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I was walking to the cafeteria with Bella, when we got in alot of people were still looking at us. Bella was uncomfortable with the stares and I just rolled my eyes and glared at them and they turned back to there own conversations. We went and got food and saw Eric waving us over and he was sitting at the table with Jessica. We went and as soon as we sat down and Mike sat right after.
"Aye Mike you met my home girls Bella and Harley?" Said Eric
"Oh, your girls?" Said Mike in a jealous and confused tone
"Nope, my girls" said Tyler kissing my cheek as he ripped the chair from under Mike and he got up and chased after Tyler as Tyler yelled
"Sorry to mess up your game Mike"
Then Jessica said "Wow it's like first grade all over again, you guys are the shinny new toys."
Then I saw a flash and looked to see an Asian girl with a camera and glasses
"Sorry needed a candidate for the feature" said the Asian girl
"Features dead Angela don't bring it up again" As he got up putting his hands on Bella's shoulders while saying "Don't worry I got your back baby" At this I was confused as to what happen but didn't say anything
"Guess we'll have to do another edit on teen drinking" said Angela a bit sad but Bella said
"How about eating disorders or Speedo padding on the swim team"
"Actually that's a good one" Angela said then started to talk to Jessica about the Speedo team. I wasn't paying attention until Bella asked who they were so I looked up and saw 6 people who were really beautiful. Then I looked closer and I saw Jasper and thought that those must be his siblings. But as soon as Bella asked who they were Jessica got right into gossip mode.
"There the Cullens. Dr. and Mrs. Cullen are like this foster parent/matchmaker"
"Maybe he'll adopt me" Angela said in a dreamy voice which I rolled my eyes to
"Yah but they keep to themselves cause there all together, like together, together. I'm not even sure that's legal" Jessica said
"But Jess there not related"
"Yah but they live together" she said to Angela before turning back to Bella and introducing them while insulting them "Ok so the blonde one is Rosalie Cullen and she super pretty bit hates everyone cause she thinks she's better than everyone and the big dark haired guy that's Emmet, he's also kinda scary and there a thing, then there's Alice the short one with the black pixie cut and she's super weird and she's with Alex the dark blonde that looks like he's in pain." Then Jasper came in with some blonde and Bella asked who they where but before Jessica could answer I did.
"Oh the on with the blonde curls is Jasper I have him first and second he's super nice and has a really hot southern accent but the other one I don't know" Jessica looked shocked that I new him or that I talked to him I don't know.
"Wow he actually talked to you and was nice, whenever we or anyone other than his family try he glares and doesn't say anything.
"Well maybe he doesn't like any of the stupid gossipy bitches here I mean look at what your doing he probably heard what you guys were saying about his sibling and didn't like it so he doesn't want to talk to you and I be Rosalie is a bitch who thinks she's better than you she probably doesn't want to deal with your drama, and Emmet may loom scary but most scary looking people are just really childish when you get to know them and Alice isn't weird she just different and unique something you may want to try and Alex is probably in pain from the headaches he must get listening to all the bullshit coming for your guys mouth." I say but she just glares at me. I look at the Cullen table and seen kinda happy that I stood up for them instead of talking about them and Alice looks like she want to cry from what I said but they were happy tears. Jessica starts to talk again after she glares at me one more time but I just roll my eyes at her.
"And that one is Edward Cullen he super gorgeous and single but apparently nobody here is good enough for him. Like don't even waist your time." She said upset with a fake "i-don't-care" face so me being me I said
"So how many times did you ask him out and how many times did you get rejected?" I said with fake innocence while she just glared with a red face from either anger or embarrassment. I heard chuckling and what sounded to be someone holding in there laugh but then I heard a booming laugh and turned to loom at the source and it was coming from the Cullen table. Alice and Rosalie were giggling, Jasper, Alex, and Edward were either chuckling or trying to his it while Emmet was the one with the booming laugh with his head thrown back and everything. I just shook my head while chuckling to myself.
The rest of lunch went by and soon the bell rang. Classes were relatively boring I had Japser in another class. Soon the final bell rang and we were out the doors headed to the cars on my way out I was stopped by Alice and her sibling were right behind her except for Edward.
"Hiii, I'm Alice and I just wanted to say thank you for standing up for me and my family we really appreciate it, No one's ever really done that before. And we wanted to say thank you!!" Alice said in a really hyper and happy voice
"No problem, I don't really care for people who talk shit and I don't necessarily have a filter soooo... hehe anyway I'm Harley and it's nice to meet you too Alice"
"Yah thank you for what you said we are really grateful and Jasper has talked alot about you today since he met you" Rosalie said with a smile to me giggling at the end teasing Jasper. I looked to Jasper and he looked so embarrassed at what Rosalie said and I decided to tease him alittle bit too.
"Oh really what has he said? I hope nothing bad" I said with a teasing smile to Jasper and he looked even more embarrassed and started stuttering
"I-uh-umm-I-uhhh-" he said flustered but I cut him off by laughing at him and he look like he could just pass out from embarrassment. So I decided he had enough and said
"Hahaha Jasper were just teasing. Hahaha it's totally fine hahaha" I said still laughing and he looked alittle relived but still embarrassed. Me and his sibling were just laughing at him while he just pouted at us. We finally calmed down and then Alice asked for my number so we could hang out and before I could answer my phone rang and I looked at it and it was a number I didn't know so I looked at them and said hold on. Cause it could have been someone with information on my brother.
(Harley is-CPAS, Other is-normal)
Hello is this Harley Swan
Yes this is about your car.
It's here-
And it's fully gassed and clean and ready to go
Your welcome have a good day miss
When I got off the phone I was squealing and jumping up and down like a kid on Christmas. Alice and her sibling looked at me like I had grown two heads so I stopped and said
"What??" So Emmet asked what I was squealing about and I said in a really happy voice
"Oh that was the delivery dude saying he just dropped off my car and my car is my baby. So I'm really excited to see it and drive it around!"
Then they all said"Ohhhhh"😮 and then I remembered what Alice asked me so I looked at her and asked(more like demanded) "give me your phone" and she did and I put my number in there and gave it back to her and looked at Rosalie and said the same thing and she gave me her phone and I put my number in it and gave it back to her and said
"I have to go now or Bella will leave me here but give me a call or text when you want. Bye guys!" I said while waving and they waved saying things like "We will" or "Bye see you tomorrow"
I got into Bella's truck smiling like an idiot while she had a frown on her face so I asked her what was wrong
"That guy Edward Cullen was in my last period which is Biology and when i entered the classroom he glared at me like I had just killed a puppy and I don't remember ever doing anything to him" Bella said looking like she was gonna cry and that made me mad
"Oh he is soooo gonna get it when I see him tomorrow. No one and I mean NO ONE makes my Bella cry and glares foe no reason" I said completely pissed
"No don't do that. I'm gonna confront to him tomorrow about it and if he gives a shitty excuse I'll let you handle him ok?"
"Yah ok" I said pouting. She just laughed and then got confused
"Hey when you got in the car why were you smiling"
"Oh my car came today I just got off the phone with the delivery guy before I came into the car" I said smiling again
"Ok, well let's get going before we are late for dinner at the diner with dad" and with that we were off.


                  ~THIS IS ALEX~

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