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Song has nothing to do with the chappy, but I love this song so screw it.

Song: photograph ed sheeran


My eyes bored into the moving van across the street. I waited for any sign of who was living there now. I perked up as I saw a light turn on in the upstairs bedroom. The window right across from mine.

I stared intensely at the window searching for the ability to see a face.

Then I did.

She was young, probably fifteen, and I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Her long auburn curls fell well past her shoulders and her olive skin left me prepared for a nosebleed.

The thing that soon after caught my attention were the fluffy light blue ears and tail.

I sat there fantasizing for a little while before she looked directly at me. I looked at the carpeted flooring in my room to hide my blush. Soon after, I heard my mom call my name, telling me that supper was ready. I took one last look out the window before exiting my room.

~le time skep~

So far dinner has been pretty uneventful. I thought I might fall asleep face first in my food until my dad brought up the topic of the new neighbors. I sit straight up in my chair.

"Yeah, she's got two boys and a girl. The girl's right about Daniel's age. I hear they're werewolves as well!" My father exclaimed. She has two brothers? My mom speaks up.

"Yup. I met 'em earlier. Real nice folks. The one boy's about sixteen years old. The other's nineteen. I didn't get the chance to see him. He's off in collage."

I stayed silent as she continued.

"The one girl, I think her name's Jessa, she's fifteen. And pretty might I add. Perfect for our little Dani!" She explained, ruffling my hair. I stared at the ground blushing.

"Moooom, how many times do I have to tell you, girls don't notice me. I'm nothing but a chubby little nugget that can't do anything sports related. Plus I'm the omega!"

My mom nearly choked on her food.

Oh dear Enki I forgot she didn't know...

My dad just sat there and continued eating. Mom flicked him in the forehead.

"OW!" He protested loudly. "What?!?"

My mother glared at him. "Did you even just hear what your son said?!?" she asked, shock, fear, and slight annoyance was detected in her voice.

I sat there, scared to say anything. My mother rapidly whipped her head back and forth between me and dad.

"Daniel.... Can you repeat what you just said?" My mother politely asked me, her voice shaky.

Tears pressed against the backs of my eyes. "I'm...." I choked on my words.

A/N I'M THY CINNIMON ROLLIEST!!! *cough* *AHEM* back to the story.

She rubbed circles on my back. "It's okay sweety, you can tell me anything."

I let the tears spill over. "I'm the omega." I sob into her shoulder as she wraps her arms around me. My father sits there, still eating. He already knows. He found out when I came home with a black eye. It should usually be normal for a werewolf to come home with injuries, but I'm not very good at keeping secrets. I just didn't want my mom to worry. She let go of me and looked at dad.

"Why are you acting so calm about this? Wait..." she paused as realization hit her like a freight train.

"YOU KNEW ABOUT THIS!?! I SWEAR ONCE I'M DONE EATING BECAUSE I REALLY LOVE FOOD I AM GOING TO... UM... INTERROGATE YOU!" She shouted, her hair turning dark red from it's usual blonde. That's what happens when she gets mad. No one really knows why or how.

"Calm down Sophia! Neither me or Daniel wanted you to worry so we kept this from you. You still shouldn't worry. He's got some really good friends at that school that look out for him. He's fine, trust me."

My mother looks down at her food, her hair slowly turning back to it's normal color.

"Fine. BUT IM STILL GOING TO INTERROGATE YOU!" I sighed. This is going to be a long night.


I unconsciously flipped my hair over my shoulder as I trudged up the stairs to my new room. I scanned the interior of the room when I arrived. I took in the pastel blue walls, the slanted wood roof, the naked bed frame in the corner.

I walked over to the desk in the corner next to the bed and ran my fingers along the varnished wooden exterior. It was beautiful. I looked out my window to see a boy around my age sitting at the window sill. He had fluffy green ears and tail, green hair, and piercing blue eyes.

I could stare into those eyes forever but he looked down, breaking eye contact.

Just then, my older brother Zack walked in and looked out the window with me.

He saw the boy in the house across the street and his eyes instantly softened from their constant glare. A light pink tint dusts his cheeks.

"Hey Jessa, c-can I have this room?" He asks, his usually tough exterior turning to shy as he begins to fidget with his fingers.

I look up at him, a slow smile spreading across my face as I realize why he wants it. I let out a low chuckle.

"Why? So you can stare at hot boy's ass through the window?" I tease. Zack is gay, and I like to tease him for it, alot.

His face turned deep red as he ran a shaky hand through his black hair, looking at the floor.

"W-what?! No! I just... R-really like the view! Yeah! W-wait.. I mean, No!"

I burst out laughing at my brother's stupidity. I look back at the window to see the boy was gone. Where did he go? I brush it off. I clutch my stomach from laughing so hard and turn back to my brother. "Sorry bro, but this room is mine. I already called dibs!" I leaned against the wall smirking.

"W-what!? No you didn't!" he protests. I glare at him. "Fine." I turn and lick the wall. "Dibs." I exclaim, smirking. He glares at me.

"You're disgusting." He says before turning and stomping out of the room without another word.

I smile to myself as I walk over to the window seat. There's a turquoise cushion and pretty blue pillows. I smiled as I sat down on the comfy seat.

I realized that I was going to need to make some curtains for the window if I was living across the street from a teenage boy who could easily see in my window.

His mom seemed nice enough.

My wolf ears perked u as I heard yelling coming from his house. I curled up in a ball on the window seat and let a tear slip from my eye.

Another town.

Another school.

Another place to try not to get attached to, because there was no doubt that we wouldn't be here for long. It's just like it always was. It was endless.

Hey guys! How was the first chappie? I will be updating the book as often as I can and I wuv u guys su much!


Word count: 1,237 ;3

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