinity and use them in full strength for a few seconds

Lace - shapeshifting; changes her appearance and physical strength into someone who once looked into her eyes

Ansel - transfers his body heat to a certain part and uses it offensively

Zeno - can paralyze the nerves of someone by his blood

Ulysses - possesses metals inside his body and utilizes them as different types of shield


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