The hard way

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I walked through an abound clans home in the woods. Apparently there was supposed to be some hidden jutsu here. As I walked through the clan I could see there were obvious signs of a fire. I went on my way to find the main house considering if this scroll was going to be anywhere it would be there.

I finally found my way to the main house that was basically all destroyed by the fire that must have ruined this clans compound. I walked through it and as I was doing that a floorboard sounded different from the others.

I lifted the floorboard up and there were stairs leading down. I walked down to a completely dark and long corridor and the only light was from outside. I saw a wooden torch on the wall. I grabbed it and did multiple hand signs making it light on fire. I walked down the corridor holding the flaming torch up. I soon came to a corner and when I turned it I came face to face with a large room full off books. This was going to take awhile.

After about an hour of searching I found nothing of use. I sighed knowing that probably would have been the case. So ether it's been destroyed or someone else has it.

I made my way out of the dark room and began leaving the compound but I stopped in my tracks. I've been surrounded by multiple clones and judging by the chakra it was Kakashi. My eyes narrowed. I would like to get out of here without a fight but I'm surrounded and if I try and get away one of his clones will see me alerting him to my location meaning a fight.
I sighed deciding I would try and escape anyway.

I jumped into a tree and began running however Kakashi appeared in front of me. I kicked him off the branch and punched Kakashi in the face revealing it was a clone. Now he knows my location so I have to move fast.

I moved quickly hoping to avoid any confrontation but there's was no way it was going to be that easy. Soon Kakashi stood in front of me and all the other chakras signatures disappeared. Kakashi looked at me and I began to fell sick in my stomach knowing I would have to fight him. I didn't want to not at all but it's what had to be done.

"Tsukino please come back to the village." Kakashi said coming closer to me.

I held my katana out so the tip was at his neck and I glared at him.

"When will you get it through your thick scull I'm not coming back to the village. Just give up and stop being stubborn." I said coldly to him.

"You may think you mean nothing to the people in the village but you're wrong. You made impacts on so many people's lives including mine. I know you didn't leave the village of your own free will. You left for another reason that I do not know yet. But you wouldn't betray the leaf your home for no reason. You risked your life to save Sasuke's as well as Naruto's. You took on someone who you feared to free people who were going through what you once did. You refused to kill your best friend for the test to become and root member. You are not a bad person." He said with confidence.

"You're wrong." I said with no emotion.

I raised my blade and brought it down on Kakashi but he dodged. He sighed and pulled out a kunai.

"So we doing this the hard way." Kakashi said with a sigh.

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