Christmas surprise & 1K

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(Yuya Sakaki)
(3rd POV)
Today is Christmas, the most heartwarming holiday that I know of. Onee-Chan, I and killua are decorating the house with colorful lights and decorations. Me and killua are doing the tree and at times yuya-nii will mess up the tree. And I'm not sure if it was on purpose or not but killua was getting annoyed by yuya-nii. To be honest, I starting to get annoyed by it also but I didn't show it. When it was time for me to place the star on the tree...I almost fell because yuya-nii and yugo-nii were playing around and killua got caught off guard. Killua has enough and he was about the hurt them but mom told them to don't play around the tree.
"Man I'm beat." Said killua as I nodded as we just finish the tree. There was a silent and that means two things. 1) My family is planning some thing or they left the house. Maybe number 1 is correct and they are planning.
"They planning something are they?" I nodded softly as killua pat my head. I stood up to walk to the Kitchen to see nobody. They must of left without telling us.
"They left." I look at killua but he fell asleep and my family didn't cook anything for Christmas......Well it's my time to cook or bake some food. After baking some cookies and pies while killua got some cookies but he burn himself when the cookies were still hot. It took me about a hour and half to do the desserts and my family still haven't came.
"I'm getting worried about my family." Killua was still eating some of the cookies while getting my phone from his pants. I quickly pat my jacket were I left my phone in but it was gone. Killua chuckled as he called someone with my phone.
"Hey tomato where are you? Your sister is super worried about you and rest of your family." They talk for a while before killua become red and hang up the phone.
"Damn that stupid eggplant and bunny. *sigh* (y/n) your family is with the old lady (Dawn) and they wanted for us to stay at home for a while." I nodded as we both sat down on the couch.
"I want to see some movies."
"Yeah me too, what do you want to watch?" I smile with a blush on my face.
"The polar express or something like that." Killua chuckled as he rub his nose onto my nose as I blush even more.
"Ok then." He kiss my lips as my face turn red.
"Don't fall asleep because if you do then I will do something naughty to you." He smirked as I blush red again.
"D-don't do say things like that please." I shyly said as he put on the movie.
"No promises~....just kidding." He kiss me again as we cuddled when the movie started. I really like this...the air is warm, me and killua staying close together for giving off our body heat. I sweet smell of the cookies and pies that I bake....everything was warm and sweet.
(Yugo Sakaki)
(3rd POV)
  messy....that is a word that can describe the look of the kitchen. The 4 yu boys, killua and (y/n) were trying to cook food for the Christmas party. But yuya and yugo forgot to put the lid of the blender and therefore the dough mixer pour everywhere. Everything was awkward then (y/n) started to giggled shyly before being quite again. Yugo and yuya chuckled awkwardly before running away and the three other males started to chasing them. (Y/n) started to clean up the mess as killua came to help her with the mess.
"I hope my Onee-Chan can help us with the mess. Do you think?" Killua just suggle  his shoulders.
"I will get those two idiots to get them to clean this up." Killua left and an a few minutes he actually got yuya and yugo. Yuto and Yuri also came and started helping (y/n) with the mess.
"The two of you will help us the mess that you cause." After the mess, yuya, yugo and (y/n) still wanted to bake some cookies and maybe a cookie cake. Yuya and (y/n) used their puppy eyes on them when they said no. The three older teens can't resist from the two youngest Sakaki puppy eyes. So, they give in and bake again....this time with Yuri doing the blender. When it was finish, everyone digging in on the food. And what didn't killua and (y/n) realize is that yugo and Yuto made a mistletoe cookie and place it on top on the two lovers heads.
"Hey love birds~ look up." Said Yuri as the lovers look up and see a mistletoe.
"What's that?" Said the shy girl as killua blush a bit.
"It's a mistletoe imoto!" Said yugo as Yuto and Yuri got their phones ready. Yuya and (y/n), with their innocent minds, they don't know what the mistletoe mean.
"What does a mistletoe mean?" Ask yuya as both the innocent siblings look at Yuto, since he was the oldest.
"It means when a couple is underneath the mistletoe, they have to kiss." Said Yuri as he smirk.
"L-like this." (Y/n) kiss killua on the cheek.
"No. You have to kiss him on the lips." The shy girl blush as killua kiss her on the lips really softly and gently.
"This is going on Facebook~" Said Yuri as killua chase Yuri.
"These cookies taste really good!" Said yuya as he tried to get his sister to forget what just happened.
"Yeah you sured make some more of these." Even though the siblings heard yelling of anger and laughing of a happy bunny. This was a great Christmas that have.
(Yuri Sakaki)
(Dawn POV) 
   OOOOOOHHHHHH YEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH it's Christmas!! I can't believe that time just fly by soooo fast. I feel crying because killua got a girlfriend and she is (y/n)! I hope that he doesn't do anything to her because if he does then I'm beating the crap of him and to make sure that he learn his lesson. But, I remember that he said that he will change his hair color if I have a boyfriend of my own and I really wanted to see killua on a different  hair color. But, nevermind that my two handsome and beautiful childs are going to visit me and I wanted to make this a very amazing Christmas ever. WE ARE GOING TO SING SOME SONGS!!! I hope that I can find some songs about love songs for the love birds. *sigh* They are just so cute together.
"Dawn here are some songs that we founded." Said yuya as I got out from my daydream. Luckly, I have the yu brothers to help me with the karaoke. I just need to get the love birds to come without being suspicious a thing.
"Dawn if you want killua and my imoto to come then just say that we are having a party in your house." I clap my hands as I yelled 'yes!' After calling them, even though killua was being the one who is being a big party pooer. He only agreed to come because his princess wanted to come.
"I need killua to sing with his princess but knowing him, he's too stupidly stubborn!" I yelled in fustigation.
"Don't worried dawn, knowing killua he want to make (y/n) happy at anyway possible." said yuya as I tried to not fangirl over his innocent nature. When the lovers came, We saw that (y/n)'s face was all red as killua has a smug smirk on him.
"Huh? (y/n) dearing why are you so red?" She pointed at her neck and I can see that there was a hickey(?) on her neck.
"KILLUA!!" I was about beat the crap of him but I calm down since today is chirtamas and it's about forgiving and thankness.
"The two have to sing since the two of you came late!" I clap my hands as I saw killua face turn into horror. He has a horroble voice that everyone heard. They sang so beautful that when we paste it on facebook there was like 10 million likes on it.
(yuto sakaki)
(Yuto POV)

