When they spead some time with you.

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(Time skip for 4 months)
(Yuya Sakaki)
(Y/n)'s point of view)
After the first encounter with that pink and purple hair boy in the cafe. That same boy would always comes back to the cafe almost everyday. Later I found out that his name is Yuri and to be honest Yuri looks like someone I know, I just don't seem to remember who. And since the cafe only opens in the weekdays Yuri would hang out with me and Killua in the weekends. While speaking about killua, he became really protective of me when Yuri comes and visit us. Those two would called each other's names and then starts arguing at each other. Sometimes I would say Yuri-nii to Yuri, he doesn't mind of me calling him that. He said it feels weird when I called him that but he doesn't mind at all. Right now I'm hanging out with Yuri-nii without killua which would be considered really rare.
"A-are you su-sure tha-that killua w-won't f-find us here?" I ask nervously as we were at a park.
"Tch. I did make sure that snowball doesn't follow us. So, stop worrying." He said lazily at the last sentence.
"Oh. I just remember something."
"Wh-What is it?" I'm still a bit shy around Yuri-nii.
"Dawn said that you has amnesia at a young age. Is that true?" WHY DID YOU HAVE TO TELL HIM DAWN!!
"Umm. Yes...it's true th-that I hav-have amnesia at a-a young age. B-but, you do lo-look fam-familiar for some re-reason." He said something under his breath and before I can ask what it was.
"What's the last you remember?" I scratch my head a little before answering the question.
"Ummm. I remember b-being in a c-car....t-then the ne-next thing I kn-know I ju-jump out of the car. I was s-scream in pain be-because I was r-rolling down a h-hill that w-was filled with hu-huge trees and ro-rocks." Yuri-nii hummed as I thought I heard a battle cry.
"Did you hear that?" I said scared as Yuri-nii nodded and stood up.
"Yeah! And it's that snowball." Yuri grab me and put me in his shoulder and started to run.
"OII! COME BACK HERE YOU BUNNY!!" I started to laugh as the two started to run around with me in Yuri-nii shoulder. Finally killua tackle Yuri-nii to ground before grabbing me into a protective hug. I hug him back as I wasn't aware of the staring contest between killua and Yuri-nii. I giggled as I was cuddling to killua.
"Why are you giggling idiot?!" I giggled a bit before answering the question.
"Because you two are getting along really well." Both of them sweatdrop before killua just sighed and pat my head.
"You're just too innocent (y/n)." I look at killua confused, trying to figure out what is he trying to say. Killua face turn pink and I thought that he was sick.
"Gez snowball. Why are you so protective of (y/n)?" I get out killua's hug but he just hug me from behind.
"I-it's be-because w-we are the best of f-friends since ch-childhood. Be-Beside his my best friend in the world!" I felt killua put away the hug as I look at him.
"I-idiot cut that out. It's embarrassing." He turn his head and rub his head with a pinkish color in his cheeks.
"Ho ho! What is this killua?! You blushing and stuttering. Do you have a thing for (y/n)?" Yuri-nii ask the question with seriousness. A thing? What thing? Killua growled as he chase Yuri-nii with red color cheeks.
"I think that they get along just fine." They actually heard me.
(Yugo Sakaki)
(Y/n)'s point of view)
After the incident of the day care and after finishing the new heartland city we went back our art shop at the Synchro dimension. We didn't realize that yuto, lulu and shay followed us to the art shop. I also mistaken Lulu for rin, I cried when I discovered that yuto and Lulu wasn't yugo-nii and rin. Killua would be angry when he saw that they were following us. He would call yuto: eggplant, shay: birds for brain, chicken and many more. And for Lulu: bird lady, of course not around me because he know about yugo-nii and rin. I actually show a photo of yugo-nii and rin. Since yuto looks like somewhat like yugo-nii, I calls him yuto-nii. He blushes when I call him that but he doesn't tell me to stop calling me that. Dawn was really happy when she saw yuto and also though that he was yugo-nii but later find out that he wasn't. Right now, I'm walking with the three Xyz users around heartland city.
"Hey (y/n)?" ask yuto-nii as I hummed as look at him.
"Oh nothing. You were just spacing out that's all."
"o-oh." I said nervously. especially since we did not bring killua with us. Me and killua were like always together.
"Hey how about we go to the park." lulu suggest as we nodded in agreement.
"Hey (y/n)?" I hummed shyly.
"What happen to 9 years ago when you lost yugo and rin?" I stop walking as I let my bangs cover my cyan eyes. I was shaking a bit in sorrow and pain from the reminder of the past.
"W-we we-were....sh-shopping f-f-for the orphan....wh..when thugs....co-come a-and c-chase....us a-a-and w-we run t-to a dead end......the th-thugs told....us that th-they wan-wanted the food.......an-and me.......we tried to fight them off......but since we we-were little....w-we were weak....I bla-black out wh-when a thug hi-hit my head in the wall......and wh-when I woke up....I was in dawn's house." My voice crack as a lump form in my throat as I let out a few soft sobs. I felt someone hugging softly and I saw black hair so I know that it was yuto-nii.
"It's okay, you can cry whatever like." when he said that, I broke down. I cried on his shoulder for a good few minutes before calming down.
