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Song: Strip that down by Liam Paine.

This song is so stupid yet I love it so much.

I was dead. I had been dragged down into the depths of hell by the grasp of Satan himself. She. Was. Fucking. Beautiful.

I had no chance against her.

She sat on the courtyard bench with Rylan, smiling brightly. Her lilac hair covering her right eye and her ocean blue eye that was visible pierced my soul with every flicker of her gaze in my direction. I could practically see the lighthearted aura radiating off of her as she laughed. Her ears were a purple color much like her hair, but more bluish.

Is that a word? I don't know...

I pulled out my phone, pulling up Google and turning on my data. I typed in the search bar: Bluish.
The results popped up.




having a blue tinge; somewhat blue.



I turned off my data and shoved my phone back into my pocket and returned to my previous drowning in sorrow at the sight of the beautiful girl in front of me. What was I saying? Oh yeah, I'm dead.

Now... You may be wondering what happened after last chapter ended. SHUT UP BOB, GO BUILD YOUR OWN WALL AND HIDE BEHIND IT DROWNING IN YOUR PAIN WITH ANIME AND ICE CREAM!!!

Anyway, I'm not going to get into extreme detail, so let's just say that Daniel... Well... He helped me with my little "problem." There. Now you can go scream into a pillow. I'm sure you can get more of that info once you get to Daniel's point of view. Yes, I did it again. Now fuck off Bob.

I ran a shaky hand through my hair, remembering yesterday. Afterwards, we had watched the Lord of the rings movies, quoting things to each other and laughing about it. To be honest, looking at Daniel, he seemed so unfazed that it was as if it never happened.

I looked Dotty over again, sighing and thinking to myself for the umpteenth time that day; Irene, I am so screwed.


Daniel. He was all that I could think about today. At all. He was just always on my mind. I was completely distracted from school, unable to focus on anything.

My teacher was discussing the fact that PE time and literacy were both being split in half, becoming a single period but switching halfway through. That meant, our classmates would be shuffled around. I mean, I don't really give a shit, as long as PE is shorter.

What, you thought all werewolves liked PE? WRONG. Don't be so stereotypical. Sure it's in our nature to be happily associated with physical activities, but some of us just don't like it as much. Truth is, I'm perfectly capable, I just don't enjoy it very much.

I perked up as the teacher said my name. "Jessa, can you please answer the question on the board?" She asked, pointing to the three possible answers to the question. It clearly read; What is the proper translation for the word coat?

Just so you know, we're in French. I racked my brain for the answer, thinking back to the few moments I was paying attention in this class.

"Um, I believe the proper translation is manteau?" I sort of asked. I know I got that wrong.

Madam Thomas circled the correct answer. I raised a brow, surprised at the fact that I had gotten it correct. "Oui mademoiselle MacKenzie, et merci d'avoir aidé les étudiants qui n'écoutaient pas." She said cheerfully, her voice going sour at the end as she cast a glance towards a pair of boys in the back row.

(A/N translation: Yes, Miss MacKenzie, and thank you for helping students who were not listening.)

I giggled slightly at their confused expressions, understanding every word she said. Perhaps this is the class I'm strongest in.

The bell rang, signifying the end of class. I lifted my bag from the ground and stood up, pushing in my chair and heading out to look for Daniel.

I sat on my bed, rocking back and forth, eating ice cream, and watching anime.

"NO RIN DON'T DO IT BITCH!!!" I shouted at the TV. What? don't you ever drown in your sorrows and confusion with idiotic cussing at the TV and ridiculous amounts of ice cream?

Eh. Anyways, I was just sitting here and trying to forget what happened yesterday. Apparently, we had a Spanish test, and also it was, to a level, a traumatizing scenario.

Oh shut up fangirls and fanboys!  I'm just saying I only met him a couple weeks ago, and that I honestly had no idea what to do. At least I know for sure that he's nothing like ...her...

I sigh and turn off the TV, falling backwards on the couch. I. Was. So. DED. I wasn't very content with the fact that I didn't even know his middle name. I mean, I'm pretty sure that Dotty didn't even know my last name, but I'm not Dotty.

I shoved the spoon in my mouth, praising the taste of Neapolitan ice cream on my tongue.

I let out a distraught noise, sounding like there was a squirrel in my throat trying to get out.

My head was pounding and I had eaten way too much sugar, it was starting to make me sick.

I was too tired to put the ice cream back in the freezer, so I turned off the television and curled up on my bed, not caring if it melted.

Man, I'm just glad we didn't end up going as far as butt secks...

Considering Zack's size, that would probably leave me limping for a week...

I shudder at the thought.

I mean, not that I wouldn't be willing to do it someday, just... I'm only 15 for Irene's sake.


Oh shit...

I just had sort-of sex with a sixteen year-old...

Does that make Zack a criminal?

I don't think so...

I'm pretty sure that's only in some countries...

Pfft. I'm sure he's fine, right?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2017 ⏰

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