Chapter 2.

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Skye's POV

I woke up a few hours later. The sun was close to setting at this point. I sat up pulling my hair tie out. Grabbing my brush, I ran it through my messy hair. Once all the knots were out I placed the brush down and put my hair in a low pony tail. Rubbing my eyes I got up.

I fixed my shorts and shirt stretching. Walking over I sat on my computer desk and turned on my lap top. My parents watch every site I go on so if then even see me talk to someone they'll take away my lap top. I opened up tumbler and look at all the band pictures posted.

Haley Williams is beautiful and so is Haley rose killer. I went on some of my favorite youtubers page's. Nathan Owens is one of my favorites. His channel Desandnate are adorable. Leda and Mattg are awesome too. Shane Dawson, Patty Walters, Veeoneeye, and others like that.

I sighed at went on to YouTube. I watched some videos. After a while I got bored. I turned off my Lap top and stood up. A servant knocked at the door.

"Princess, Your parents are leaving. Would you like to say goodbye?" She asked.

"No." I responded blankly.

"Okay Princess." She said walking away.

I laid on the floor staring at my ceiling. I was bored. They didn't happen as often as it should. I sat up quickly. A idea popped into my head. I'm gonna run away. I'll need a plan on how to get rid of the guards and I'll need a supply of blood.

I stood up and walked back over to my desk. I pulled out an pen and paper and began to write my plan. I was first gonna wait till the least amour of servants and guards were out. Then I'll say I'm going to the kitchen for a late night snake. At that point I'll stock up on a decent amount of blood. Once that's done I'll knock out the guard in the back door and run like bloody hell.

Standing up I walked over towards my closet and packed some clothes, bras, underwear, shoes. I grabbed a blanket and pillow. It all fit in 3 bags. One was still half empty for the blood.

It was still kinda early. Putting the plan into action would only end badly on my end. I laid in my bed and pulled out my iPod. I put in a pair of headphones and put the iPod on shuffle. I sat there and tried to guess what songs I knew.

It was pretty easy, I knew all the songs and could probably sing them by heart. I let this continue for about 3 more hours just guessing and singing songs. I smiled when I saw that it was 12. I got up and through my bag out my window. I wouldn't be able to fit through the bars but my bags did.

I got dressed in a pair of black baggy sweat pants and a purple pull over hoody. I put on black bear paw boots. Grabbing a small bag for the blood ticking it under my hoody. I walked out the door and into the court yard. I walked into the dining room then into the kitchen. No one was out really. I was able to hide from on of the maids in the dining room.

Other than that everyone was somewhere else. I packed the small bag and opened the back door that we used for garbage. I ran to where the window of my room would be and I picked up the bags. I started off towards the wood. I didn't stop when I heard them calling my name I just ran. Once I knew I was far enough away I stopped and looked at the Sky it was a full moon. I looked away when I heard a loud howl.

I looked around the woods for a while maybe a place to stay the night. I wandered around until I found a small cave and crawled into it. I pulled out my blanket and pillow and set up for the night. The ground was damp and cold. It was great. I smiled into my pillow feeling happy.

The howling sounded like it was getting closer but I shrugged it off. I closed my eyes and listened to the other sounds in the woods. The owls hooting. The bird chirping. The animals moving over twigs and leaves. I felt a pair of eyes on me I turned towards the opening of the cave to see a white wolf with peircing yellow eyes staring at me. I couldn't help but stare back. The beast was beautiful..

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