"so-sorry." I wrap away the tears.
"I...i mis-miss....up yo-your shirt." I let out a yelp because I felt being lifted by someone. Killua was holding me by the shoulder.
"Ok! which one of you made (y/n) cry?!" Killua growled.
"Hey birds-for-brains was it you?!" Shay growled in anger and annoyance.
"Stop calling me that ice princess and no it wasn't me.!"
"It's okay killua.....they just ask me about what happen 9 years ago." I said softly as killua sighed and put me down.
"Idiot. You get emotional when you talk about that." He said softly as I nodded slightly.
"Hey ice princess! Why do you act so soft and nice to (y/n)?! Do you like her?!" Ask shay and Yuto-nii ask the last question as killua growled again but his face turn red. I heard Shay and Yuto-nii running and killua is chasing them.
"I think that they will be great friends." Said Lulu as I nodded shyly.
"I-I th-think so t-too."
"No! We won't!"
(Yuri Sakaki)
(Y/n)'s pint of view)
When I saw the boy that looks like Yuri-nii came to our performance, I was so happy to see Yuri-nii but it wasn't him. When I found out that it wasn't him, I cried so much that day. After the encounter of yuya, he would hang out with me and killua sometimes with Dawn but not always. Speaking of killua, he really protective when someone made me cry. So killua would have me hold his hand or at ones he would hug me from behind. And I would call yuya, yuya-nii. He doesn't mind of me calling him that, he said he likes it when I call him that and he would have a huge and happy smile or grin. At times, I feel like he's hiding something from me. But I don't pressure him to tell me. Right now, I'm eating with Yuya-nii in a zaxby place.
"Be ca-careful yuya-nii b-before yo-you ch-chock." I scold him, because he is eating really fast.
"I can't...help it......it taste so good." He trying to saying between bite. I giggled softly but shyly.
"We su-sure bring k-killua since he likes th-this fast fo-food." I eat the last chicken bite. I just need to wait for yuya-nii to finishing eating.
"So, are you and killua dating?" My face turn into a tomato as yuya laugh at my face.
"N-n-no-o-o-o w-w-w-we a-a-a-ar-aren't d-d-d-d-da-dating." It take a few minutes before my face turn back into pale skin.
"W-w-w-wh-wh-why d-d-d-do o-of t-t-th-that?" I ask shyly.
"I mean...you two are like always together and killua seem to have a soft spot for you." I chucked softly.
"So, there are you two." said a familiar voice.
"Hey killua. We were just talking about you." said yuya-nii as he finished his food.
"*sigh* You two are hopeless and innocent." We look at killua in confusion. Killua doesn't act mean to yuya-nii maybe because he kept saying that we are so innocent. Without killua noticing yuya-nii took 2 chicken bites from killua's plate. But, killua did notice so he look at yuya-nii with a bored expression.
"Yuya, you have 5 second to give me back those chickens."
"Aww. But, I'm still hungry." Yuya-nii whine.
"Well buy more food then!"
"But, I don't have enough money to buy anther one." Yuya-nii whine again and place he's face in the table.
"Ugh! You're just like (y/n)!"
(Yuto Sakaki)
(Y/n)'s point of view)
After that extremely weird and a bit scared encouraged of yugo. He was trying to take to someplace, I just want to go very far away from him. And he keep saying I'm some guy little sister and I keep saying that I have no siblings at all. I actually started to cry when he won't stop saying those things. Unfortunately since I have to walk Nash, he attack yugo when he saw me crying. Of course, after what happen to yugo with Nash I help him with wounds he had. And somehow killua know that I was crying and tried to murder yugo. And, me and mom had to chain him to my room since yugo is using the spare room from our house. Right now, I'm still helping yugo recover with his wounds.
"A-a-are y-yo-you o-ok? D-d-does i-i-it s-s-st-still h-h-hu-hurt?" Nash is sitting in the corner of the room looking at yugo with a angry but protective face. Yugo and Nash look at each other but yugo still has that scared face.
"U-umm. Yeah. Yeah. It still hurt a little bit but not a lot." He said uncomfortably as I heard killua's laugh.
"Serves you right! Making (y/n) cry in front of a protective dog." Said killua as he enter the room and yugo glared at him. I sigh as I grab more bandage for yugo.
"P-please h-ho-hold st-still." I tried to put bandage in yugo but he won't let me. He keep laughing at me as I tried to put them on.
"hahah st-hahah-op y-your..hahahah ha-hands pfft hahaha a-are haha s-s-haha-o soft hahaha!" Just then mom (In this one you call dawn mom) came in the room to see me trying to bandage in yugo but it's hard.
"Let me try (y/n)!" I giggled as I give her the bandage. Mom push me, killua and nash out of the room for some reason. The room went quiet as me and killua look at each with confusion. Just as killua was about to put his ear on the door, the door open to see yugo with a scared expression.
"U-umm. A-are y-y-you o-ok?" I ask as he just nodded. Dawn come out also with a slyly but proud face.
"There you go yugo! All well and done!" She laughs as she pat yugo on the head. Nash then jump on yugo as he scream in high pitch.
"Thanks mom. Now.......how do we get nash off of yugo?" Nash isn't hurting yugo but he is sleeping on yugo's body.

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