And Then There Were Two

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Sam was scarily accurate with his estimate. After two days, all the guys in the cafeteria left. one day after that, Katie came up to me at my locker. At first, I didn't acknowledge her. I don't know why I thought that would work; Kaite doesn't notice subtle social cues very well.

"Paul got mad at me," She began. I sighed audibly, but she kept going. "He said I was making all his friends get angry with him! It is so not my fault though, right? I mean, he was kissing me just as much as I was kissing him, and it's not like he even tried to talk to them so--"

I slammed my locker shut, and slowly turned to face her. "Why are you coming to me with all this?" I asked, earning a shocked look from Katie. "Because, I'm your best friend?" I shook my head, anger suddenly dissapating into fatigue.

"Not anymore," I said bluntly. "You've ignored me for about a month now, and to be honest, I don't care what's been going on with you and Paul." I turned to go, glancing at a window, seeing Katie's rage filled face in the reflection as I walked past.


"I just... Don't get why she's mad. She ignored me, knowing very well I have no one else, and now she's angry with me?" I grumbled, resting my face against my knees.

"You weren't exactly finess about it," Sam pointed out, "And you don't have nobody. you have me."

"But she doesnt know that." I side-eyed him moodily. He laughed, shaking his head slightly. We where walking out of the school, having actually stayed the whole day for once. He was following me to my house, since it was on the way to his.

I would say he's walking me home, but that's only a thing for couples, which my wrist painfully reminds me that I am not a part of.

we stopped at my front step, he jogging merrily back down my driveway. he waved, and I did too. as soon as I'd opened the door, my mom shreiked, "IS THAT A BOY? OH HONEY HE'S SO HANDSOME!"

I cringed, and mumbled, "He can still hear you." I stared at my feet as she yanked me inside.

"Mom! I shouted as we crossed the threshold, and the door was closed. "He's just a friend! And you probably just scared him off! It's not like he could be the one anyways! My thing says zero anyways! I don't get to fall in love, remember!"

Her eyes welled up. I cringed; mom knew better than I did. She never got to dress her little darling up, never got to plan a wedding, watch her go to dances. Normal mom things. She was stuck with the crappy parts of mom-ing with no benefits.

"But, um," I mumbled awkwardly, "I was wondering, if you could help me find something, y'know, nice to wear? For tomorrow, I mean."

Her eyes lit up. Phew, no mom tears today. I think mom tears are more sad than normal people tears or something.

She bounded up to my room faster than I did, and began rifling through the dresser.

Oh god, what have I gotten myself into?


"Is that eyeliner?" Sam asked, peering at my face. I nodded. "My eyes itch like hell though."

We where standing at my locker before school started.

My mom had stuffed me into a short sleeved, white, V-neck, and ruffled pink skirt. Don't get me started on shoes.

"I kinda almost made my mom cry," I explained.

"And this is what happened?"

"Yeah." He looked at my outfit a second, pausing for a moment at my curled hair.

"You should fight with your mom more often," Sam grinned. I lightly punched his arm, and grabbed a binder, just to have something to do.

"Ooh, that's my cue to hide, and watch you from a distance as you deal with big, blonde trouble." He motion to my left, and I peeked around the corner of m locker to see Katie storming over, Paul attached to her arm.

"Sage." She said huffily.

"Katie and company," I replied, nodding at Paul. He nodded back, looking at me strangely. I shifted my gaze to Katie.

"I hereby declare our friendship over, since you where so rude yesterday, and can't be happy for me and Paul!"

"I kinda declared it over yesterday, when I told you to screw off, but if this makes it official or something, then ok."

Her face turned red, and she spun around. I watched her go from the mirror in my locker, and Sam return from his hiding place around the corner.

"You've royally ticked her off," he observed "And Paul was totally checking you out!" His voice went weird at the end, but I chose to ignore it.

"No, I'm just a weird girl. He was just telling me to step off his girl. With his eyes. Shut up!" I snipped as he began laughing. I smiled a little though; it was a pretty ridiculous sentence.

"No, he was checking you out. Hate to break it to you, but you look hot."

I was about to tell him to shut up again, but the bell rang.

"Bye bye, beauty," Sam yelled down the hall, making me blush, and five boys turn to look at me. Screw Sam.


A week later, we were Laying on my bed. (Like, in a friend way, you perv)

"Hey, you know the dance coming up on Wednesday?" He asked. I nodded, pulling myself into a sitting position. I looked at him, expecting him to elaborate.

"D'you wanna go, or something?" He asked idly.

"Sure," I replied, "I probably should go to a dance at least once in high school."

"Cool," he smiled, "we can go together."

He pushed himself up, and declared, "I better get home. See you tomorrow!" She bounced out of my room, and down the stairs.

After a moment of him being gone, I shouted, "did I just get asked on a date?!"

"Did you? You're going now, no getting out of it!" My mom yelled back.

I fell back against my pillows. Wednesday. Two days from now. I had a date. With Sam.

"Screw Sam!" I moaned.

"Not on the first date, I hope!" Mom replied.

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