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(Yuya Sakaki)
(Y/n) point of view)
Today is maybe the most strange day ever. So me, killua and dawn were working like we are always and yuri-nii would come to eat our eat like every Wednesday and Friday. But, this Friday was werid because yuri-nii would come by his self but this time he bring someone else. He brought a look a like, but he has different color hair and eyes. He has black and light purple bangs and he has gray like eyes. He is wearing a dull green formal shirt and dark blue tie, as well as a black cape-like garment with ripped sleeves and edges plus dark blue pants and black boot-like shoes. He also has a choker and wristbands, a belt with two Deck holsters on each side. He also has a red scarf tied around his upper right arm that is partially hidden by his sleeve. He looks like one of those boys that are bad boys but, I can tell that he is really nice. When I saw him, killua immediately went to their table. And I can tell that both Yuri-nii and killua are about fight. I speed walk to them before putting my hand on killua's shoulder and he calmed down.
"Hello, welcome to our café. What would you two like?" I didn't stutter mainly because killua is beside me so I wasn't nervous talking to a new person plus yuri-nii is here too.
"The original, (y/n)." I nodded as I turn to the male with shyness.
"What about you eggplant?" Killua said rudely. I kick a little to killua's leg as he give a little Yelp and look at me with a little annoyance face. I just give him a soft smile before turning to the male.
"You sured have the ham sandwich or the ham biscuit. It's really good." The male look confused before ordering the ham biscuit and orange juice. "(Y/n) wait." I look at Yuri-nii to see that he look really serious.
"The paper in the front door said that this the last day of your business. Why is that?" We're moving to a different of the pendulum dimension and I didn't even know where does Yuri-nii even lives. I look away from Yuri-nii cause...I felt like crying for some reason and I don't know why.
"Well you see Yuri...we are moving away." Said dawn sadly as she give the last meal for Yuri-nii and to the other male. Dawn saw the other male before look at the male and me for a few times.
"Who is this?" There was a few of silence we can see that Yuri reaction was greatly upset.
"My name is yuto." Said the male as he eating the ham biscuit that Dawn made.
"Are you really moving?" Said Yuri-nii with sadness as I nodded softly.
"O-oh...well come sit down with us for the last time." Me and Dawn sit down and killua was glaring at yuto while he was standing since there was no more chairs. I got know yuto and discovered that yuto is older then Yuri-nii. And while we talk, killua was being his protective self for some reason. Dawn was talking about on how she save me.
"Dawn, how did you saved (y/n) again?" Ask Yuri as I felt killua's arm around my shoulder and he put his chin on my shoulder.
"Really Yuri!? Ugh. I save (y/n) when she jump out of the car but I don't have her hand good so she fall down the hill and hit her head by a huge tree. And from that she has amnesia so there! Gezz listen would you, you brat!" I saw Yuri-nii eye twitches in annoyance.
"Ughhh! I'm so bored! (Y/n) make me some chocolate balls!" Said killua happily. Killua loves my chocolate balls.
"Okay!" While I was making the chocolate balls I heard the door of the kitchen being open, I turn to see that it was yuto.
"O-oh sorry I thought this was where I would put my dish." I smile shyly as I pointed the sick.
"Thank you want me to help you?" I was more and more shy of yuto as I nodded shyly. We got to talk each other and get know each other better.
(Yugo Sakaki)
(Y/n) point of view)
  The time that I spend with yuto-nii and his friends was the best day I have, especially with lulu since she almost like my childhood friend, rin. My family are going to move to different dimensions, the pendulum dimension. I was crying when I heard about the news that we are moving. I didn't have the heart to tell yuto-nii or friends about because I want to continue to be like a normal day for us. I didn't like seeing my friends or family sad or crying it breaks my heats when that happens. Right now, my family are waiting in the XYZ dimension for three XYZ users to come. They ask for us to go and meet them in the XYZ dimension for they would grab their little siblings and for us to meet them. And Dawn said that we sured say the news about us moving to a different dimension.
"Hey! Miss Dawn, (y/n) and killua. Good morning!" I turn to see two more people that look like yugo-nii and rin. The boy that has crimson eyes, hair and green bangs. The girl has pink hair that is tie with pigtails, light pink side tail and has blue eyes. I felt killua put his arm around my shoulder and pull me close to his body and I place my head on his shoulder. (Not noticing the blush that he has) I smile shyly towards them as dawn hug pretty tight as both the unknown people was trying to get out of her hug.
