•Chapter 2•

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{Picture of Kevin}

Saturday morning.

Stirring up from her deep slumber, Ana could feel the sun on her tanned skin— her skin color was oddly white, she was probably hallucinating. Did I forget to close the curtains? And why is my bed so hard? Come on open your eyes, Ana spoke to herself.

She felt heavy for some odd reason. Trying to get her eyes to open was the hardest the she had ever done in her life, I mean whose eyes are as heavy as a hammer? Out of nowhere cold water made contact with her face, and within a second she jerked right up. "What happened?! Wait, Sam what are you doing here?" She tried adjusting her eyes, everything felt strange even her voice and her clothing felt very manly.

"How do you know my name creep?" Replied Sam looking very uneasy about the whole situation. "We work together, it's me Ana," she replied raising her eyebrows at him, did her face change or what? maybe he was drunk since he is literally always drunk.

She didn't wait for him to reply, instead she looked around for her car, as her large white fingers dug into her pockets pulling out keys to a Mercedes. Could the keys on her hand belong to the grey Mercedes parked in front of me? Ana thought in a contrite manner. Deciding to make sure, she pressed the open button; causing both her and the Mercedes to make sounds.

What really happened last night? This was all so strange to her, she prudently and fretfully hopped into the car and drove with extreme care to her house in a stranger's car deep in thought about how she had added a lot of manly weight,and changed skin color over night.


Duncan was watching tv when he heard a scream coming from his sister's room, he quickly ran to the kitchen to get a knife, not just any knife but the sharpest knife they had. In a flash he had opened her bedroom door revealing a desolate Ana gazing at herself at the mirror.

"What happened? Why were you screaming sis?" Duncan asked trying to catch his breath. Instead of replying, his sister looked at him with a puzzled expression on her face.

"I-I-I'm not yo-your sister," Kevin stuttered trying to control himself from going mental— his skin color had changed overnight, he had grown large breasts, his hair had magically grown longer, and he also got a nice round buttock.

I'm not complaining about my buttocks, I wonder who it belongs to though. Kevin thought, shaking his head.

Duncan looked at Ana and laughed, "What do you mean you're not my sister? Girl you've got to step your game up, your not a prankster."

Kevin was getting really frustrated, how could he be stuck in a girl's body— how was he going to sing? "Listen here kid, I'm not your sister!" Kevin replied running his hands through his new black braids. "Whatever, I'm going out with Mary, bye."

Why was his sister acting mental, she was probably is on her period, or was missing Andrea— her best friend. Duncan hung his bag pack on his shoulder and got out of the house leaving Kevin alone. Kevin didn't know what to do, but he was starving, he decided to go downstairs to see if there was any food to eat.

Later he found a chocolate muffin and comfortably sat on the dinning table to eat, just as he took the first bite of the muffin he saw himself or his body— to be exact looking at him with a horrified expression. "Oh my God! You stole my body!" His perfect looking body accused.

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