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* This chapter in not mine. I'm just posting this in wattpad because it is nice. All credits to the owner. By the way this is a one shot.

You and Tsukasa Eishi seemed like an unlikely friendship. Well you couldn't really call it friendship, it was more like you tolerated him. However your "friendship" seemed unlikely. The best student, literally the best student of Japan's most prestigious culinary school was your "friend". Little old you, you knew you weren't anything special. Well you could lick your elbow, you hadn't found anyone else who could do that. In general you knew you weren't that special, you were like the next high school student, trying to get through life and do what makes you happy. You had a decent amount of friends, your looks didn't stand out too much, you were just an average person and you were fine with that.

Tsukasa on the other hand couldn't necessarily be called normal. Well for starters he has white hair and white eyes. When you both went into elementary school and everyone else had black hair and brown eyes, and Tsukasa Eishi didn't, you realised that Tsukasa was something else, something special, not average. And how right you were, he was more annoying the next kid. You had insecurities like any other human, who didn't? However Tsukasa Eishi seemed to have insecurities and problems of a thousand people. You would be more understanding if Tsukasa Eishi was underachieving but actually he was one of the top students, whereas you. Well you were of course average.

You found it odd that someone who was clearly so great, had so much talent would be so pessimistic. You thought he would be more arrogant, and you didn't know what was worse, arrogant or pessimistic and self-loathing, either way you were fucked because despite Tsukasa Eishi looking like a Prince, no one could really tolerate his annoying habits like you could. Meaning you two were stuck like paper and glue, unfortunately for you. Although no one could handle his pessimistic ways, it didn't stop people fangirling over him, meaning you were their number one target. However you didn't mind at all because you created a plan, more like scheme. Every time a girl tried to challenge you and shout at you for being close to their precious Prince Tsukasa Eishi, you would offer them a day with Tsukasa, so they could not only experience being near the annoying bastard, but actually converse with him about all sorts of issues. For a price of course. And if they could last a whole week doing so, they would obviously get their money back, but if not you got your money back.

You made quite a bit, it was extremely prosperous but due to people talking your little scheme was slowly losing its numbers. You still get a couple of naïve noobs these days, but at least you stopped girls from attacking you because of their "beloved Prince." In fact some girls admired you so much they gave you extra, because they couldn't imagine what it was like to listen and tolerate Tsukasa Eishi past school hours. Oh why you ask? Your parents and his parents thought it would be cute that you guys were in the same neighbourhood, in fact next door neighbours. And due to your parent's being so friendly and accepting, they welcomed Tsukasa into your house and then into your room. Your home was not safe. You often prayed for the day that his parents moved house, or something would happen that would make Tsukasa Eishi leave you alone. You got your wish, just not right away.

Before he left for Totsuki, he was still around you. The only time he wasn't was before school, and when you went to bed. Other than that you had him. Lucky you. You realised you were turning prematurely grey from the stress and bald because he made you want to rip your hair out. You couldn't live like this, you had enough stress already so you decided to try and force Tsukasa into meditating. It worked. Thank the lord and praise baby Jesus it worked. You may have lost a couple hundred hours because it worked a little too well, but at least your ears weren't filled with annoying nervous chatter from the snowy haired guy. You would enjoy the hours of peace, with some candles, closing your eyes and letting your mind empty itself. You were happy that Tsukasa finally shut up, who knew he was such a chatterbox? If anime and manga and Asian dramas taught you anything, the really stoic, incredibly handsome characters were silent and didn't like to show weakness. Well they were wrong, dead wrong, and the thing is it's not as if he was nice as well. He was kinda mean, well really judgmental about the food you ate.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2017 ⏰

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