"Oh may, these two look like you, yuto and you, lulu. I can barely tell you guys apart I may need some name tags so that I can tell on who's who....NONO I need to change your hair color." Killua and shay sighed.
"Old hag you such a idiot. Just look at their hair and image what their hair represents. Like eggplant and tomato."I pinch killua's cheek as he yelp and hiss like a cat.
"Killua please be nice to them." Killua just groan in pain before sighing. I stood with killua behind as I shook both their hands. I did feel like crying but I lucky didn't. "M-my Name is (y/n) it's nice to meet you."
"My name is yuya. Yuto talk at lot about you...and you too Killua." I turn to yuto as I saw that he is blushing in embarrassment.
"Hello it's nice to meet, my name is zuzu and my brother and sister also talk about you, killua and Dawn." Dawn seem to be proud when zuzu said her name. So, Dawn give lulu a hug, she was going to give shay a hug but he jump away from her.
"Anyways, Dawn the art shop you own with your family said that it was close for good, why?" Me and Dawn look away from them with sad expression. Killua was the one who said it.
"Listen...we are moving away from the Synchro dimension and living in a new dimension." I felt some tears coming down my face. I mean a guy and a girl who look like my older twin brother and my childhood friend and telling them that we were moving away was...hard and heartbreaking for me since yuto-nii and lulu remind me of my brother and childhood friend.  I felt someone wrap away my tears as I heard a angrier growl. I look up and to see yuto-nii and lulu in front of me and I don't want them to see look this.
"(Y/n) look at us it's okay." Said yuto-nii softly as I slowly turn my head to them.
"You know you sured of tell us about this." Yuto hug softly and gently just like yugo-nii, same warmth and same gentleness that yugo-nii would have.
"I'm...I'm was scared to telling you this." I said quietly but yuto-nii and lulu heard me. Yuto-nii hug me a little tighter as I hug him back, still feeling tears coming down my face and I let out some soft sobs.
"Hey cheer up! We can still have the best day with everyone!" Said yuya as zuzu agree with him.
"Yeah. Yeah. You're right. We sured spend our time together instead of crying. So, stop crying (y/n)!" Said Dawn as she pat my back really hard that cause me to choke and cough. Killua then hit Dawn from her back and she give a small yell before felling on the ground facedown. We, expect for killua, laugh at the scene before I help Dawn up on her feet before she started to chase killua but he was much faster than her. For the rest of the day we hang out with yuya and zuzu and they were nice people. Yuya was the cheerful guy more cheerful than yugo-nii and zuzu was like rin and when killua try to something rude to her, she took out a huge fan and hit him with it and he got really mad that he broke her fan. Dawn then started to scold killua about brokening zuzu's fan and how he needs to buy zuzu a new fan. It was a funny and happy last day that I had with yuto-nii, yuya, zuzu, lulu and with shay.
(Yuri Sakaki)
(Y/n)'s point of view)
Today was the day that everything will end of our brother-sister bond that I have with yuya-nii. Actually this is the reason that I ask for yuya-nii to come to the fusion dimension, to perform the last duel in the fusion dimension before we move to the pendulum dimension. Yuya-nii brought his older brother and a friend to come and see us. His name is yugo and he also look like my Yuri-nii. And the friend, her is rin and she was rude to me so I don't like her that much. Yugo has yellow bangs that is swept to the right and blue hair in the back, he also has cyan eyes. He wearing  a outfit of a biker. Rin has aqua-green hair with light green sidetails and she has orange eyes. And she is wearing a biker outfit like yugo. We tell yuya-nii and his friends that we were moving and his reacted very sad and I was trying out to cry but I do let a few tears fall. And for the last duel we ask to have a battle royal and they agreed. So in the last duel, killua,yuya-nii,yugo and rin are dueling. Dawn already lost and was now whining in the floor. Rin is really ruthless when she duela but she strong. Yugo is his duel runner to duel not that anyone is complicating but he's strong also especially with his clear wing synchro dragon. Yuya was a pro for this with his Performapal and magician deck. Killua is powerful so the other three have to be careful by him.
