Chapter 1

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I sat in the taxi fidgeting the tulle under my gown and thinking I'd rather be at home in my flannel pajamas instead of going to my sister's wedding. I had just divorced my husband, Grey, two years ago. I've cut myself off from everyone I love. My parents. My sister. Grey. Now I am in the car on my way to what is sure to be the most awkward get together in my life.

I had gotten the invitation around a week ago. The invitation to Carmen's wedding. I was happy to see that she had invited me. I had not seen my family is years. No one liked the idea of running away to find true love when you're barely even an adult . Everyone loved the idea of running away to Turkey to become a teacher. Anyway, my true love turned out to not be my true love and I divorced him and have lived a secluded life. Until I found out that my sister was marrying  my ex. 

I must have been driving the cab driver crazy. What with my fidgeting and all. He asked me what the problem was and I ignored him. No one would ever understand the predicament I am in. Will Grey still hate me? What about Carmen? What about Mom and Dad?


Finally the driver pulls up to the church. I laugh. The so called church is more like a little brick building in between the skyscrapers of Chicago. I tip the driver and walk inside. Loud music is blasting over numerous speakers. There is a DJ in the corner playing said music. Neon lights are flashing everywhere I look. Of course my parents would let Carmen have her wedding here. If it were me it would be "unpropper". 

I walk over to the bar in the corner. Sitting there is, Grey. I awkwardly give the bartender my order hoping Grey doesn't see me. Suddenly I hear him say my name. I turn and wave. 

"What are you doing here?" he asks. 

"Going to the weirdest wedding of my life." I reply sarcastically. Grey chuckles. 

"Seriously though, I never sent you an invitation"

"But your fiance did" Grey looks puzzled. Just then Carmen walks over. 

"Oh Grey," she says. "I see you've met my sister."

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