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A/N-Hey, sorry I haven't updated in a while I was busy with school, life, you know the usual. Anyway hope you like the story so far comment below for stuff you want added in or who you think Harley should end up with. Should she end up with Jasper or someone from the Quiluet Tribe. And I might be adding a new story too so give me ideas on what you think it should be and I will come up with ideas to. NOW ON WITH THE STORY!!!

Harley POV
I woke up this morning by my alarm with an annoyed look but then I remembered that I have my car with me today so k got excited and got ready quick.

Harley POV I woke up this morning by my alarm with an annoyed look but then I remembered that I have my car with me today so k got excited and got ready quick

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When I got done I went downstairs and grabbed something to eat as Charlie was getting ready to leave.
"Bye Charlie, have a good day." I said making him jump. Which I giggled at
"Ahh. Didn't see you there Harley, thanks and you have a good day at school with Bella. I'll see you tonight."
I waved as he closed the door behind him. As I continued to eat Bella came down and grabbed something to eat and I finished.
"Hey Bell I'm going to head out do you want me to wait?"
"No it's ok you can go without me I'll be fine I'll txt you when I leave"
"Ok see you there love you!" I shouted as I walked out the door and she shouted back and "I love you too"
When I got outside I practically ran to my car and hopped in, I started the engine and it purred to life. I reved the engine and it was really loud, I smirked and backed out of the driveway and raced off to school speeding passed everyone and skidding to a halt so I can get into the school parking lot. I would have drifted if it weren't for all the students in the parking lot. When I parked I saw everyone looking at my car trying to see who it was cause I have tinted windows so you couldn't really see me. I looked towards the Cullen as I got out of the car seeing as I parked right next to Emmets Jeep. When I got out Emmet and Rosalie looked like a kid that just got a shit ton of prenests for Christmas and when they saw it was me there jaw dropped along with there siblings except Edward who wasn't here. I could tell cause I couldn't smell him.
(He smells like a piano and vanilla with something I couldn't put my figure on but was quite familiar)
I ignores that he wasn't hear and laughed at the siblings faces and then said while smirking
"You should close your mouths before flies go in them"
"HOW DID YOU GET A CAR LIKE THAT" Emmet all but yelled in my face while his siblings nodded with him
"Wouldn't you like to know" I said smirking. Emmet started to whine while Alice, Rosalie, and Alex pouted while Jasper looked at me with a puppy face and I almost caved (almost). I just shook my head and held a finger to my lips and said "Secret"

Then the bell rang before any of them could complain further. So I said by to them and headed to class with Jasper.

School went on like normal except Edward wasn't in school for the whole week and Bella was getting upset thinking that it was her fault and I was too because I didn't like it when she was upset. I asked the Cullen's and they said that he was visiting family but I could tell they were lieing to me and told them that I was gonna hurt him when I saw him for making Bella upset. They looked worried but I don't think it was for him but for me which confused me since they would be worried about him not being able to walk or breath when I'm done with him. Anyways Jasper and I have become really close friends and we talk about history alot but i noticed that we both avoid talking about our families which was weird for him and i hoped he didnt notice that i was avoiding that topic. I also got along with Rosalie, who let me call her Rose and even with Alice we bond over fashion and shopping. With Rose it's cars surprisingly I thought she would be like Alice with the shopping and fashion but nope it was cars and other bullshit we found funny, with Emmet we talked about video games and my car turns out Emmet was just really childish like I thought which is funny and with Alex we don't necessarily bond but we do act like brother and sister. I haven't met there parents yet but they want me to come over next weekend to meet them and I said yes cause I thought it will be cool.
With Bella everyday she keeps looking for him and i don't know if he's coming back but I hope so I can kick his ass.
Well let's see how Monday goes and if Edward goes to school. I'll be looking forward to that!

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