"Ladies and gentleman! For the final act of the day! I'm activing the card smile world and with this card each of our monster will get 100 ATK for each monster on the field." Each monster has 600 ATK points. Rin lost to killua as Yugo lost to yuya-nii and that only leaves killua and yuya-nii. Yugo was also whining on the floor as rin was scolding him.
"I got killua you're a great and powerful duelist that I meet....well before Declan." Killua got a little annoy about that for some reason.
"Well then yuya why don't we make this the best duel that this crowd have ever seen." yuya-nii shivered a little by the way that killua actually said his name. The cowrd went wild when killua and yuya-nii duel got amazing was so amazing that dawn pass out when killua won the duel but he was so close to lose.
"So, your name is (y/n)?" I almost forgot that yuya-nii brought his brother and his friend.
"Y-yes." I answer shyly as I saw rin glaring at me as I shrived by the glares. I saw killua coming towards us and he hug my shoulder protectively as he glare at rin as she hide behind Yugo and then Yugo glares back at killua. It was like a glares war but it was stop by yuya-nii.
"Yugo, rin meet (y/n), killua and dawn, who's on the floor."
"Stupid banana thinks that his girlfriend can just hate everyone around her." Yugo blush but he was also annoy about something.
"MY NAME IS YUGO NOT BANANA!!" He yelled so loud that I jump into killua in fear.
"FUSION!? THAT'S IT COME HERE!!" Yugo try to get killua but kind of punch him in the face and Yugo pass out on the floor. Today wasn't best day that we had but it was fun until it lasted.
(Yuto Sakaki)
(Y/n)'s point of view)
Everything is okay before we were moving in pendulum dimension and I was so sad but me and killua really don't have friends where we are. I guess that I was little happy to tell Yugo that we were moving, mostly because he can stop saying that I have a brother. I already know that dawn isn't my mom, she already told me that I was abandon when I was just a baby. It made killua really mad that learn I was abandon by my parents maybe that why he is really protect of me. He won't let Yugo come close when he isn't beside me. Besides i'm happy that a family that cares about and that I have a friend so I can talk about......But, for some reason I....I want to believe Yugo that I have a brother. Well my heart want to believe that I have a brother but my mind doesn't. It's a battle between my heart and my mind to believe that I have a brother. I didn't tell mom or killua about this but I will have a dreams about a boy that looks like Yugo but he is different. He has black hair with little purple bangs and has gray eyes and I have the same color bangs to my streaks color. He is like wearing a punk style outfit but I know that he is nice by the way his eyes looks.
"HEY (Y/N)!" I jump by the sudden yell of the name as I was walking nash in the park. I turn to see Yugo and another person that looks like him but he looks different from yugo. He has purple hair, eyes and pink underneath the purple hair. He wearing a officer uniform or something like that. Nash growled at Yugo as he was getting nervous about nash. The boy next to him look at Yugo with annoyance before glaring at nash as nash was scared that his tail was between his legs and he hide behind me whimpering. I rub nash's head in hope that he will stop shacking but he won't stop shacking and whimpering.
"Ummmmmmm. Yuri you don't have to scared nash!" Yugo said in anger to the boy, yuri.
"You're scared of a dog. really?" Yuri pointed at nash as nash was tugging on the leash trying to going away from yuri. I then started to walk or more like run because of nash as Yugo and yuri Chase after me and nash.
"Hey wait up (y/n)!" I didn't stop running as nash claw the front door before killua opened the door. killua look at us before looking at Yugo and yuri and look darkly at Yugo and yuri. Yugo was slowly backing away but yuri was actually walking towards us.
"Hey my name is yuri. Nice to meet you." I look confuse as I shyly shook his hand.
"Oops sorry of scaring your dog." nash run inside and killua at nash with a shocking look.
"Sorry bunny but I don't who you are but I don't care. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Banana we have something to tell you. We are moving." Killua said the last part motionless. Yugo look really sad maybe because mom and I can fix his duel runner really good. And before I know it killua was sent flying to the house as I yelp loudly. Yuri just punch killua as me and Yugo gasp in horror of killua dark aura. Everything was not okay at first but mom came and kick them some place that really hurt the boys. I didn't know where because Yugo cover my eyes. With yugo saying 'ohhh that got to hurt being hit, under the belt.'

Yugioh Arc-V Dimensions boys sister scenarioWhere stories live. Discover now