  It was chirstmas and my imoto wanted to buy something for dawn and for her boyfriend. At first I didn't like killua at all since he was like yuri but he was really protective to (y/n). I can understand why he was like this they both of them were friends when they were babies. I just hated that he would just annoyed me and imoto when we tried to spread some time together. To the point that I would grab my imoto and just carry her on my shoulder and walk away. Welll....Unless he doesn't do something that my imoto doesn't like and his existence is gone.
"Yuto-nii." I was brought back to life when imoto called my name.
"Yes?" She pointed at my hands which was white by the way I have my hands, fist.
"Sorry..I was just thinking that's all. Noting to worried about." she hummed as we sure walking around the mall.
"So...what are going to buy for our family?" yugo is really easy since he rather easy to pleased. yuya.....maybe some new pendulum cards or a table...yuri...some flower seeds..I don't want to buy anything for killua. I already made imoto's gift.
"We need to buy a table for yuya, a new chip for yugo, some flower seeds for yuri and I don't want to buy anything for killua." I cross my arms around my chest as I heard imoto giggled as i chuckled. When we got the gifts but I actully brought something for killua, I really hope that he like it.

 Under the Christmas tree, there were a lot of gifts. after giving my brothers and my sister their gifts, now it was killua's turn. He got a handmade scarf from yuya and Yugo, they struggle a bit. He got a expensive looking ring from yuri as we all look with a worried of where did he got the money to buy the ring. We turn to killua to see that he was crushed a thing while yuri had a smirk on his face. Next it was my gift, it was a blue and white dress. He leaked out an dark aura when he saw my gift. But, when saw of what imoto brought. He smiled warmly as we all freak out from the sudden change of mood. Well me, yuri and Yugo were freak, (y/n) and yuya look at him with happy faces as me and yuri got them to back way from killua.....For safety measures.
"Why are you smiling like that?" Ask Yugo as he was behind the couch.
"Hmmmm, oh nothing. I think I like my girlfriend and the tomato  a little more then usually." We saw that (y/n) and yuya high five each other as they smiled. It was werid seeing killua like this but it was fun messing of him with the dress that I brought...But it was ruined when he said that he would have imoto wearing the dress. I didn't mean to find a dress that fit her..oops...well that take away my fun.

  OH. MY. GOSH. GUYS THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING THIS!!!! I have never thought that this book would be read by people. Much less 1K people read this!! Thank you so much for reading this...Umm I will publish an other story and it will be about yuya have a twin sister. that will be coming so..maybe next year, just fixing a few bugs that I have right now about the summary of the story...OH YEAH HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS OR WHATEVER HOLIDAY YOU GUYS CELEBRATE!! And for next chapters there will be a few drama so yeah! Once again thank you for reading this story and I love you guys very much!!

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