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Harley POV
I woke up this morning to my stupid alarm, I was so tired that I didn't realise that I had smashed my alarm till Charlie came in and looked at me then my alarm and said
"What happen? What did you do to your alarm?"
"Uhh.. Reflex?" I answered although it sounded like a question
"Uh.. Ok, just get ready you still have to go to school with Bella today." Said Charlie walking out. I groan forgetting about school but reluctantly getting up to go shower and get changed.
After my shower I came back in my room wondering what I should wear to school, I look at the time and realise I only have 20 minutes left I do my makeup and hair first after I put on my underwear and bra. I curl my hair slightly and add a little bit of makeup cause I'm naturally beautiful (well that's what other people tell me). After I'm done with that I look and only have 7 minutes left do i hurry as Bella yells at me to hurry up and so I finally chose an outfit and I look good if I say so myself .

I walk downstairs to see Bella walking out the kitchen getting ready to call for me to leave but see's me and says"Finally! You took your time didn't you""Well it takes time to look this good" I said smirking at her

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I walk downstairs to see Bella walking out the kitchen getting ready to call for me to leave but see's me and says
"Finally! You took your time didn't you"
"Well it takes time to look this good" I said smirking at her. She just shakes her head smiling slightly and said
"Whatever let's go before we're late for our first day" Bella said looking nervous
"Don't worry Bells if someone messes with you I'll take care of them" I said as we get in the truck
"That's what I'm afraid of" Bella murmurs but I still caught it. When we leave I notice Charlie's cruiser wasn't there do I assumed he left for work. Anyway the ride there was quiet besides that radio that was on, when we get there Bella looks a little scared with all the people looking at us but I just gave Bella a reassuring smile and getting out of the truck with her. As we were walking a guy looks at us (Tyler) and says "Nice ride" as his friends snicker. Bella looks and doesn't respond so I do and say "Yah nice face" and he looks like he just saw I was there and kept staring at me while he also started to drool a little and I just rolled my eyes a d dragged Bella away so we could get our schedules from the office. We got our schedules and looked to see if we have anything together but we only have 2 classes.
"Well shit, that sucks but you'll do fine by yourself and if someone bothers you just tell me ok"
"Yah and I'm sure I'll be fine good luck with your classes and try to be no e to people we don't need you getting kicked out cause you can't control your strength"
"Hey I can control my strength and I'm not THAT mean, I can be nice"
"Oh really what about that guy you put in the hospital with multiple broken bones and a concussion?"
"Ok first off, he deserved it for what he said to you and second, he was fine I gave him some of my blood so he'd heal faster after you yelled at me hehe" I said while chuckling slightly, she just shook her head and said
"Well we better head to class I'll see you in 3rd period" Bella said walking away
"Kay see you then" I replied walking in a different direction. As I was walking and looked at my 1st period class and it was History with Mr. Reeves (He's actually my teacher lol). I found his class and realised I was 3 minutes late oh well. I walked in and all heads turned to me with girls glaring at me and guys with lust in there eyes. I turned to the teacher and saw alittle but of lust but rolled my eyes and gave him my slip.
"And why are you late Ms. Swan, especially on your first day?" He asked raising an eyebrow at me
"Well you see Mr. Reeves I got kinda lost on my way here and the lady in the office was slow I'm sorry" I lied while pulling puppy dog eyes and sticking my bottom lip out and I guess it worked cause he just said don't do it again. And told me to sit next to Mr. Hale. I looked and saw Mr. Hale raise his hand while the guys in class had jealousy written on there faces cause I didn't sit with them. I walked to my seat and turned to see Mr. Hale looking at me with curiosity.
"Hi I'm Harley it's nice to meet you i hope we can be friends" I say with a smile. He looks at me and the corners of his lips twitch and says
"Its nice to meet you too, and my name is Jasper and I hope we could be friends too" His voice was silky with a southern accent that was soo hot. I smiled and said
"Well it looks like we are friends and by the way I love your accent" He smiled and replied with
"Thank you I like your accent too did you move from England?"
"Nope I just moved from Phoenix, Arizona but I was born in Virginia" He looked confused as to why I have an accent if I'm from America so before he could speak I said
"I'm adopted so before Phoenix I did go abroad to Europe and I guess I picked up the accent" I lied easily and I guess he believed it cause he smiled at me and the rest of the class we just talked and ignored the stares people in class were giving us. Soon enough the bell rang and we were walking out when he asked me for my schedule, so I took it out of my bag and have it to him.
Harley' s Schedule
1. History
2. Photography
3. Physical Education
4. Mechanics
5. Geometry
6. Biology
When he was dine he said
"We have 3 classes together"
"Which ones do we have besides 1st"
"We have History, Photography and Geometry."
"Awesome well then let's head to our second class" I said smiling at him while holding my hand out for him to take. He hesitated but eventually out his hand in mine while smiling nervously at me, his hands were really cold but I didn't mind and I squeezed his hand and dragged him to class. I sat next to him in 2nd and we talked through the class too but he said that I could sit with him and his family during lunch if I wanted to and I agreed to. During third period it was me and Bella and the girls were playing Volleyball while the boys played Basketball. I tried to keep the ball away from Bella but when I look away for all of 3 seconds Bella manages to smack the ball into a boys head. She runs over apologizing saying "I'm sorry I told them not to let me play"
"No, No it's ok, I'm Mike by the way and your Bella right?" Mike said not noticing me yet. Then another girl comes over here.
"Yah she's got an amazing spike huh!? Oh I'm Jessica by the way" she said and so I took the opportunity to introduces myself
" Hi, I'm sorry bout Bella hitting you, I'm her sister Harley. It's nice to meet you guys" I say with a smile, Bella scowled when I apologized for her but I ignore it Jessica glares at me with jealously and Mike look with lust and wanting. Ugh men!😑😑
"Hi it's nice to meet you Harley" Mike says and winks at me. I roll my eyes and before anyone can say anything else the bell rings so I leave to go change but I hear Mike ask Bella if we could have lunch with him and his friends and she agrees and then Bella comes to the locker room to change, then I go to my next period and all I did was book work because the class was almost done with a project and I wouldn't have enough time to do it if I started right now. So class was boring, then the bell rang and it was lunch time.

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